Chapter 27

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Three days of waking up and running to the bathroom to vomit is hell.

I pulled myself up and gargled water before walking back to my bed to see Kun sitting on the couch. "Morning"

"How are you feeling, Brie?"

"awful" He chuckle, I laid on my bed and took my phone "I'll be cooking breakfast, What do you want?"

"Egg, Sunny side up, But please make the yellow part raw"

I can see Kun's brow frowning at me, I chuckled and turned around. I heard the door close and I sighed

I walked to the door and locked it before going to the bathroom again. I opened my cabinet and pulled a box.

Pregnancy Test kit.

I took a deep breath and sat on the toilet.

I am not stupid. All the vomiting might be because Im pregnant. I was sexually active a month ago.

Plus, We never used protection nor I use pills. Making it Possible for me to be pregnant.

I took my phone and start to record a video.

"Jesus, take the wheel." I murmured as I peed on the PTs and waited for 3 minutes.

I was feeling anxious the whole time. I took a very deep breath and Took a peek.

Line. Red line. Two red line.

"fuck" I stared at the PT in shock. All five PTs are Positive. I suddenly felt My heart soften the longer I stare at it.

"Im fucking pregnant, holy shit" I chuckled at my own words and Grinned at the camera, showing all PTs.

"good thing I recorded this moment" I chuckled and stared at the PT again. My eyes started to water, I sniffed and chuckled wiping my eyes with my hands.

I took the Camera and smiled at it while holding The PTs

"I'm fucking pregnant." I uttered and smiled widely. Suddenly one person came in my mind.

"I hope you're here, I don't know how you'd react but Damn, I fucking hate that you're not here with me."

If we are really meant for each other we will meet again.

"I'll raise our child well, Love." I let out a faint chuckle before turning the video off.

I grinned widely and Hid the PTs under my pillow before going downstairs.

"Just in time. Here's your sunny side up."

"Thanks." He sat across me and we started eating our breakfast.

"are the others out for a mission?"

"Yea, oh by the way, I'll be out to buy medical supplies."

"can I come? I want to stroll around the mall." Kun glanced at his watch before nodding.

"I have time to accompany you, Go ahead and finish your food, Brie."

I beamed a smile and ate my food, I walked to my room and changed my clothes and met Kun by the gates.

He drove us to the hospital, I followed him outside and carefully looked around.

I should see a doctor soon, I have to get the baby checked, I have to get checked.

I suddenly halt and stared at Kun. Well, He is a doctor.

I held his arm and bulled him in a room. He stared at me with his brows up. "What is it?"

I ignore him and Pulled my phone out, Putting it on a table and started a video. "what are you doing?"

"I have something to tell you."

"what's with the video first?"

"Uh for uhm documentation." He squinted his eyes at me before leaning at the door frame.

"You are a doctor, Right?"

"I am, Why? You know I am a freaking doctor, Brie"

"Well, Can you take a look of the baby?" I bit my lip and stared at his expression

"what baby- fuck" He gasped loudly and stood properly. His eyes going down to my stomach her slapping his head

"you're joking, This is a prank, that's why you set that up" He pointed at the phone, I sighed and raised a brow at him. We both stared at each other in silence and he rolled his eyes.

"Good thing we're in my cousin's Office. Go and lay on the bed, Let's find out if your lying or not."

He went out and I took my phone changing the position before laying on the bed.

The door opened again revealing Kun with an ultrasound machine and A woman in a lab gown "Brie meet Kaye, my cousin"

Kaye smiled at me. They both approach me, Kaye slowly lift my shirt as Kun stood beside her with his arms crossed on his chest.

Kaye chuckled at Kun's face before shaking her head. "She might be actually pregnant, Why can't you just believe her?"

"Im convinced that this is just a Prank"

Brie rolled her eyes and just let Kaye apply a cold gel on her stomach "Then let's really find out if your being pranked cousin of mine."

Kaye held the transducer and glide it on my stomach, Kun was just staring at me but then Kaye spoked "are you sure you don't want to bet?"

"I bet 300 dollars, she's not pregnant."

Kaye chuckled and Shake her hwad before smiling at Brie "Congratulations, You're paying up Cousin."

Kaye grinned, Kun's eyes widen and he turned to the monitor. Kaye pointed at the screen while Kun stared at it "there's the Baby. Strong heartbeat, means healthy baby."

"let me" He took the transducer and Checked. While Kaye started conversing with Brie

"Morning sickness is normal. I will Prescribe vitamins and Milk. Also Come back in two week, we need to check the baby."

"Thank you, Kaye."

"anything for my cousin's friend." Kaye walked to her desk and started writing on a paper, While Kun sighed and wipe the gel on my stomach before walking to Kaye.

"Can I do the check up on her? By the looks of it, The baby is 6 weeks old. I can just call you if there any problems."

"I'm the gynecologist here."

"I'm a Psychologist, Orthopedics, A Cardiologist, A surgeon, and not to mention, I studied gynecology for a year."

Kaye sighed and rolled her eyes before handing Kun a paper, I chuckled and Took my phone, I positioned the camera at them

"Fine, But Update me. Give me an update every two weeks." She sternly said before shoving Kun to the side and handed me her card. "call me when you have any concerns."

"Thank you."

She smiled at me and put her arm around Kun seeing us out of her office. "I'll have the stuffs delivered in your place, Tonight."

"can you add an ultrasound machine"

"sure, Just pay me back"

"I'll see you next week." Kun and I walked to the Parking lot, When we got to the car his gaze went to me. "You never fail to surprise me Brie"

"I was surprised too"

"I didn't know what happened to you last month but, Congratulations Brie."

"thank you, Kun" I smiled at him and held my stomach.

You're in a good hands, baby. We're in a good hands.


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