Chapter 13: Skill Training Pt. 1

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Sh-... Why is everyone looking at me like that? Sherbet looked around, noticing how everyone (especially the teachers) was looking at him as if he was bleeding a lot. But I think the fact that it's full of bandages isn't too different.
Md-... Sherbet... What happened to you-
Cm- what the hell happened to you?! You have bandages everywhere!!! Sh-...
He was panicking, but it didn't show. Also because, he resumed shortly after.
Sh-... A little accident... But now I'm fine!
The boy smiled, taking off his bandages, showing that he was perhaps better off than all the other students.
Tc-... Try to be careful please boy... He made a mess again. Ok guys, let's do this now. Now we divide you into pairs, and you will fight one pair at a time, also using your skills. Have we cleared up? All the students nodded as they waited for the principal to announce the pairs.

After (a lot) some time, the couples were made. One thing that was causing a lot of gossip among... Almost all the students practically, was the fact that Raspberry had ended up with Princess Cookie. It almost seemed like a coincidence... But we won't see these two give each other the worst blows in history, also because it would be too dangerous for my career- I meant... That I could scare someone like that... Yeeeeeeah... ANYWAY!

Tc- very well... Kouign-Amann Cookie, Capsaicin Cookie, you are the first to fight. Could you come here to the field please?
Both looked determined, before nodding, and went close to Teacup, who positioned both in the exact points (moving Caps with the magic because it is too heavy). The president seemed to them smiling.
Tc- very good guys. As you are the leaders of the fight club and paladins, I think there is no one better than you due to show everyone a fight with your skills. Do your best and remember not to cheat...
They both nodded, and got into fighting stances.
Tc- ready...
The two were looking at each other with smiles full of determination.
Tc- fight!!

All the students were watching in ecstasy, while Madeleine seemed curious what moves they would use. Crimson Apple... She looked like a real child, with Teacup looking like her father. Kouign-Amann Cookie struck the first surprise blow, barely damaging Capsaicin, which tried to hit her back. The girl had become decidedly more hurt than Capsaicin, and it is definitely not related to the muscles of Caps. Kouign-Amann Cookie ran towards the cookie again, surprising him with super-fast sword slashing. The capsaicin was defending himself admirably, even if he still felt the pain. He then punched the girl to stun her, before then throwing another one to send her across the field. While the two were fighting, all the other students were rooting for one or the other. The girls especially for the majority were rooting for Capsaicin... Because... Simps. We are sincere when we have to be! One boy in particular, however, mixed among the girls, was rooting for him...

Ca- I admit, you're DEFINITELY stronger than... Practically yesterday. Which is cool!
Ka- thanks for the compliment, spicy head. You too are stronger than yesterday, I won't hide it...
Capsaicin grinned fiercely at the compliment, even though he hadn't heard the "spicy head" nickname.
Ca- thank you, thank you. I even train in my sleep!
Ka-... You have some serious problems, let me tell you.
Ca- I'm aware, and I don't care honestly speaking- listen!!! Can we continue here or what?! Indeed, now I give spiciness to the situation!!!
So saying, Capsaicin activated his skill.
By doing so, the punches he threw were even more fiery, searing and dangerous than before. With each punch he landed on Kouign-Amann, the girl weakened twice as much. At one point, Capsaicin punched the ground, thus creating a shock similar to that of an earthquake, making the girl fly to the other side. Suddenly, Capsaicin transformed and hit the ground hard, creating debris everywhere. This gave Kouign-Amann Cookie an idea, and he proceeded to destroy them all, creating a massive mist to blind Capsaicin.
Ca- gaaaaaah!!! I can not see!!!
The girl had successfully blinded him, and was able to use her skill.

Ka- Justice be served!
In a flash, Kouign-Amann's shots were much faster than before, and since Caps couldn't see, he was having a hard time countering. Eventually, Kouign-Amann's sword grew bigger, and "sliced" Caps, creating a nice crack in the ground. Capsaicin was KO, while Kouign-Amann was triumphant. Everyone was watching the scene in shock.
Cm- I didn't expect all this destruction... I mean, I expected it!!!... But not so much.
Tc- it is evident that you don't know your boys then...
Teacup looked at the boys in satisfaction, curing Capsaicin.
Tc- great job you two... Now... If Caps can walk...
Ka-oh, don't worry about this Mr. Headmaster.
Kouign-Amann lifted Capsaicin with incredible ease, carrying it to the others. Teacup was dumbfounded, while Crimson Apple was chuckling in his face.
Cm- you can tell you don't know your boyfriends- ouch!!!
Tc- get the staff on your head, you deserve it. Now... Let's not waste time, the next ones please!

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