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after the first day, which primarily consisted on sleep and just getting used to japan, winona went out early, while george was sleeping, to grab breakfast.

knowing quite a bit of japanese, winona was able to order and buy things with ease.

she held conversation with the cashier, "oh, yeah, i'm staying for a month." "for someone british, you are very fluent?"

winona laughed, "yeah, i've been studying japanese for years. my grandmother was born here." "that's really cool. have a gorgeous day."

"you too." winona nodded and made the five minute walk back to the flat. "georgey, wake up. breakfast is ready." winona grinned, looking down at him with food in the bags she was holding.

george sat up, contemplating whether getting up was a good idea. "i'll eat all this tasty japanese food all by myself if you don't get up."

that was enough to convince him. he suggested making a tiktok on it and winona agreed.

she set her phone up and the two began, "right, george and i are in japan for a month and i've just bought us a shit ton of japanese candy, foods and drinks to try." "i'm very excited for all of this. this is our breakfast."

"and what a great breakfast it will be. first i have this." winona pulled out a pink and silver bottle with peaches littered all over. big bold text on the front. "fanta. white peach flavoured." "you know japanese?"

"i'm from japanese descent, clarke. let's give this a sip." she took a small sip and immediately handed it to george. "that's bloody beautiful!"

"that is brilliant, that truly is." he took another sip and handed it back to winona. she took a sip and they pulled out other various things.

"with some good editing, that would be ready to upload tonight." winona grinned.

"i look absolutely dreadful in that, don't i." george smiled. she gasped at him.

"you look really good. a little bit of a fringe but, yknow. you look good." she playfully hit his chest. "now go get ready and let's go looking around."

winona watched george got to the bathroom and she sipped on more of the peach fanta. picking from the other small treats she and george had tasted. he made a tiktok on it aswell.

she walked back to the joint room with the twin beds and sat on hers, looking at her socks. they had her face plastered all over, thanks to george. he had given her the socks for christmas.

"right." winona said to herself as she stood up and turned, "oh my god-"

she locked eyes with george, who had a towel around his waist. "fuck." she whispered and he nervously laughed, "i'll be going. to- to clean my teeth."

"right." the two, in that moment, felt equally embarrassed, winona felt almost mortified.

as she looked in the mirror, her cheeks were very red.

she had to deal with a whole month of this.

grabbing her phone and playing music, one of her songs had come on.

here with me.

deciding it wouldn't hurt, the music played and she smiled at herself.

the instrumental in this song made her feel lovesick, that was the best way to describe it. it was one of the things she absolutely loved about it.

finishing up her routine, she turned to see george standing at the doorframe. "you look really pretty."

if she wasn't blushing then, she was blushing now. "thank you, george. you do clean up rather nicely."

"as do you. we're in japan and i get to see you everyday of it? bingo."

was he... flirting with her. if he was, she was enjoying it.

"that's very kind of you. let's get going?" "after i do all my stuff. are you still needing the bathroom?"

"i need to clean my teeth. i don't want to be a bother, though." george smiled at winona's kindness.

he handed her her pink and red toothbrush and smiled, "no problem at all, you can absolutely brush your teeth."

she laughed, "thank you, sir, for allowing me to do my basic necessities. very appreciated." he nodded as he started to leave.

you and i (reprise) from chess in concert began and winona softly sang along to florence's part, with a mouthful of toothpaste.

the two entered the streets of japan and began the one thing winona was excited to do so far.

the vending machines. they brought backpacks with them for novelties.

approaching one after a few minutes, winona read what was being served.

"ramen. just plain old ramen in a variety of flavours. i can read you out every flavour?" she turned to george.

"go for it."

listing off the flavours, the two ordered one to share.

winona watched as it came out ready and george was gobsmacked. "we don't need to cook it?" "nope, it's ready. it's very hot though."

in that moment, george whispered something under his breath. winona didn't hear it so she obviously didn't question it.

the two started to eat the ramen and george nodded in approval, "this is really good."

with a few things in their bags, winona found the two infront of a very interesting place.

"are you sure you want to get some stuff from here?" "what's in here?" george wondered out loud.

"do you really want me to tell you? it could be a surprise? do you like surprises?" "i like surprises."

winona smiled, holding her hand out, "let's get some fun little knickknacks."

they each stood infront of a machine and winona went first, grabbing a few to open. george did as well and the two ended their journey, walking back to their flat for the month.

"are we ready to open these?" winona asked, separating the ones she knew were more interesting til last.

after making a tiktok on it, the recording stopped so they could open the ones from the last stop.

george opened the first one and almost thought they were supposed to be getting something different.

"what did you get because i got... underwear?" she asked, mostly to herself at the end.

a packet of liquid was in his hands and the two let out a small laugh.

with a lighthearted mindset, winona and george enjoyed opening the last of the products. although there were thoughts of the dirtier kind, which winona could only choose to shake away.

finn speaks

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