Chapter 14: Memory Tape#1: A "horrible" First Day Of School

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Cm- come on, no one will eat you! You can do it!
The vice principal said, bringing the boy to the front of the class, who was currently doing math with Professor Latte. Latte Cookie watched Crimson Apple with the new student and stopped the class giggling.
La- oh, I forgot about the new guy! I'm so used to the third year class as it is that... Forget it, just leave it to the little guy here, I'll take care of it now.
Crimson Apple nodded and walked away, leaving the boy in the middle of the classroom. Latte stood up and with a wave of his hand silenced the class.
La- very well guys. Before continuing the lesson, let me introduce you to your new schoolmate. This is Sherbet Cookie! Treat him well, please.
Everyone nodded, although many looked annoyed. We don't know why, but he didn't like the idea of ​​having a spirit as a companion... Sherbet looked at everyone trembling, he didn't seem to feel at ease at all.
Sh-... H-hi... I-I'm Sherbet Cookie... It-it's nice to meet you... I hope we can become friends...
He said slowly. Latte looked at him rather worriedly.
La-... Don't... Do you want to tell us anything else...?
Sh- no... I prefer it this way...
La-... Ok... You can sit up front, on the empty bench next to Stardust Cookie...
Sherbet nodded and went to sit next to the boy, but he could hear his companions talking about him, even though they didn't know him... Practically not at all. It wasn't pleasant at all, and it felt bad... He was used to this, true, but it still felt bad.
St- ohi!!! Do you want to stop, you idiots or not?!
Stardust shouted angrily, causing everyone to shut up. The little spirit was speechless, since... This act of kindness didn't happen to him often, so much so that he didn't even have the words to thank him.
... Not that the mysterious boy cared, he seemed... Indifferent? Most likely he didn't want to disturb the lesson that was continuing; the boy was having a hard time staying awake, not because the lesson was boring, but because he was already tired himself. In fact, after maybe a minute or something, he had already collapsed into his blissful sweet dreams...

Sh- mmmmmmmh...
St- come on new kid, wake up... You've been asleep long enough, and I don't want to cover your ass all day.
Stardust said clearly annoyed. The young cookie slowly woke up, looking at his classmate in confusion.
Sh-h...? What happened...? What time is it...? Mmmmmmmh... I feel very strange, as if I have been asleep for a long time...
St-... Well, you slept for three hours, I believe you slept for a long time. And you also slept well I'd say.
Stardust took his stuff and put it inside his backpack, then closed it and slung it over his shoulder. Sherbet looked at him confused, she couldn't understand what he was doing, but she was afraid to ask. Stardust looked at him confused, but still with a relatively cold look.
St-... Do you want to stay there for the rest of your life or what? We have to go to the next lesson.
Sh-... H? Wait... Do we have to go to the professor? Is that why there's no one here except the two of us...?
Stardust nodded, helping the boy pack his stuff so they could go to the other classroom. Sherbet looked at him and smiled with a smile... Highly adorable, full of innocence and happiness.
Sh- thank you so much... And thank you for first...
Stardust couldn't contain the blush (though it's more purple, but these are useless details) that was building on his face. Yes, he's blushing. And a lot too.
St- y-you're welcome Sherbet...
The boy stopped to think for a moment, almost doubtful about something he had just said.
St-... Your... Your name is Sherbet, I remember correctly?
Sherbet nodded smilingly.
Sh- and you're Stardust or am I wrong?
Stardust nodded, smiling in a calm and rather relaxed manner; he was no longer cold and annoyed as before, a smile was enough to melt this frozen armor. Stardust also took the winter spirit's backpack on his shoulder and held out his hand towards the latter, making him blush like crazy (... Even if it is blue, but these are useless details-)
St- come on, let's go to class, before the teacher gets angry...
Sherbet nodded, and took Stardust's hand, and the two headed (finally) towards the Korean classroom...

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