Chapter 8: The Cute Train Conductor And The Fights

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Sh- and the journal was written...
They were all three quite tired, maybe it didn't seem like their job, but they did it with such haste and precision that they killed themselves.
Pj-... Next time maybe slower, let's not kill ourselves, what do you think?
Cp-... Yeah, we should...
They all looked at each other a little; Cream Puff and Sherbet started giggling, while Prune Juice was watching them trying to figure out what they found funny... But in all this, no one had thought about who actually should give the papers, but that's not important! Because our chapter won't be based on them! So, let's move on to the astronomy club...

Sd- man, I've never seen the starry sky so well...
Sw- it actually looks like we were right in front of it... It's a beautiful thing!
SnowDream was having fun looking through the telescope and redesigning what she liked best about the sky with her artist skills. Stardust was keeping tabs on club activities instead; some members were trying to study the movement of various asteroids, others were simply looking out of rather ruined telescopes at the sky, still others were simply doing their homework and/or revising for the next day's lessons, which Stardust should have done too, maaaaaaaa apparently he had completely forgotten about it, he was completely lost in the starry sky... He was almost trying to communicate with the stars he saw...
Sw- h? Ooooooooooh come on! I've run out of space... Oh well, I'll take another sheet!
She went to a corner full of stationery material, and took out a couple of sheets, and then stopped to think...
Sw-... I wonder how everyone is in dreamland... In our world... I hope well...
On her way back to the telescope, she thought of one thing... She knew nothing about Stardust, yet now they were in the same club. She thought of going and asking him to tell her a little about himself, and so she did. She placed the papers on a nearby table, and then went towards Stardust.
Sw- Stardust Cookie!!
Sd-... Ah!
He leapt into the air, as if he was a cat, and then turned towards SnowDream angry.
Sd- Snow!!!! Why did you do that?!
Sw-... Actually, I don't even know why I did this to call you.
Stardust Cookie tried to compose herself, then looked at the girl again.
Sd- why did you call me though...?
Sw- well... We're in the same club, yet I don't know anything about you.
Sd-... Actually you're right... We have to save the world with her, and we don't even know each other... How strange...
Sw- Then maybe we should... Get to know each other...?
For some strange reason, the two were blushing, but the rather strange moment didn't last long, as the two were interrupted by one of the club members.
Acm- (stands for Astronomy club member qwq) Stardust Cookie... We... Found something strange...
Sd-... H? Let me see...

The club member showed Stardust a some sort of video that one of the guys who were at the telescope was "recording"; the video showed a... Stunned alien donut orbiting in space...?
Sd-... What the f-
SW- words!
Sd- sorry sorry... Boring... But seriously, what's an alien doughtnut doing there...?
They all shrugged. Behind them, a sarcastic voice could be heard chuckling.
???- doughnuts are weird, that's for sure... Like a certain someone.
Stardust had a heart attack, recognizing the voice perfectly.

Sd- Milky Way Cookie...!!! What the fuck are you doing?!
Mw- I came here because we need to talk. In private.
Sd-... Ok...? Don't tell me it's the story of the strawberry Pochys again that I took her when I didn't have a snack...
Mw- perfect. Um... bunny eared girl-
Sw- SnowDream Cookie
Mw- SnowDream Cookie, would you come with us? Thaaaaaaaanks. Let's go, hop hop!
She grabbed them both by the collar and carried them away, leaving all the members of the club stunned, but then they remembered that with Milky Way Cookie, this was normal.

Sw-... Milky Way Cookie, what are we doing here?
Mw- simple, we need to talk.
Sw- of... What if I may ask...?
Mw- of the thing you're hiding from me.
Sd-... What are you-
Mw- those two strange girls, Sakura Soul Cookie and Lost Butterfly Cookie I think their names are, not that I care very much, you know something about them...
Their eyes widened, they didn't expect her to know about this story... And it would have been a big problem if she had said something to someone-
Mw-... And you didn't ask me to help you?! Bad guys.
Sw-... Huh?
Sd-... That is, YOU, sleepy head that you are nothing else- that I don't even want to know how the fuck do you know these things, do you want to help us?!
Milky Way nodded.
Mw- sounds quite interesting to me, something to finally do... We never do anything in the exploration club, I'm thinking about leaving it to join the mechanics one...
Sd- look, maybe you should... Anyway...
He looked at SnowDream, to know what she thought. SnowDream thought for a moment, then looked at Milky Way Cookie and nodded.
Sw- welcome among us. Know that you mustn't tell anyone about this story... Understood?
Milky Way Cookie nodded.
SW- perfect.... I'll tell the others all about it later...
Mw-... You should really exchange phone numbers, it's much faster that way.
Sw-... What is a telephone?
Sd- there will be a luuuuuuuuuuuuulong explanation to do I guess...
Mw- and I'll have to steal another phone, yaaaaay...

Ka- good job guys, you're doing great!
Kouign-Amann Cookie was giving tips to the new members of the "school's paladins", to try to bring them to the same level as the older kids, who were helping a lot. Everyone was having a great time, they were really determined, so much so that sometimes a mannequin was cut into two or even three pieces.
Ka- uff... How nice that this day is coming to an end... I couldn't stand it anymore...
She stretched. What had happened a few hours ago had tired her out enough, she wasn't even training. She had also postponed the battle with Capsaicin and made her club members go back to their training room so they could both rest without having too many problems... She sat on the floor watching everyone, the more experienced help the more experienced budding... She was pleased to see this scene... It made her happy... The members knew that Kouign-Amann was tired, so they weren't bothering her, it was a lot if she had been watching them for more than two hours without collapsing ... A Cookie, the very first member of the Paladins, walked towards a worried Kouign-Amann.
???-Kouign-Amann Cookie...?
Kouign looked at him chuckling.
Ka- do you mind taking the lead...? I need to rest my mind for a moment...
The cookie smiled, and went to check on all the members. Kouign-Amann Cookie leaned her back against the wall, grabbed a pair of pink-and-white headphones and put them on, then plugged them into her phone. Turned it on, went to SugarFly (basically Spotify, but Cookie Run Kingdom version qwq).
Ka- mmmmmmmmh... What do I wear now...? Oh, let's get onto something KAngel Cookie! Mmmmmmmh... Oh, Starlight is perfect! Who doesn't love KAngel's Starlight after all? Hehehe...
He started the song, then closing his eyes and imagining something that sounded like the lyrics of the song...

He started the song, then closing his eyes and imagining something that sounded like the lyrics of the song

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Ka- mmmmmmmmh...
Ca- Kouign-Amann Cookie!!! Wake up!!!
Ka- gnnnnnnnnrgh... Five more minutes...
Ca- wake up!!!
Capsaicin began to shake her. Kouign-Amann awoke abruptly, kicking Capsaicin Cookie in fright, but then apologized when he saw it was him.
Don't worry, you've never done anything to me!
He laughed. From outside you could hear the screams of two very loud girls.
Ka-... What the...
Ca- that's what I wanted to tell you... Your club, your problem. But they're kinda annoying whoever these two are...
Ka- you're not wrong... If you let me go we'll go.
Ca-... Right away.
He dropped her. He had turned slightly red not realizing that he hadn't let go of her... The two walked out of the club, to find a lot of guys watching two girls arguing- both usually elegant and brave, while the other students were cheering them on. As the two approached, they were shocked at the sight of who these two were...

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