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the night was coming to an end and winona and george were finally leaving disneyland.

winona had convinced george, in her slight drunk haze, to get matching alien heads.

so now the two were leaving the happiest place on earth in alien heads.

they managed to have a quiet ride back their flat.

as soon as they got home, before they could even unpack what had happened that day, winona and george sat down on his bed. "that hat really suits you." she laughed. "you make a handsome alien."

"and you make a pretty one." the two faced each other and began talking about their favourite parts of the day.

the next day, the two opted for a calmer day. winona had a headache due to the amount she drank the night prior. when she looked up, george had brought in stuff and she smiled.

"before you say anything," george started, "i want you to take these." george held up a bottle of water and a painkiller. she took it quickly, then sat up. winona grunted from the slight headache she was enduring.

"you take care of me pretty well, clarkey." a mumble left her lips and he chuckled. "its cute."

he blushed a little at the calling of the service, "i can never repay you for bring me with you to japan. it's the least i could do." "well, it's not that big a deal, truly. you're my best friend!" she smiled. "what's for breakfast, anyway?"

george looked down at his phone. "we could always do mcdonalds for brunch. i figured it would be really good content for tiktok. it would also give us a break from posting drafts."

"that's a brilliant idea. i'll get dressed, then." "do you need me to help with anything?"

winona stood and looked to george, who was ready for the day and blushed, "what? oh, no. i'll be okay."

"i would suggest you stay here but you can speak japanese and i, unfortunately, cannot. how did you learn japanese, anyway?" george asked as she started on her makeup.

"it's always been in the family. because nan is fluent, dad could always speak it and i want it for my future kids aswell. it's a tradition that i would want to pass on."

"that's actually really cool. keeping it in the family, i see." "you don't have to make it sound so fucking cruel, man." winona walked out of the bathroom but george stood his ground in the doorway.

she looked up and her arms straightened out.

"problem?" he smirked. winona laughed, no headache in sight.

"you're such an ass, clarke. has anyone told you that?"

before winona could say anything else, her phone started buzzing. "tommy?" she asked.

george walked off and started scrolling through tiktok.

"winona, are you okay?" she squinted, "you messaged me very messily last night."

"i did?" "you also, albeit messy, asked if you could get james' number?"

she slapped her hand to her mouth, tapping the speaker feature and going through her text thread with the blonde.

"i get why i asked for james' number. i wanted to ask him to be the opener for my next tour. and i want him on a cover i want to sing. i just-"

looking through what she had typed, she was too shocked.

winny the pooh 🍯
can i tehl yu s scret

talking tom 😾
winona, are you okay?
are you fuckin drunk?
what do you need to tell me?

winny the pooh 🍯
i havd tshs crusg on giegr
pls dint tell himk

talking tom 😾
no fucking shot
you LIKE george.
i promise i won't tell but
this is great.

she almost laughed at the minuscule conversation the two shared and she looked over at george. "did i really say that?"

"yep. i think you should tell him, winny. i have to go though, bye!"

"what? tommy, come back." "love you, bye!" the call abruptly ended and winona furrowed her brows but walked over to george, ready to begin the day.

the two made their way to mcdonalds, which was surprisingly a short walk from where they were saying.

as they approached the foreign place, winona, yet again, ordered for the two of them.

the evening was less fun. the two had met up with winona's father's side of the family for dinner and it was very casual one at that.

the only problem was the language barrier that they were trying hard to get used to.

winona had planned it so one, george could meet her family. she wanted him to get to know them.

and two, to try and bond with them a little better.

they all went out to get sushi, fancy sushi, for dinner and winona was getting more uncomfortable and drunk by the second.

winona wanted to get along with everyone but they were quick to ask interesting things that she'd rather not explain.

they, then, started asking about her relationship with george and there were many implications that they either liked him or they didn't.

from the history she had with her family, and the way they were shooting questions at her left and right, george was worried she might crack.

it was clear she wasn't enjoying the time and was trying her best to make it better for herself.

suddenly, she stood up said goodbye to her family before taking george with her.

"are you okay? you could have told me you didn't want to be there."

winona looked up, "i wanted to give them another chance. i really did but they were making it so hard for me." winona vented, clinging onto her best friend.

"how about we go back home and just talk about nothing." george suggested.

winona smiled slightly, "can we go to 7/11 and get snacks?" "we can."

the two began a walk to the convenience store.

cars drove past at velocities nobody wanted to comprehend. the streets were neon, the skyline was filled with buildings of uneven heights and winona felt the ground beneath her a little more with each step.

looking around, george noticed how busy everyone was, or at least seemed to be. people were talking on their phones and winona, drunkenly, started repeating what others were saying, quietly, to herself.

the two made it to the convenience store. winona walked in first and the cool of the store was extremely refreshing.

winona immediately went to the chip section and put a few things in her basket. george turned the corner to see winona flicking through and putting something random in the basket.

"you good?" this made her jump. she stumbled slightly and turned straight to george.

"we're going somewhere very fun tomorrow." winona said, the faint beeps and flickers of light fading in and out. "and you aren't allowed to say no."

finn speaks
teehee final chapter next chap

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