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"you look so good." tommy and jack smiled.

"you think? i hope it's good enough." "winona, don't fret."

arriving at the party in an uber, winona held the present bag in her hand. she let herself in and max ran up to her, "holy shit love."

"you look stunning! so do you, i'm winona."

"andrew, max's boyfriend. it's lovely to finally meet you." "you both look great, where do i place this?"

"we can lead you to george, if you'd like?" max asked.

winona nodded. they three made their way and max tapped someone's shoulder.

looking up, winona watched george turn to look down at the brunette girl. "happy birthday, old man." she giggled, handing the present to him. "i hope you like it." the two sat down.

winona stuck by george for a good majority of the night and by the light grip he had on her waist, it seemed like drinking was the gateway to letting their feelings get the best of them.

"you look really pretty." george muttered into her ear, causing her to look up at him with the pinkest blush in her cheeks.

"this sweater i got you works very well on you, georgey." "are we using nicknames now?" he smirked and winona laughed, sipping more of her midori.

"well i'm half drunk." winona stated. "how drunk are you?"

"a little bit." "it's been a few hours, i'm getting you something strong." winona smiled as she poured four shots of tequila. "ready for shots?" she asked, handing two to her best friend.

"what is this?" "tequila. it's good for you." she said, downing one like nothing. then came a throaty cough. "i forgot i don't like tequila."

"how do you forget you don't like tequila?" george laughed as she eyed him.

"take the fucking shots, clarke."

he took the first then they both hooked their arms around and downed their second shots.

the two coughed before winona clapped. "fuck yeah."

"that wasn't as bad as i thought." george looked at the empty shot glasses. he then looked to winona and finally realised.

"i think i have a crush on you." he admitted and winona's eyes went wide.

she took his shot glasses. "would you rather talk about this and have to possibility of not remembering? or would you rather talk when we're sober?"

george googled at the question. "sober." he smiled.

"good choice. i'll get us some more shots." george watched her walk away and there were finally butterflies erupting.

he wondered if he would feel this way tomorrow.

"two shots of vodka for you, georgey. and two shots of vodka for me." "only vodka? are we not at the level to be having tequila anymore?"

"you protest quite a little, don't you?" "it's part of my charm." george smirked before downing both shots.

winona followed suited and put her two glasses on the table they were near.

she looked up at george as he twirled her in time with the music. cake was playing and the two started to drunkenly dance to the random music.

"do you want to get back to mine?" george asked. winona's eyes sparkled.

"fuck yeah i wanna go back to yours." the two snuck out and called an uber.

after getting out, winona and george walked up to his room and jumped on his bed.

winona found she was already sobering, so she suggested just dance. the two moved his couch and began to dance.

"dude, we have to play come on by kesha. it's my favourite kesha and just dance song ever."

"let's do it." george smiled at winona's request and they started to follow the instructions. she was the girl and george was the panda.

she managed to jump on his back and winona cheered.

"that was fun." winona smiled, yawning. "we won't remember this, will we?" "i don't think so."

winona looked at him before sitting on the edge of the bed. "can i put on some music?"

george nodded. he opened spotify on his computer and winona typed in legally blonde. "you know, elle woods was always a dream role of mine." she began. "before i put on real music, i want to put this one on. it's called take it like a man." "play away." george hummed.

dialogue began and soon, elle's voice came in. winona sat at george's desk and softly swayed in the wheely chair. she softly hummed to the lyrics and emmett rung out as he sang out his feelings for elle.

the final chorus began and winona still sang.

"not quite the guy i had chose to be but when she's standing so close to me, i think i like her plan!" emmett's voice rang out and winona watched george.

as the more peppy end of the song came, george knew that he was falling for winona.

"so, what did you think?" she asked, yawning lightly.

"it was a wonderful song." he smiled. "i actually quite enjoyed it."

she beamed. nobody had openly expressed they liked  a song from a musical to her before. it was something she grinned at.

"right, time for some real music." she typed in and searched for her very mellow, calm playlist and clicked on on melancholy hill.

walking back to where george was, she sat next to him, eventually laying down.

"you okay?" he asked. with no response, he smiled as he eventually passed out aswell.

finn speaks

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