Chapter 6: The Melody Of Lost Nature

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Clover played a melody, a sweet, relaxing melody, which with each note, increased the huge lawn where the tree where he played was. The little animals were arriving, only and exclusively to hear his sweet melody, but not only they came; cookies with an animal part or animal powers were also coming, almost hypnotized by the melody, actually, they sure were... Clover, seeing this, was even happier than before, and this pushed him to play even more.

Meanwhile, Alchemist had finally reached the fight club, which normally looked like a minefield, but now it was even worse, so it was impossible to move without risking being hit. Alchemist took a deep breath and... She screamed, grabbing everyone's attention. Kouign-Amann Cookie was quite annoyed to be interrupted, her training was going so well...
Ka-... Alchemist! Why did you do that?! Our little battle was going so well...
Pp- (it stands for Proud Paladin qwq) eeeeeh goodbye to free croissants for a snack...
Ac-... What-
Ca- we made a small bet; if Kouign-Amann Cookie had defeated me, us of the fight club would have had to buy for snack for them sweet croissants... But if I had beaten her, the paladins would have had to buy for snack for us those delicious spicy sandwiches filled with pepper ragù... Mmmmmmmmmh...
Caspaicin and everyone in the club was salivating just thinking about it. Caspaicin Cookie looked at Alchemist proudly.
Ca- you saved us Alchemist! Thank you!
He smiled proudly at her, while Kouign-Amann was still annoyed that anyone had interrupted. The cookie then looked at Alchemist, who was clearly in a panic.
Ka-... Alchemist? What happens? I see you're panicking, don't lie.
Alchemist took a deep breath, and slowly explained the situation to everyone, and how they should try to keep all students away from there. Caspaicin had immediately understood what was happening, and knew that he could not sit idly by.
He was leaving to try to help break the desire, Kouign-Amann was trying to stop it.
Ka- spicy idiot, where are you going?! You can't leave the club like this!!!
Ca- I'm going to fix this story! Mala Sauce, you will temporarily be the leader of the club!
Mala Sauce nodded without hesitation, she knew Caspaicin knew what she was doing. Kouign-Amann didn't want to leave him alone. He looked at the club members; he thought this decision would be irresponsible, but he had no choice. And then he believed in his teammates, so...
Ka- ok, paladins, listen carefully! Of what Alchemist said, the danger is only affecting the west side of the school! One group go block off access in here until the threat is over, everyone else, try to keep the students safe!... I'm going to help that burnt head.
All the paladins looked at each other in confusion, but then nodded, and together with the fight club, they left. Kouign-Amann Cookie came out last.
Ka- I hate that the staff room is across the way, and they're all there at the moment...

Cp- what is this thing now...?! And what about them all- Prune Juice Cookie, are you going to help or what?!
Pj- I'm helping!... At the rightful distance.
Sh- forget it Cream- ah...!
They were trying to keep Clover at bay, or rather, the huge demon-possessed tree that was making them crumbs. Prune Juice Cookie was looking for a specific potion, and finally found it.
Pj- this time I won't charge you. Grab Cream Puff! You should be more powerful like this!
He threw the potion at the cookie. Cream Puff grabbed it and drank it all up, coughing as soon as it was all over.
Cp- holy heavens how bitter it is...!
Pj- you should thank me that I don't make you pay for that, don't complain about the taste.
Sh- can you two stop arguing?! This giant tree won't go down by itself...!
Cp- sorry Sherbet...! Mmmmmmmmmh...!!!! Jellius Extremus!!!
The cookie casted a powerful magic, breaking off a large portion of the outer bark, which revealed a leafy layer. Prune Juice Cookie thus had an idea.
Pj- we have to focus our attacks in one point and thus break the whole cortex! Somewhere there must be the weak point!!
Sh- yes sir!! Step away for a moment, I don't want to hurt you...
Cream Puff walked away.
Sh-Winter is approaching!!!
He created a huge snowflake behind him, from which shards of ice were coming out, which broke another part of the bark. Prune Juice was using poisonous potions from a distance to help, then throwing one that created a subspecies of a strange poisonous creature, which was doing its job well. Clover saw the whole scene, and was getting quite angry. Even the pink in her eyes was getting darker to symbolize this anger, as if she was trying to amplify the effects of her desire... The tree punched Prune Juice's creature with a very strong punch, then threw the i three cookies.
Sh- g-gnnnnnnnnrgh... Where are Stardust, SnowDream and Caspaicin when needed...?!

