Chapter 20: An... Alien At School?!

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Sl-... Happy birthday, my super duper best friend forever!!! >w<
???- awww... Thanks Star, you didn't have to... ^w^
The unknown boy giggled, as Starlight Cookie looked at him with an happy and proud grin.
Sl- now... Apologize for the missing cake, i have... No idea where it went, probably walked away, but anyway! That's not important! I have a surprise for you!
She said, making the boy curious.
???- ooooooooooh!!! What's that?! Tell me, tell me!!! >w<
Sl- you... Are gonna be in the book for this chapter! And probably even more, i'll see... -w-'... And if you're wondering, yes, you can cause all the chaos you want Vega Cookie.
Ve-... Yes. Let me go there now Star.
Sl- as you wish boss UwU. Treat the beans well and kick some ass if necessary!!!
Ve- i will!!! Thank you, my SDBFF UwU

It has been three days ever since that incident with Princess Cookie and Raspberry Cookie was fixed... So, in total four days have actually went by. Everyone was preparing for the competion with the other school, whose name was revealed by some "spies" to be the "college of the stars", a very prestigous school, known for its advanced lessons... Nothing that could (probably) match the advanced lessons that were some times held at this very prestigous school, the magic school of the crescent moon. Rumors also say, but they could be fake, that the principal of that school and Teacup Cookie are actually very close friends, if not an actual couple. It's not like the two schools are that far from each other. Obviously, these were very juicy informations to write inside of the school journal, and they didn't hesitate to write them for sure.
Cp- phew... Another journal published! Now, onto the new news hunting!
Sh- oh, yeah!!!
Pj- uff... We're never done here, aren't we...? The good thing is that with the journal i can make my small potion business be extremely successful... I don't even know anymore how many Invisibility potions i sold in just two days!... Seems like they're the most wanted ones...
All of them giggled.
Cp- who knows why... Definely not to skip school...
Pj- yeah, definely not for that... I'm pretty sure that they get caught anyway...
All of them looked at each other in the eyes, before grabbing a notebook and a pen each, and Sherbet even grabbed a camera.
Cp- we need some new cameras... Well, can't cry about it, we'll see how much one costs and see how many coins we have!
Cream Puff smiled, as all of our journalists left for their job. But our story isn't going to focus on them... Nope, we need to go to the astronomy club to continue our amazing story!

The astronomy club was up to its usual activities; look at the celestial bodies, make photos of them and of possible even analize them somehow, but it was really hard. Stardust Cookie, the leader of the club was looking mesmerized at the endless space, who has a light blue and pink colour palette right now. It was pretty odd, true... But it was still something worth to see and maybe analize, esepcual thanks to the new sistem that they installed four days ago, that lets them make photos of the space and print them with a better quality than ever, and even analize with basilar informations what they were looking at. All of a sudden, during Stardust's researches of the sudden change of colours of space, one of the members of the club shouted scared.
Wascm- (worried astronomy club member) danger allert!!! Danger allert!!! An unknown celestial corpse is falling from the sky!!!
St- what?! Can you understand where it's falling at?! God, this is one big problem-
Wascm- right... Right here!!!
They screamed. Before anyone could do or say anything else, something- no, wait, someONE crashed inside of the astronomy club, knocking down some of the members.

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