Chapter 35

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday my dearest Eno! Happy birthday to you!"

Eno smiled and Run to his mother engulfing her in a tight hug "Happy birthday my ray of sunshine"

"Thank you mommy!"

"Blow the candle, Baby" Eno pulled away from the hug and blow his candles.

Brie smiled and carried Eno to the kitchen. Eno sat in the high chair as Brie put his cake down and Light the other cake.

"Can you do mommy a favor and blow your sister's candles?"

Eno grinned and blow the other cake. Brie smiled and the door suddenly opened revealing the boys.

"where's the my favorite birthday boy?"

"Uncle Jae!" Eno jumped from the chair and Ran to Jaehyun.

The other went inside and greeted Brie. Taeil went to the kitchen and started opening the foods he cooked for Eno's birthday.

"How about Uncle Chan? Don't you miss uncle Chan?"

"I saw you yesterday, Uncle Chan" Sungchan embarrassedly scratch his head and just walk towards Brie leaning his head on his sister's shoulder

"I guess I miss being babied by my sister"Brie chuckled and pat his head before sharing his Iced Tea with him.

"I told you to stay here, But you declined my offer"

"Dad's making me train with Sicheng hyung."

Speaking of Winwin...

"Is he here?"

"Unfortunately, no. But he told me to give Eno his gift."

"Oh" After their argument in Brie's house, Winwin never showed himself again to Brie. Although they communicate but only when it comes to missions.

"Mom, Can I open my gifts now?"

"later, baby. Let's have lunch first okay? Also your Uncle Mark called, He's taking you out later."

"Twinny!"Brie's brows furrowed at Eno's words. Eno Grinned and held his Mom's hand

"Uncle Mark said we're like twins mommy, because we are both handsome"

Brie rolled her eyes and let Sungchan carry Eno. Everyone started filling the table. They sang Happy birthday to Eno and the boy blowed the candles from the Cake Kun baked.

"Happy 5th birthday, handsome" "Happiest birthday Boy!"

Everyone started eating until the door opened revealing Mark. He smiled at everyone and Waved at Eno.

"Uncle Mark is here, mom! Can I go now? Please? Please?"

Brie shake her head and told Eno to finish his food first. Mark greet the other and Ruffled the boy's hair. "Happy birthday Buddy!"

"Thank you Uncle Mark!"

"have a seat, Mark.  What do you want to eat?"

"I'm good. I'm just here to pick Eno for my little gift" Brie raised a brow at Mark while Mark chuckled. "chill, Its the usual."

"You keep on taking My kid out these days, Mark."

"I swear We're just playing in park or at the mall sometimes we're in an amusement park having fun. No need to worry."

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