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After he spoke, Hyunjin started panicking. He tried calming down, but he knew it wouldn't work. With one last look at Chan, he walked out of the room and went to grab his stuff. Jeff followed him, worried about his friend.
"Where are you going?" Jeff asked Hyunjin.
" I don't feel well so I'll be heading home now. Sorry about that."
"Oh okay," replied Jeff, looking concerned. "Take care of yourself on the way home and take a rest or something."
"I will." Replied Hyunjin. He wanted to get home as soon as possible so he took the bus home instead of his usual walk. Once he got home, he immediately went to his room and buried himself in his blankets, not even bothering to change. As he lay there, he was thinking about how the universe seemed to dislike him or something like that. Why did he have to meet again with Chan now? He eventually fell asleep, hoping he would be able to sleep away the whole day.

Hyunjin remembers the day he met Chan like it was yesterday. He was about twelve years old, and had just gotten home from school. He didn't like going home, because then he had to go back with his parents, but it's not like he had any other choice. As Hyunjin got home, he started cleaning the house before his father got home or else hua father would get really mad. As he was taking out the trash, he saw a boy in the front yard of the house in front of his. He didn't recognize the boy, but then remembered that they had moved there a week ago. He hadn't realized he was staring until the boy looked at him and started making his way over to Hyunjin's yard. Not really wanting to talk to the boy for fear of getting in trouble, Hyunjin quickly ran inside. Hyunjin looked out the window and saw that the boy was walking back to his house, but not without looking back and spotting Hyunjin at the window. He waved at him, and Hyunjin shyly waved back. The next day at school,  Hyunjin  was walking in the hallways when he heard someone yelling.
"Hey! You there! You're my neighbor aren't you?  You ran away yesterday!" The voice said, laughing. It was the most beautiful laugh Hyunjin had ever heard, and he turned around to see who it belonged to. It was the boy from yesterday and he was walking toward Hyunjin.
"Hello! I saw you yesterday and I wanted to say hi but you left quickly," the boy said with a cute pout. "My name is Chan, what your name? I'm new here but you probably already guessed that," the boy named Chan said, laughing again.
"My name is Hyunjin, and yes I assumed you were new since I saw you move in last week," Hyunjin replied.
Hyunjin didn't know what to make of the boy named Chan. Usually, people avoided him because he wouldn't speak to anyone and would avoid everyone. Chan was the first person to come up to him and ask his name.
"Would you mind showing me around the school? I need to get to math class but I don't know where to go."
"Sure, follow me," replied Hyunjin, and started making his way over to Chan's math class, since it was a few rooms down from his next class.
"Thanks for showing me where to go! I'll see you at lunch!"
Hyunjin was confuzzled. He didn't know how to respond so he just nodded and walked away.
At lunch time, hyunjin sat in his usual corner, away from everyone. Not that anyone wanted to sit with him anyways. He didn't really fit in with the other kids at school. He started peacefully eating his lunch when out of nowhere, Chan sat in front of him and started talking to Hyunjin about his day was going so far.
"Why are you talking to me?" Hyunjin finally asked Chan, wondering why the boy was talking to him like they had been friends forever.
"What do you mean?" Asked Chan.
"I mean, why are you talking with me and acting like we've been friends for a long time. Don't you see how everyone else stays away from me? You should too if you don't want to be considered 'weird'."
Chan looked confused at Hyunjin's words.
"But, I don't care if they call me weird though. You look like you need a friend, and I just happen to be the lucky guy who gets to be friends with you. If you'll accept me as a friend."
Hyunjin looked at Chan, trying to hold in the tears in his eyes, but one managed to trickle down his cheek. He'd never had someone that wanted to be his friend, only in the orphanage but that was a while back. Chan looked at Hyunjin worried, and started panicking because he thought he had said something wrong. He was about to apologize, but a voice interrupted him.
"Thank you, I would love to be your friend," Hyunjin said, feeling a smile on his face. He hadn't felt happy in a while, and this boy made him feel happiness.
"That's great! We' ll get to walk home from school together, walk to school together, do a bunch of stuff together and it will be fun!" Said Chan.
Hyunjin was genuinely happy for the first time in a while that he had gotten a friend. That was the start of a beautiful friendship that would last forever. Well, Hyunjin wanted it to last forever but things don't usually go the way we want them to.

When Hyunjin woke up, it was late in the afternoon and his stomach was grumbling. He managed to sleep the whole day so obviously he'd be hungry. As he was making food, he remembered the dream he had had. It wasn't displeasing, but he wished he hadn't dreamt about Chan because now he would be feeling sad again at the friendship they had lost. He didn't hate Chan. Far from that. He just wanted to avoid him at all costs. Not because of hate, but because it hurt him to be around Chan. The pain of loosing a friend over something that you didn't do did hurt a lot after all. But it's not like Chan would listen to him anyways.
As Hyunjin was eating, he was planning on how to go about his daily life now that Chan worked at the same workplace. He considered quitting, but it took him a while to find that job and only because Jeff had helped him get it. So he decided to just ignore and avoid Chan and only talk to him when absolutely necessary. Hyunjin finished eating, and he went back to sleep, mentally preparing himself for the next day to come.

Hellaur!! I hope y'all like this chapter sksksksks
I forgot what day I had updated before this and when I realized it had already been a week and I hadn't written anything sksksks 😭😭 so i   L I T E R A L L Y  wrote this all right now. At 2:15 am. Instead of sleeping. Not that I usually sleep but whatever lol 😂
I was thinking of silent cry while writing this Saur...... heheheheh 👹👻🤡🤺
Anyways, if there's any grammar mistakes or typos or some shit like that plz don't mind it 😭 I don't have an excuse for that since English is technically my first language 😭
Feel free to comment any mistakes or any constructive criticism because like I really need it 😭
I hope y'all look forward to the next chapter!
                                   ~ maris 🐿️🥟

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