Sw-... Is it tight enough, Stardust?
Sd- it should be enough... At least this way I can't move...
All the members of the astronomy club and SnowDream Cookie were watching Stardust, completely tied up in a corner of the huge observatory. Stardust was also afflicted with the desire for Clover, and knowing what was happening and thinking the worst, he got tied up...
SW- those little... Stardust, don't worry, we won't let you move from this room.
Stardust Cookie smiled.
Sd- thank you- gnnnnnnrgh!!!
The cookie suddenly began to squirm a lot, hearing Clover's tune again. All the members panicked, blocking all possible exits, and tightening the strange magical ropes that were binding Stardust, to prevent him from leaving.
Sd- let me... go!!!! I don't want to stay here, let me go to the tune!!!
SW- not even if we die...!
Wa- (it stands for (very abbreviated qwq) Worried Astronomical Club member qwq) n-you're not you Stardust, n-don't do anything risky...
Sa- (it stands for Strict Astronomy Club member qwq) you will not exit until this tune passes.
Sd- grraaaaaaaah!!!!
Stardust transformed into a phoenix, but as much as he tried to escape in any way, he couldn't. All the members of the club were really worried about him, and hoped that whatever was going on would end soon... They could do nothing after all but follow Stardust's will...

Cp- g-gnnnnnnnnrgh... It's... Too strong...
Sh- too... Tired to continue...
Pj- mmmmmmmmmmh... I can't even find... My healing potions...
The three seemed to have given up, they were too weak to do anything at the moment... The tree was about to hit them one last time, when... It stopped... He couldn't move anymore... He had gone to fire, but how was it possible-
Ca- so you learn, you ugly overgrown tree!!! Don't mess with this school again!!!
Sh- Caspaicin Cookie...!
Pj- FINALLY, burned head.
Ca- thanks, huh...
He laughed. Before long, the tree turned to ash, leaving only a black gem in the ash that appeared to have a red eye... Clover was even more pissed, but before he could do anything, he was stopped by Kouign-Amann Cookie. He was thrashing around trying to free himself.
Cl- l-let me go...!!! LET ME GO!!!!
Ka- not even dead, Clover!!! You have to come to your senses, you're crazy!!!
Cl- I won't undo my wish!! No one will scare the little animals anymore-
Ma- Clover!!!

Macaron stood in front of him, she was holding back tears.
Ma- listen to me now, okay?! I wanted to tell you this ever since you became so sad about this... The animals never leave school... They're just hidden..!
His eyes were turning a lighter pink, and the grass seemed to be slowly disappearing.
Ma- Fig found them, and talked to us... They were trying to show you a place where you can stay with them... And then, leave those idiots alone, they'll stop like this...!
Slowly the grass disappeared completely, the swing attached to the tree disappeared, together with the ashes of the demon-possessed tree. Clover's eyes returned to normal, and anyone who had been mesmerized by her melody came to their senses and... They just walked away. It's bad to say, but that's how it is... The animals knew that now Clover just needed rest...
Cl- mmmmmmmmmmh... My head... What happened- Kouign, why are you holding me?
Ka-... Oh, sorry.
Kouign-Amann Cookie let him go gently; it took a moment for Clover to regain his balance completely. He was confused, which is normal.
Cl- guys... What happened...? I don't... I don't remember anything...
Tc- don't think too much about it boy, you need rest...
Teacup Cookie came along with Crimson Apple Cookie. They looked at Clover with some concern.
Cm- now it's better that you go to nursing Clover, you can stay there as long as you want... Macaron Cookie, would you please accompany him?
Ma- i-immediately professor...!
Macaron took Clover by the hand, and took him to the nursing... As soon as they were alone, Teacup looked at them smiling.
Tc- I congratulate you guys...
Cm- you were AMAZING!!! We didn't interrupt you because we knew you'd do well with your first pimp!... Even though I had my doubts, eh- ouch!! Excuse me...
... He had received a slap on the back of the head from Teacup.
Tc- forgiven. You shouldn't doubt your students.
Kouign-Amann was the only fue she was a little confused about...Everything.
Ka-... Wait, DO YOU KNOW what happened?!
Tc- exactly, and since your other two friends know it, it seems fair to tell you too...
Cm- call Stardust Cookie and SnowDream Cookie, they must know what happened too! See you all in the school paper room.
Everyone nodded, and went to the astronomy club, to call Stardust and SnowDream...

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