The Detention Game...Part 1...

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Ok sorry for the first long chapter, I just wanted to put so much information in it!!!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

This sounds like the best game of trying to get out of detention EVER!!! Bascially, we are in teams of 4, so there is around 5 groups and we have all been given a list and we have to go to these sights and take pictures to actually show we have been there and then come back and whichever team is the first back doesn't get double detention, the second group only get's one detention and the other three groups get the double detention!!! We are going to win. We are the DREAM TEAM!!! I'm driving... bad idea. The fact that we have the most annoying teachers ever it's unreal. Mr Robbins and Mrs Austin. You do not understand how irritating they are. They gave us a lecture for about 20 minutes about driving carefully (Yeah whatever) and being kind to people when trying to take pictures... I think I fell asleep. Lauren got told off for NATURALLY yawning whilst Mr Robbins was talking; how UNFAIR!!!

"PLEASE TAKE YOUR POSITIONS IN THE CAR!!!!!! WE WILL COMMENCE AT 10:30AM!!!" I drowned out the sound of the teachers by blasting Labrinth 'Earthquake' out loud. We got some more coke out and drank before our outing. I started revving the pedal as it was 10:55am.

"Labrinth is officially EPIC!" Lauren shouted over the noise. As the clock struck 11am, I sped off leaving all the other cars behind. We were back on the road and the first location was Westminster, it said 'Get a picture with Big Ben'. I had an idea.

"This is going to be easy, we could do two, one with all of us in and one with one of us either 'holding' it or 'pushing' it, you know, when your closer to the camera than the actual thing!"

"That's actually a good idea! Step on it!!!" Lauren replied getting excited! We sped all the way to Westminster and got out. We got the camera out that we were given by the teachers and took a picture of all of us outside Westminster and then Sophie took a picture of me 'pushing' Big Ben. It worked so well, we crossed that off the list. As the girls were looking at the list deciding where to go next, I didn't really care, that's when I spotted it. The big red bus. Our music was still blasting out of the car. That's when it happened. One Direction stepped out of the bus; or the tour bus as it was now established that it was theirs.

~Harry's P.O.V~

As we all stepped out of the tour bus, we spotted the Mini again and immediately started looking around for the girls and that's when I saw her. I didn't really get a look at her face when she was dancing in the car but now I had, she was the most beautiful girl ever. But that was interrupted by her three friends dragging her into the car and screaming 'Let's GO!' And with that she was in the car driving away.

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I can't believe it. Should I tell the girls or not? They decided in the end that we were going to do all the destinations on the list that were furthur out and then make our way back into the centre. The next place was Westfield Shopping centre. I took a picture with them and then we decided that we could look around for 15 minutes or so. I went off to get a coffee whilst Sophie and Eve went to look in Forever 21 and Lauren went to the toilet. It was so busy in Starbucks. I hate queueing for things.

Eventually I got my cappuccino and walked out the shop. I decided to check my phone. I walked along past all these shops and replied to Lauren's text about her peeing, not that I cared anyway and checked Facebook when suddenly, I bumped into someone and spilt my cappuccino over them.

"Shit I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!!!" I said as I started wiping down his T-shirt with my sleeve.

"No problem, I think your making it worse." The voice sounded familiar. I looked up and stood in front of me was Harry Styles. The others were a few paces behind. He looked at me with his big, green eyes which were glistening in the light.

"I...I...I'm REALLY sorry!!!! I'll just go and find some paper or something to clean that up, I'm such a dick-" He stopped me grovelling.

"Just stop talking for a second, your the girl at Westminster and the one dancing in the car with her friends aren't you?"

"Um yeah well that's embarrassing, I didn't realise that was your tour bus!!"

"No problem, it was pretty cool actually, what's your name?" I stared at him. He was so much hotter in person. His curls bounced perfectly and he was nearing 6ft, taller than me because I only stood at 5ft 11.

"My name is Hannah, don't worry I know all of yours." Now talking to all the boys who were stood behind Harry. They all looked and smiled at me. They were so welcoming. "Do you want me to go buy you a new T-shirt? I don't mind honestly!!!"

"Honestly it's fine, it's only a little stain, nothing for you to worry about. Why you here then?"

"Long story short, we spray painted "words" around the school and blamed it on the Year 7's so we are playing a game where we have a list and you have to go and take pictures to show that your there to show the teachers and the first team back doesn't get double detention, the second group back only gets detention once and then the other 3 teams get the double detention, but we have some time to kill so Sophie and Eve are shopping and Lauren just text me about her peeing in the toilet, such a lovely friend." All the boys just stood there and laughed. Was that good or bad? 

~Louis' P.O.V~

Hannah seemed so funny and interesting and so did her friends but she didn't have time to chat because they were in the middle of the most funniest detention game I have ever heard of. We took pictures with Hannah on her own camera and the one she was given by the teachers, to see if she could get any bonus points for them! I wish we could stay with them the whole day, especially Hannah, she seemed really cool.

~Harry's P.O.V~

She was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Her eyes were like pools of water, they were so clear and glimmered in the light, her skin was perfectly soft and her height was really cute, she was smaller than me, she could bury her head in my chest and I could kiss her forehead like a proper couple, when she hugged me before saying goodbye, I melted inside, she must have heard my heart beating faster than usual. She gave me goosebumps and she was a little minx as well. I liked that. A lot.

~Hannah's P.O.V~

As I said goodbye to One Direction, not that I wanted to leave them, I hugged them all and it felt so right when I hugged Harry, I told them where we were going and they took a picture of the list  I had and then that was it. They said "See ya around" and they were gone, I rushed out to the car and saw them all waiting for me.

"Where have you been??"

"Hurry up we are going to lose!!" I didn't care about that anymore.

"Don't worry, I just got us some bonus points, you know that big red bus? It was One Direction's tour bus! I just bumped into them, literally, and got picture's so if that doesn't get us off detention, nothing will!!" They all looked shocked and surprised.

"Since when??" Lauren looked quite pissed off.

"I will explain more in the car, let's go!!!" We all got back in the car and sped of to our next location, Buckingham Palace. We took a jokey picture and then a serious one, then I got a phonecall from the teacher. (We all had to put an emergency phone number into our phone's incase someone fell in the Thames or something like that).

"Hello Hannah, it's Sir here. Um there is an hour break just about starting, you can go and have some lunch if ya want and shop, but the game restarts at 1pm, so don't be too long!" And he hung up. I told the girls and we ran back to the car and drove back to Westfield Shopping Centre. I think you can guess why...

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