Chapter 1

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The door busted open, revealing a fumming guy, His fist were clenching really hard that his knuckles are turning white. "Where the fuck is Brie?!"

The people in the room rose to meet the guy; they all feared him; they all looked up to him; they all respected him; he is their leader's older brother.

"Hyung" His younger brother, went up to him and handed him the a tablet, showing the last location of Brie before she got disconnected

"We can't locate her nor connect with her, She must have lost her ear piece"

A tear feel from his eye. You can tell the boy haven't slept nor took a rest ever since it's sister went missing

"I-its been- two days, hyung, and yet we still do not know where she is" the youngest sobbed even more. The boy's anger was replaced with sadness.

"S-so it's true, the news is true, my sister has gone missing" The older remarked. His eyes began to water, but he held them, refusing to let them fall.

" What the fuck happened?! I thought she was already on her way back! " A guy yelled, causing everybody in the room to shudder.

" Everyone got disconnected, She was being chased by the Rose Gang. I was trying to reconnect with the others but then she got disconnected too." The boy's eyes welled up.

The younger brother sobbed louder, Blaming himself for leaving his sister "Shh, don't worry, I'm sure our sister is okay"

The older brother tried to reassure him. but deep down inside he knows how dangerous it is for his sister to be alone outside for a long time. "I hope so" he murmured.

Another boy went inside and greeted him." Sir". He wipe his tears and moved his brother on the couch "What is it?".

There was a long silence from the man, He turned a round and raised a brow at him "S-Sir, I have news"

Both brothers averted their attention to the man who seemed to be terrified to utter a single word

" Speak up, Ten!" The guy flinched hearing the older brother demanding for the news

"H-her car, we located her vehicle" Ten uttered making the boys feel relieved, however the look on Ten's face says otherwise

" Where is she now?" The older brother queried.

"her car e-exploded" A tear fell from Ten's eyes. The brothers stilled in their place.

" W-what? No no no!" the younger cried, unable to take the news "noona is alive! Where the fuck is she?"

"I-I'm sorry" He says, his eyes welling up with tears. " H-her vehicle f-fell in the river a-and exploded, our people c-checked the car" He took a deep breath before continuing "there are no signs of h-her."

The brothers can't believe the news; they can't believe their sister is dead, and they can't believe she died in this way.

" No! This can't be true! Find her! Find my fucking sister!" The eldest shouted. Ten was on the brink of collapsing from the shock of the news, but he fought back and delivered it to her brothers.

" My sister is alive! Please find her" said the younger. Ten sighed and nodded as he decided to return to the headquarter.

The brothers who were holding their tears back, finally let their emotions out, The older hugged his brother tightly "H-hyung, noona- she's n-not dead r-right?"

"I-I dont know" "Hyung please tell me she's alive, I can't live without her hyung, I cant" The brother wipe his tear and gave him a small smile

"I-Im sure she's f-fine"the brother tighten his hug as tears pool his eyes " It only has been 2 days, W-we can still find her" The two brothers broke down.

The Men outside where furious and oblivious by the news they have heard.

" I-I should have stayed" A guy uttered while tears falling on his cheeks."She mentioned she needed back up, but the line suddenly c-cut off"

There are full of regrets and misery on their faces as the news was brought to them

" How are the brothers, Ten?" Another guy spoke in the corner.

"T-they're not handling it well, Kun"

Kun let out a breath and stared at the monitor "There's really no way Brie would die that Way!"

"I-will fucking murder those people" the man said as he jumped up and took his gun, but the eldest restrained him.

"Xiaojun!" the eldest in the room stopped Xiaojun. "What? They decided to kill Brie! They fucking killed her!"

"I-I know" The eldest uttered. Xiaojun scoffed and pushed him away" You know? Therefore you should know that All those bastards shall immediately die Kun!"

" Xiaojun! Please just stop, Sir has requested us to focus on finding for her" Ten stood between them.

" Search for her? You were the one who checked her car! It was excessively wrecked! It's impossible to survive in that mishap!" Xiaojun yelled at Ten making all the people in room go in panic

"I saw that, but that doesn't imply she'll die in it!" Ten yelled back at the emotional man

"Doors were cracked, windows were shattered, it was caught on fire, it was already on fire as it floated down the freaking river!" Xiaojun yelled, his tears rolling down his face.

" Boys, stop!" Kun yelled furiously, attempting to prevent them from arguing this is not the moment for them to argue, their leader's brothers are not taking it too well and they should be strong for the sake of their leader's brother.

"Where is Yangyang?" a man wondered. Xiaojun averted his gaze, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ten wiped his tears before answering "He didn't want to leave the scene, so he remained."

"Lucas, can you bring him back? please" Kun uttered, Lucas sighed and walked away from the scene to bring the wailing youngster home.

"I know you feel really terrible right now because Brie's missing, but believe me, Brie is very much alive" Kun sought to reassure Xiaojun " B-but what if she isn't?"

"I'm certain she's alive" Kun said as he embraced the boy, and they both wailed. The siblings in another room were a sobbing mess, dealing with the loss of their sister.


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