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george got up a little bit later than he had initially hoped. maybe it was the fact that winona ended up stress eating most of the snacks to try and calm the stress she felt from drinking.

maybe it was the fact that they kept taking too obvious glances looks at eachother and didn't do anything about it.

winona would be changing that today, though. so when he woke up to find an empty bed next to his, he was confused until winona walked through the door.

"get the fuck up, we're going on a picnic."

she then left without another word and finished organising the little tidbits of the date-

no, the day. it was just two best friends hanging out. sitting with the flora and fauna of japan.

"where are we going?" george asked as winona ordered an uber. the faint smell of spearmint wafted as george spoke.

"we are going to one of my favourite places. i lived in japan for fifteen years before i set foot on european soil so me and my best friend used to hang out there. it's a fond place of memories."

george nodded and the two greeted their uber.

"it's even prettier than i remember." winona whispered to herself.

george smiled, "it's beautiful."

the garden was gorgeous. the koi pond was full of happy little fish, swimming around and just living out life to the fullest.

"i know. it's really such a pretty sight." winona beamed. she held the picnic basket, blanket hanging over her arm.

turning to george, her free hand took his and they walked over to where winona planned to sit. she laid the blanket down and the two sat down. winona laid out the snacks and she suddenly got a buzz of instagram notifications. tommy's name flashed and she looked down, "sorry, tom messaged me."

"answer it," george said as he messaged alex back.

"could i call him?" "do what you need, love." winona brushed off the pet name and heard the line ring.

she huffed as tommy echoed a hello and she sighed, "what do you want?" "how is your date going?"

looking back to george, who was smiling at the scenery, winona sighed, "you called just before we could even begin." "oh!" he said, realizing, "i'm sorry." winona smiled.

"mate, you're fine. i'll call after, though. how's kalarnie?" "shes amazing. i'm helping her through everything.

"what?" "it's getting overwhelming so wil and i are trying our best to help her so she doesn't go absolutely insane."

winona smiled, "well that's great. give her my best wishes, though! i'll talk later."

"bye, winny!" winona hung up and sat next to george.

"how was the call?" george asked.

winona scooted closer and she looked to the basket, taking out a cake, "life update."

"of course."

george had to go with his gut in this moment, "winona, can i say something? uhm, in this short amount of time, i've come to find that i really fancy you. would it be too early to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

winona felt his breath pass by her lips and she smiled, "really? you want to date me?" "positive."

her hand held his face, beard scruff tickling her palm, "i guess that makes me your insanely more talented girlfriend." she shrugged and george started to curse at her, "no, don't swear at me, that's bullying, clarkey. i can get you hella cancelled for that."

he chuckled, "i'm so scared, larsy."

"you fucking better be."

the two laughed and winona held her hand on his chest, "is it true you've been single your entire life? or is it a ploy for fangirls to want you?"

george shrugged as winona's head laid on the flat of the soft blanket, "would you want it to be?" he breathed against her lips and closed the gap.

winona set up her laptop and mic. it was the last few days with george in japan and to say they were friends?

that was, most definitely, a blatant lie.

she titled the stream: i'm in japan, come say hello!

watching george talk with alex, he looked over to winona and waved. she waved back as the two made heart eyes.

"mate, stop flirting with winona for a fucking second, right?" "hi alex." winona said.

"hi winona." she smiled as george shut the door. winona began the stream and immediately, her discord was spammed by tommy.

let me join winny
did you get with him yet?

more spam along that line was sent and macy laughed as she welcomed chat, "hi guys. i thought i'd shake things up by streaming!" chat flew by and she laughed at a few askew comments, "right, tommy. mate, i'm adding you."

"winona mackenzie lars." "tom simons." she responded in that same tone, "mate, what do you want?"

he shot a message, do they know?

she shook her head and he responded, "why the hell are you streaming in japan? chat, i was supposed to go on that trip, not that british twat."

winona scoffed and folded her arms, "that's my boyfriend, you wanker." winona shut herself up and the door opened to george with a gasp. "that-"

everyone started to rile up, "fuck." she mumbled, "i mean, at least we won't have to partner reveal?"

a donation came through and the tts voice, which was chosen to be jerma, played through.

'when did you two start dating?'

winona saw george lean against the doorframe and show a smirk, "i mean, we now get those cute ship edits." george said with a sarcastic tone.

"that's fucking disgusting." tommy fake gagged and winona shut him up as she kept her eye on george, "can you stop leering at your boyfriend for one second and actually pay attention to your job?"

winona scoffed, george quirked a brow, "tommy," she groaned, "you did the exact same thing with kalarnie. don't fucking start."

that shut him up real quick. macy smirked and went back to talking to the audience, "chat, i could go for some roblox or minecraft. mods, put a poll up for minecraft or roblox."

winona, in that time, went to get a glass of water, muting her mic so nobody could hear her. "i'm sorry for accidentally revealing that we're together."

george just kissed her temple before walking back to the bedroom, "no more single jokes?" he asked, in reference to the ongoing bit he had. "that's fine with me. go stream, though."

"right," she walked back, sipping the drink in hand. she unmuted stream and tommy immediately started teasing her.

"damn, our last night in japan." winona groaned, sliding her phone on the side table, as it charged, after setting a few alarms. scooting to george, the girl felt his arm around her.

"it's been fun, though, hasn't it? and to think all of this started with you as willy wonka."

"hey, it was a really good costume!" she giggled, "atleast i put effort into it. can't say much about yours."

the two bickered and soon, fell into a deep sleep. winona felt george hold her tighter than he even realised and she felt his breath against her neck.

the feeling of warmth was always what she wanted and getting that?

winona knew it was where she belonged.

finn speaks
no because i have to write one more chapter so saying this one was final is a blatant lie on my behalf.

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