The Ball...

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Ok then this chapter is going to be explosive, it involves me being kissed by someone I don't like, in fact I HATE THIS PERSON! But what will happen?

~Hannah's P.O.V~

We got there and after I put my phone in my clutch, I was ready to get out of the car. One Direction got out first and the screaming was so loud it was unreal. I got out the car and straight away, the French fans were calling my name and so were the paparazzi. Why were they calling my name? I went over and talked to some of the fans and took pictures. Then, Harry dragged me over for some pictures with the group, I was in the middle next to Harry, of course. I was interviewed by MTV for the telly, the whole arriving part was being broadcast live on a french channel, the girls back home managed to find the right channel and I could feel my phone vibrating in my bag as I walked along the red carpet and passed actors, actresses, more singer and other famous people. I couldn't believe I was here with One Direction.


After 30 minutes, we followed the signs upstairs and walked into the massive hall where this ball was being held. It was beautiful. Fairy lights were hung up around the room and around the stage. There was obviously going to be some performances tonight. As I stood there with One Direction, I recognised someone's face. She was stood next to The WANTED. I looked over and she looked at me, we immediately clocked who each other were and ran screaming at each other. "SHAUNA!!!!!!!! OMG! Your the fan, that they have brought to this ball!" I said as I hugged her.

"And your One Direction's? OMG, that is so weird seeing you here, we haven't talked in like AGES! Come and meet the guys. Guys this is Hannah, Hannah this is The WANTED!" 

Shauna had been one of my friends since the beginning of secondary school, we used to obsess over boybands in our maths lessons and when she got to go paintballing with The WANTED, they must have stayed in contact because she says that they are the best of friends now. I got kisses on the hand from 3 of the boys and my hand shaken by Tom and Jay. I was so flattered. Then I grabbed Shauna and pulled her over to One Direction.

"Guys this is Shauna, one of my friends from school!!" They all said Hi to her, Harry not taking his eyes of me. Then suddenly Justin Timberlake walked through the door, I almost had a panic attack. I just looked at him and gave him a quick sexy glance and left him hanging. I don't care if he is 32 and I'm 18, I'm having fun tonight.

"Your at it already!!!" Shauna and me just laughed. We told One Direction to go and be sociable with all their friends in the room, Harry was the last to leave, he just looked at me.

"You gonna be alright?"

"I'm going to be fine, now go and talk to Grimmy or someone, I'll be fine." I replied and he just hugged me and walked off. We went and sat down at a table, they had a few along one side of the room, incase you didn't want to stand for the whole night. A waiter came over and gave us two glasses of champagne. I just said "Thank You" as he walked off.

"You still have the whole sexy thing going on then? Still got it in your dancing?"

"Uh maybe!! Anyway hows things been going with you?" We talked for about an hour and caught up with what the other person had been doing. "Don't you kind of think that you don't have the authority to go and talk to anyone in this room? I have that!" Shauna just nodded at me.

~Harry's P.O.V~

It was so good to catch up with Greg, Grimmy and Jamela. They are such fun to be around!! I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for her and Shauna because they didn't know anyone in the room and I think that they don't feel like they have the authority to talk to anyone but don't worry, Jamela is going over there now and talk to them.

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