Chapter 11: Fight Between Ice And Glass

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It was now time to sleep, and the boy was in his room trying to get to sleep... But without success. A lot had happened in just one day, after all that he couldn't relax at all, mostly because inside he had a huge sense of guilt for summoning those two and creating all this mess, even if he wasn't to blame for anything, being that it wasn't itself when it did that...
Sh-... It's useless, I can't sleep a wink.
He grumbled, then looked at the door.
Sh-... I couldn't do it, but... Maybe... It's not even the first time I've done it, and no one has ever caught me, so...
Sherbet got out of bed and walked towards the door, silently leaving the room.

The school during the night was a completely different environment... Dark, empty, with everything to himself... And he liked it, he could do what he wanted, and no one would know.
Sh- heheheh... Time to have some fun! Let's see what I can do tonight...
He began to wander around; he was lucky, he fluctuated, so you didn't feel he was around, and the slight frost he left melted immediately, so... At first he simply wandered around the various classes, even leaving some surprises in some desks at random, and then go and browse the various clubs. As soon as he entered the mechanics club, where Milky Way Cookie was also the vice president of the club, he had found something strange... Being the club huge, one could safely expect huge machinery inside... In particular, c 'was a huge train, with a blue-purple pattern, with various notes attached to it...
Sh-... What the fuck is Milky Way Cookie planning with this huge train? Mmmmmmmh... Maybe it's something he will use in the future...?
He stopped for a while to think, and suddenly frown...
Sh-... Future... Mmmmmmmh...
He didn't seem very happy thinking about this subject... For some strange reason he hates the future... Maybe because he didn't know what to do in the future yet... But this gloom disappeared abruptly, when the boy shook his head to stop think about these things.
Sh- come on, you still have the whole year to think about it, don't get so demoralized...!
He smiled, and then went out, unaware of being followed...

Sh- mmmmmmmh... Aaaaaa... I needed some air... Now I feel much better...
He chuckled, then rolled his eyes.
Sh-... Heck though, if Stardust were awake... He's missing a show here... The sky is crystal clear tonight!
He stood for some time looking at the sky, and then he heard a voice coming from behind him.
Lb-... Awake at this hour? That's not very clever of you, kid...
He whirled around, to then see Lost Butterfly Cookie flying after him, spear in hand. The boy immediately took his staff in hand to try to defend himself from an attack.
Sh- what do you want from me now?!
Lb-... Straight to the point I see. You really know how to surprise me....
Sh- just answer.
Lb- simple... You are a stumbling block for us. But still I don't want to kill you just like that... I have... A lot of respect for you, and I don't know why...
The cookie aimed her spear with absurd speed at the boy's neck, scaring the shit out of him.
Lb-... I want a fight with you. I'm always a warrior, I have a code that I must respect...
Sh- it's... Oddly understandable...
Sherbet took her stick firmly and nodded.
Sh- no cheating though, I warn you.
Lb- I promise nothing strange will happen...
Sherbet walked away, he knew he didn't have much choice, but for some strange reason... He liked this idea that would have most likely led to his death, but he didn't understand why... The two got into position, ready to begin their fight.

The first blow was delivered by Lost Butterfly Cookie, who at an absurd speed threw herself against Sherbet, hitting him with her spear. The latter had managed to avoid a lethal blow, but was still hit in the left arm, but still managed to counterattack with ice magic, throwing the girl away from him. At the same time, he used another ice magic against the girl, creating a coil of ice flakes against him, which he was hit about four or five times out of the twenty-five he had created. Lost Butterfly Cookie cackled rather fiercely.
Lb- I admit, you are strong... Very strong and skilled... If we weren't enemies, I would have considered the option of becoming friends...
Sh-... And why, can't we be both friends and enemies?
The two stopped lending to each other and looked at each other for a moment.
Lb-... You just said the biggest but most ingenious bullshit I've ever heard in my 100,000 years of life-
Sh- you are a hundred thousand years old?!... You look very young...
Lb- well... I'm actually one year older than you... But yes, in years of souls, I'm a hundred thousand years old...
Sherbet was quite amazed by this information, even if it may seem like nothing... Lost Butterfly chuckled seeing it.
Lb- you're weird, let me tell you... Anyway... I think we can do this weird thing you said... But can we go back to the fight now?
Sh-... Oh, sure, sorry!
He chuckled, and after a while they were still lending to each other. Lost Butterfly Cookies were fast and strong at the same time... They were precise, and thrown following the opponent's movements and attacks... In contrast, Sherbet's magic was decidedly... Cold, it hurt a lot and it was fast , but let's just say he cast his spells a bit randomly. At least he managed to hit Lost Butterfly... At one point, the boys got bored and looked at Sherbet, ready to perform a decidedly unpredictable move...
Lb - shatter your will!
He raised his spear to the sky, creating a huge flash of colored light, blinding the boy.
Sh- aaaaaaaaaaah!!!! N-I can't see...!!
Lost Butterfly suddenly lunged at him, her spear glowing with rainbow light, then slashing at him with insane speed several times, and finally, slashing at him one last time, creating an explosion with all the light from her spear, which threw the boy against a wall of the huge garden.

Sh- g-gnnnnnnnnrgh...
Lb- you are strong, I admit it... You resisted my skill much more than many others...
He approached the boy, switching the spear from left hand to right hand with incredible skill. Sherbet miraculously managed to detach himself from the wall, and seeing that Lost Butterfly was approaching to give him the coup de grace... He firmly gripped his stirrup, and was enveloped by a strange blue aura...
Sh- winter is approaching...!
Behind him, a snowflake a little bigger than him formed, from which exactly fifteen shards of ice came out, all of which went towards Lost Butterfly Cookie, without missing her once, however much she tried to avoid them, causing her to roll to the ground badly injured...

The both of them were in a very bad shape, breathing with difficulty... Maybe Lost Butterfly was in a worse shape, it had frozen parts... Sherbet approached the girl with difficulty and not very easily lifted her off the ground and put her on her shoulders, amazing the boy.
Lb-... What the... What are you doing...?
Sh- I'll take you to the nursing...! It seems obvious to me, you are in terrible shape idiot...!
Completely ignoring Lost Butterfly Cookie, Sherbet Cookie trudged it inside. As soon as he arrived at the nursing home, he laid him out on a bed and took some bandages and disinfectant with cotton. He began to disinfect the wounds with cotton with the disinfectant on it.
Sh- I know it burns, but for most of the wounds you have I have to...
Lb-... But why is he helping me...? I do not understand...
After a while he disinfected the wounds and began to bandage her everywhere.
Lb- sorry, but won't they notice that something is wrong seeing that you have used these things...?
Sh- some students use them to play every time, so I doubt they think it's my fault...
He chuckled.
Sh- ok, done! Try to hold them up for a while please...
Lost Butterfly nodded and flew to get up, noticing how Sherbet had simply bandaged himself pretty much all over his body.
Lb- sorry, but you don't disinfect your wounds...
Sh- I would freeze the sanitizer on my dough.
He chuckled, making Lost Butterfly laugh too. The latter took their spear and looked at the boy.
Lb-... I'd better go... Nothing happened between us, remember this.
Sherbet nodded giggling.
Sh- then next time I'll beat you badly!
Lb- aha, very funny...
The girl disappeared, leaving Sherbet alone... The latter looked at his watch, and noticing that it was almost time to get up, he quickly arranged everything and ran at an incredible speed towards his room, to pretend he was sleeping...

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