Chapter 3: New Student Undercover

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Sd- holy heavens...! This book weighs too much!
Ca- how did Crimson Apple Cookie lift it first?!
Sh-d-we should complain less and go faster...

After a long time, they were finally able to bring the big book into the classroom. To their surprise though, Oyster wasn't there, but there was a young cookie, sitting in the last bench in the front row... She seemed to be drawing something...

(its design is strongly inspired by Snow Miku 2023 qwq

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(its design is strongly inspired by Snow Miku 2023 qwq... I got the idea for the OC mainly by reading (more than once) the book "Free" by zhenme. (I'll use neutral pronouns at the moment to refer to you qwq) they are an amazing artist, and a great writer too! You should check out their stories if you feel like it!)

Sh- who is that girl now...?
Ca- you think I know?!
Sd- mh... I don't know why, but she looks familiar...
The three dropped the book in the first available desk, and then took a breath. Meanwhile, Oyster Cookie came back to class, but she had something different… She had eyes that looked more… Bright, and she had a kind of snowball in her hair. He looked at everyone smiling.
Oy- good morning again guys... Sorry if it took me so long, but the principal called me to tell me something, then I came to pick up the new girl...
Dd- new girl...? Mmmmmmmmmh... Something's wrong here- is she working with those two?!
Oy- honey, why don't you introduce yourself to your new classmates...?
???- certainly professor...
Cala prof seems more sleepy than usual, I don't like it.
The cookie walked towards the teacher's desk, then looked at the three boys and smiled.
Sw- hi everyone, I'm SnowDream Cookie... It's nice to meet you... I really like drawing, reading and I'm able to use magic! I hope we will get along...
He smiled again, having a strange effect on all three boys, as if he was taking control of them… Oyster smiled.
Oy- very good SnowDream Cookie, you can sit back...
SnowDream nodded, and returned to her seat. Oyster looked at the boys again, with his strange sleepy grin.
Oy- ok guys, I'll leave you to do your own thing... The principal told me that he gave you a research to do...
The three boys understood that this was an excuse to allow them to look for all the information without arousing suspicion. They just nodded, then opened the big book and leafed through it.

After a while, however, Sherbet had to urgently go to the bathroom... She raised her hand, miraculously making herself noticed by the tired Oyster Cookie...
Sh- p-professor, can I go to the bathroom....?
Oyster looked at the boy and simply nodded. Sherbet immediately ran away. SnowDream was watching the scene, and smiled.
Sw- it's time...

Ca-... Are you understanding something? Because I'm narrowly avoiding exploding...
Sd- it's very complex to understand, I don't blame you, but I still understand the essentials-... SnowDream? Did something happen...?
Sw- oh, nothing, I was just curious to see what you were doing
He chuckled playfully. Caspaicin immediately noticed that Oyster was sleeping, and that the snowball was bigger, and was giving off a strange aura... He didn't take long to do 2 + 2, and went in front of Stardust and the book so as to avoid that did something.
Ca- who are you really?! And what do you want from our school?! Answer...!
Stardust noticed the calm smile of the cookie, who was approaching Caspaicin. The cookie did a little magic, taking control of Caspaicin's mind as if nothing had happened.
Sw- It's not important now, okay?
He chuckled. Caspaicin simply nodded without thinking. Stardust got a little scared, but nothing that would have stopped him from trying to save his friend. He just couldn't, as SnowDream Cookie had stood in front of him, and was trying to hypnotize him as she had Caspaicin Cookie, but he was resisting...
Sw- he resists... How strange... Come on... Let me brainwash you, come on... I don't want to hurt you, but I still can't allow anyone to hinder my mission...
Sd- gnnnnnnrgh... Don't... Me... Will you control-...!
Suddenly, even Stardust fell under the control of the girl... She really had used so much magic to keep him looking into her eyes... SnowDream sighed.
Sw- and he's gone too... Perfect, now I can check the book-
Sh- stop there!!!
Sw- gah!!! Stop it you two, please at least!!!

The two took Sherbet and didn't let him go, even if the cookie was wriggling a lot, bringing him in front of SnowDream. She tried to control him, but she couldn't, no matter how hard she was trying... Then she realized one thing.
Sw-... You're made of snow, aren't you?
Sh- I would say yes, why-... You can't control me for that I guess...
Sw- Exactly...
SnowDream sighed.
Sw- weeeeeeeel, I can't stop you from knowing the truth anymore...
She snapped her fingers, freeing both Caspaicin and Stardust from her spell, but they let go of Sherbet abruptly.
Ca- sorry beautiful.
He lifted him off the ground, then noticing that SnowDream had taken a strange magic brush, and was drawing something under her feet.

He lifted him off the ground, then noticing that SnowDream had taken a strange magic brush, and was drawing something under her feet

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(this is the brush qwq)

Suddenly, the whole room showed an immense galaxy; all three were amazed, especially Stardust...
Sw- now I'll tell you the truth, I have no choice... But you don't have to tell anyone...
The three looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. SnowDream smiled.
Sw- thank you... Now... My name is SnowDream Cookie... And believe me or not, but I'm not from here... From this world...
Ca- aren't you from here? So where are you from?!
Sw- from the dream world of another dimension, alternative to yours...
Sd- the world of dreams... So you know the Milky Way Cookie of that world, correct?
Cookie nodded.
Sw- fixed. We are great friends! Anyway, going back to the story, the dream world is soooooooo much bigger than the dream station... There are also areas dedicated to the archive of dreams and intergalactic knowledge, or others dedicated to the protection of dreams... I come from there. I have the power to travel between dimensions, I can fly on my brush... It's a lot of fun, trust me!
She chuckled, then turned serious again.
Sw- I fix the anomalies that can be a nuisance for everyone... Even if not for the world of dreams at times... And what's happening here is a danger for reality AND dreams...
She sighed, lowering her gaze.
Sw- I'm sorry for the way I acted- oof!!!
Ca- but you don't have to apologize, don't worry!!! Of course, taking control of someone badly is not a beautiful thing, maaaaa...
Sd-... We forgive you, but you'll have to get help from all of us... It's also our mission.
Sw-... Got it!
Everyone smiled at each other.
Sh- so now there are four of us, go!.. Wait a minute, now how do we tell the principal?
Sw- I think I've already talked with them, I don't remember at the moment...
Sd-... Why is everything happening to us today...

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