Chapter 5

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I groaned and rolled over in my bed. I fell off my bed with a loud thud. I saw Blake standing at my door, with tears in his eyes.

"Oh god. Hurry up, we're leaving in half and hour. I put a few exercise books in your bag and your uniform is in the lounge room" He said after calming down a bit.

I nodded, still on the floor. I picked myself up and looked at the mess that was my face at the mirror. How was anybody going to befriend me? I thought.

Blake and I got ready and left.

He was my age so we were in year 10 together.

We arrived at my new school and everybody was happy and carefree.

Blake took me to the office and gave me my timetable.

"We have no classes together" he looked at me, pouting.

"But I think you have Food Tech and Maths with Mason" he said.

I smiled.

"At least I have classes with one of you boys" I liked Mason, he was a really fun kid to hang around and Food Tech would be more fun and he'd make maths interesting.

I was in 10 Gold and Blake was in 10 Indigo. Jordan was in 10 Blue and Mason was in 10 Red.


I walked over to class and everybody looked at me. I froze.

"Hello, you must be Kiara McKenzie" a warm, kind voice said.

"Yes" I replied.

"I'm Miss Johnston, your homeroom and Maths teacher. You can go sit down next to that young fellow over there. Dylan, put your hand up"

A very attractive guy raised his hand.

"Dylan, I want you to be Kiara's tour guide and get her to fit in with people" The teacher said.

Dylan nodded and I sat down next to him.

"Hello, I'm Dylan" He said in a sweet voice.

"I'm Kiara" I smiled at him and looked away.

"Why did you look away?" He questioned me.

"Because I hate my smile" I said, shamefully.

"Don't hate it. It's beautiful" he lifted up my chin whilst saying that. I raised my eyebrows and Miss. started talking.

We had science and we had to go to the lab.

"10 GOLD, QUIET DOWN" he yelled.

I looked at Dylan and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, as I told you last week, today we will be dissecting a frog as part of our biology topic. You need to do this properly in order to get a good mark on your topic test. I will be grading you on this and it will go on your report. New girl" The teacher pointed at me. "You will dissect the frog, but you will not be assessed on it. I expect you to know about an animal's body"

I disliked the fact that he addressed me as 'new girl'.

I nodded and we chose our lab groups. I was with Dylan and a girl, called Lanii.

"STOP DYLAN" I yelled at him.

"DYLAN, SERIOUSLY, STOP" Lanii now yelled at him.

He was holding the cut up frog and shoving it in our faces, the foul smelling, rotting animal filled our noses.

"DYLAN. PUT THE FROG DOWN. YOU WILL NOT FINISH THE DISSECTION AND YOU WILL HAVE TO DO YOUR TEST ON WHAT YOU'VE DONE SO FAR. AM I CLEAR?" the teacher bellowed from the front of the class. Lanii and I were snickering, trying so hard not to laugh.


"No, no, nothings wrong sir" Lanii said.


"I'm scared of this teacher" I whispered to Lanii.

"Yeah, I hate him" she told me.

The bell rings.

"Thank god that's over. That was the most draining class ever" Dylan whined.

"Not really, only because you got in trouble" I said.

Dylan stayed quiet.

"KIAAAAARAA" I heard somebody shout my name. I looked around and saw Mason violently waving at me.

We walked over to Mason.

"Who are these people?" Mason asked.

I introduced each other.

"What do you have now Kiara?" Lanii said.

"English" I replied

"SAME" Dylan's voice startled me.

I nodded and we walked to out English class, leaving Lanii to go to Commerce and Mason to Spanish.

School finished and we went to mine and Blake's house to talk to each other about the band.

"We should start a YouTube channel, it's the only way people can listen to us and tell us what they think" Jordan suggested.

"That's a good idea" I said.

"We should call our channel, Behind Masks" Mason said.

"That's the smartest thing you've ever come up with" Blake said, sarcastically.

Mason pouted.

Blake made our channel and got his video camera which he told us he had kept in his cupboard and never used.

Blake was our computer, technical guy.

"What are we going to play?" Blake said.

We all looked at each other, waiting for somebody to answer, but nobody did.

Finally, Jordan said "maybe we can play, King for a day by Pierce the Veil and Kellin Quinn?"

"That's a good song, but can Kiara scream?" Blake asked.

All of a sudden, I just belted out the first verse to the song and Blake, Jordan and Mason looked at me, impressed.

"So, that song?" Mason said.

Everybody nodded.


A/N: Sorry if I don't update asap, I dont have any WiFi to do so and if I do get WiFi, I might not have written the chapter yet lol :p

BTW 1: everything's on Kiara's POV unless I state otherwise.

I feel really smart writing this fanfic because I'm writing stuff with a lot of good vocabulary and shit but in real life, I don't actually use it which is stupid.

Thankyou for reading and please comment, vote and tell your friends.......

BTW 2: if you don't know any of the songs or bands or whatever just tweet me @heyitsleen_ and I'll help you understand it bettah.

BTW 3: I'm basing the characters school off my school and our homerooms are in colour. I'm in 9 Gold and choosing Kiara to be in 10 Gold so I can't forget what homeroom she's in. Smart eh?

BTW 4: The Never Ever are introduced in this chapter and I don't know much about them except for their names so please exuse me.

BTW 5: I don't think Forever Ends Here will be in the fanfic bc then there will be too many characters and people and stuff lol.

BTW 6: lub chooooos ((shit I know but idgaf))

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