Never Ȃ̶̩̺̙̠̰̤̇̀̃̓̾̐̓̇͝ļ̴̪͎̘͓̜̹̫̝̑̊͐͒͛̕͝ͅo̵̦̟̭̯̹̹̠̓̍̒̾͂̏̀̓̈́n̷̛̛͇̭͛̃͑̑̀e̵͒

774 20 10


Your POV


I kept going...


and faster

and faster...

To be honest...

I don't know where I was going...

I just wanted to get away from them all, from Wilbur, Tommy, Philza, and Techno...

They are clingy, possessive, and... and...


They scare me. . . :(

No... Not anymore...

They won't find me ever again, I hope.. I need them to never find me again.

I saw a town, it was filled with lights and pretty flowers, I haven't seen flowers for a long time.

I walked over and sat admiring the beautiful colors and soft petals, 

I reached out and stroked the lovely soft petals, I looked back to my wings.

there were leave's, small sticks, and some dirt too, I decided to preen my wings.

It felt peaceful and soothing, Wilbur use to preen my wings a lot but now I can do it myself,

about ten minutes later I was done my wing shinned in the sunlight projecting the beautiful rainbow like colors.

I looked back to the town I saw and started to walk over to it, with each step I too the lighter I felt, I was finally free I could now see the world sure I was still considered a nestling but I'll be fourteen in two years!


1 Hour Later


' Wow! Everyone is so nice here! '

I thought leaving a small grin on my face, 

I kept looking around at everything that fascinated me.

I probably should have been paying attention because I accidently bumped into someone,              " whoops.. Sorry about that, I wasn't looking at where I was going. " I apologized

" Y/N!? " They guy shouted in what sounded like a surprised tone, I look up at him in confusion before I realized it was.. " GEORGE!? " I yelled in surprise.

" How- what..- " He stuttered, " IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS! " he suddenly shouted making me flinch, " WHAT HAPPENED!? " He questioned bending down to my height.


20 Minutes Later...

The Flock // Dark SBI X CHILD!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now