Just a normal day.

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Ok guys here is the first paragraph for my new story and I say somewhere in it that I can sing and dance along with my friends, I can't, I don't know about them but I can't so that bit is a dream!! ;)

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I looked outside at the cloudy, grey sky. What a day to play a game around London. Well I call it a game. I was on the way to pick up my three bestest friends in the world, Lauren, Sophie and Eve. We were all 18 and obsessed over boy bands, clothes and telly. It was a Saturday morning and we were meeting with some of our other friends from school and two teachers. We had to do some sort of game thing because we did something naughty... it wasn't that naughty... we just spray-painted some "words" around the school and blamed it on the Year 7's, it wasn't that bad; but anyway, we had to do this thing where we were in teams and we had a list of places to go and you had to go there and take pictures and the first team back doesn't get double detention, so trust me, we were prepared!!!! We couldn't stand another detention.


I picked all the girls up, Sophie and Eve in the back and Lauren in the front with me. I had a Mini Cooper Countryman Convertible in blue, the best car ever! Everyone knew that as long as it wasn't raining, snowing or thunderstorms, I will have my roof down and my music up as high as it will go. As we were talking, we suddenly hit traffic.

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, BLOODY TRAFFIC!!" Lauren is one of these people that can get mad at the slightest of things.

"Calm down, we left early so we could get there early, the teachers can't tell us off for that, they wouldn't dare!" Sophie replied, getting worked up as well. I suddenly thought of an idea which would save us from dying in the standstill.

"Hey, why don't we just stand up in the car and dance until we have to move? We always do it at red lights, let's do it now to entertain ourselves!" I was the kind of girl who liked pop, rap, hip hop and anything really. I always made CD's with my favourite songs on, I put one CD in and 'My songs know what you did in the dark' came on. When my music is on full volume, you can feel the bass in other cars. We were all there singing, we learn lyrics to songs faster than vocabulary!!!! Everyone was starting to stare at our car but we didn't care because people can't tell us off, my car, MY RULES! The amount of songs on this CD that we got up and danced to was unreal! Eve then got a text from Cameron, one of our friends who was going to the double detention game as well today.


"JUST SHOUT OUT WHAT THE TEXT SAYS!!" I replied. No way was I turning this song down, 'Tidal Waves' was an epic song.

"OK WELL IT SAYS WHERE ARE YOU? THE TEACHERS AREN'T THERE YET, BUT EVERYONE ELSE IS!!!" In the end Eve text back saying we were stuck in traffic and we were making our entertainment in the car and everyone else seemed to enjoy is as well, they will just have to wait for us! We had moved about 5 centimetres (slight exaggeration) and now we are next to a massive red double decker cruise bus. Block the sun why don't you? We just carried on singing, we are all really good because we go to a performing arts school in London, we all live on the outskirts of Central London so we are used to the traffic but it still annoys us!!!

"Look at the size of that bus, that is massive!" Mirrors came on the CD, YES! Lauren and me ignored what Sophie just said and got up and started dancing. (We were good at that as well).

"Yeah and it's blocking our sunlight!!!" I screamed. Little did we know who was the other side of the window...

~Louis' P.O.V~

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