~ Death? ~

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You laid sleeping soundly in the shared room with Tubbo and Ranboo, NOT. You were wide awake and planned your escape and possibly faking your death! Yep you heard right faking your death. You might be wondering how would you possibly do that?

Well for a while now you learnt about the item called replication amulet which as the name suggests replicates stuff, but does that mean you get a clone? Kind of, you get a lifeless clone of yourself which you can do whatever the fuck you wanted with.

But how or where would you get it? Easy! Skeppy. How does Skeppy have it? Well he likes to replicate stuff that he likes as well as stuff he uses for trolls he pulls on everybody, he keeps it in a obvious spot being under his bed where you found it and were keeping it for future usages which was now.

You snuck through the dark hallway that had many doors with names and symbols that represented each member, tiptoeing your way past the kitchen towards the entrance where you opened the door quietly shutting it behind you and started running. You didn't want to use your wings yet due to them being able to get you farther then your legs would.

But once you get tired you shot up to the moonlight lit sky's and the millions of stars that filled the endless sky, as soon as you felt you were at a good distance you held out the amulet and placed it to your chest. A light glowed from the forest and down went Y/n well the fake one at least.

It was unharmed but most certainly not alive, but you couldn't leave it like that. You had cause it damage...

So you got to work, you tore the beautiful rainbow feathers messily spreading some blood from them. You then brought out a pocket knife taking a shaky breath before stabbing the fake repeatedly being careful not to get any blood anywhere but your hands, soon the fake Y/n was covered in cuts and blood. You calmed your breathing reminding yourself it was never alive but it still made you visibly pale from just stabbing the ragdoll.

You picked up all the evidence and took it to a river close by where you dumped everything including the amulet, you washed off all traces of blood and continued on your way to escape. You knew that you had to stay somewhere with food and water, but also a place hidden enough so you wouldn't be found by anybody.

That's where you found it, a cave. It was hidden behind a magical looking waterfall, and only a few miles away was an orchid that had decent fruit. It was like a fairytale come to life, deciding this is your home now you landed feeling exhausted from all the flying and running you did. For once you could sleep peacefully.


Tubbo tired but he wanted to make sure that you were there, he had a nightmare about his parents abandoning him and since you remind him of somebody...he seeks your attention and affection, so to say the look on his face when he found you were gone was priceless. He squawked loudly his bird instincts were going haywire looking for what their nest referred to as the nestling, his squawks got louder sounding distressed. Ranboo yawned seeing his friend panic before realizing why he was panicking and started to panic himself! 

Dream and Sapmap came in to tell them to shut up to only receive a Tubbo yelling " Y/N'S GONE!" In their faces before they ran around looking for you, everybody else who had also heard Tubbo trashed the place looking for the nestling.

Soon enough the search turned to the outdoors with the entire nest panicking looking for the youngest member, Quakity was on the ground trying to see if you were there, Karl, Bad, Skeppy and Jack were helping. The rest were in the sky mostly.

It was until Quakity smelt something, blood...- He raced towards the scent the others noticing him sprint into the forest. He stopped, others who had spotted him had just reached the sight but not seeing what was ahead.

Quakity once again ran towards the smell and dropped to his knees his friends walked closer before stopping like he did. Seeing rainbow feathers spread across the ground messily covered by scarlet red, understanding the situation most of them cried or were even sobbing over the body that laid limply on the ground.

Meanwhile you laid fast asleep oblivious to the fact that....

The eyes from old ' friends '

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