Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's POV

I can't stop thinking about Liddy. All I want is for her to be happy. She's had a pretty hard life, although you wouldn't know it. She works very hard to keep a positive outlook. I know that working for Hunter, as his daughter's nanny is the perfect job for her. I just pray that Craig loves her enough to not stand in the way of that.

"It's been 3 hours. Do you think they are done talking?" I ask my husband, Joe.

"I don't know." He says looking at me over the top of his glasses. "I assume they have. Why don't you call her and put all of us out of our misery." He says with a wink and a chuckle.

"Have I been that bad?" I ask with a look of shock on my face.

"Elizabeth, it's all you talked about through the entire dinner and even while you were helping the kids with their home work. I know you are concerned about your sister, so just call her, PLEASE!"

"Okay, okay, I'll call her now." I sit and roll my fingers on the arm of the chair waiting for her to answer. Finally I hear her say. "Hello."

"Oh,hey Lid, how did things go with Craig?" I can hear her take a deep breath before she starts to speak. I think she maybe crying.

"It wasn't the easiest discussion we've ever had, that's for sure. He has 3 major concerns that I can't do anything about. The first being that Hunter is single and good looking and that we'll be spending a lot of time together with Harper, just the three of us, on his bus when Hunter's touring. His second issue is that the tours run for 6-9 months, which means we won't see each other much during that time and his third complaint is that I will be living in an apartment, which is attached to Hunter's house.

I totally understand his concerns. I would feel the same way if I were in his shoes. Sadly, I can't do a thing about any of his apprehensions. It's all part of the job. I tried to assure him that we would be fine, but I don't think I convinced him.

When I explained the reason why I NEEDED to take the job, because I wanted to help Harper, he understood. He didn't like it, but we've been dating long enough for him to know that when I think I can help someone then I am going to do it.

Finally, after hours of going over and over the same thing, Craig must have realized that if I declined the job because he asked me to, then I would resent him. I guess he didn't want that, so he reluctantly told me to take the job."

"Oh, Lid.... I am so relieved! I was really worried he would try to talk you out of it." I know she's upset. I wish I were there to give her a hug. "Try not to worry too much about this. Think about Harper and the ways that you can help her and leave the rest to God. "

"I know, that's what I keep reminding myself. There is a reason I was offered this job. Now I just have to be patient and see where it leads me."

"That's right. Keep thinking that and everything will be fine. ... So what did Hunter say when you accepted the job?"

"I haven't talked to him yet. When I called earlier he didn't answer his phone so I had to leave a message."

Hunter's POV

"You'll always be wanted"

As I finish singing Harper to sleep, our nightly routine, I can't help but stand there and watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful all snuggled up with Jazzy next to her, wearing light green pajamas with a silly purple cow on it.

All I want is for her to feel safe and loved. That is why it's so important that Liddy accepts the nanny position. I'm amazed at how attached Harper got to her in such a short time. She wouldn't stop talking about her all afternoon and into the evening. The very last thing she said before drifting off to sleep was "Wish Lid, sweet dreams, daddy."

I hear my phone ringing from the other room. I should probably get that. It might be Liddy. I bend over and kiss my baby girl, one more time before quietly closing the door behind me and go in search of my phone.

When I finally find my phone, under a cushion in the living room, I notice I have 2 missed calls one from Liddy the other from Kelly.

Kelly can wait. I'm still not sure how I feel about the way she acted the other night on the phone. She texted me the next day, to apologize and since then I have had limited contact with her. Between trying to get ready for my tour that starts in a week, hiring a nanny and taking care of Harper I haven't had much time for anything else.

I nervously listen to Liddy's message, asking me to call her back. I don't know what I will do if she says no. Harper already adores her. She can sense that Liddy is special and so do I.

After saying one last silent prayer, I dial Liddy's number. Much to my surprise she picks up on the second ring.


"Hey, Liddy, It's Hunter. I'm sorry I missed your call earlier. I was in the middle of putting Harper to bed. What can I do for you?" I realize I am holding my breath in anticipation of what she has to say.

"Oh no worries. I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to accept your job offer to be Harper's nanny."

I let out a hoot and I hear her giggle on the other end of the line. OMG, she literally has the cutest laugh. "You have NO idea how worried I was that you might say, no. Harper would have been crushed. Since you left all she has done is talk about you. The very last thing she said before she fell asleep was.... And I quote, "tell Lid sweet dreams, daddy." "My little girl is a big fan of yours if you can't tell."

"Aww, that is the cutest thing, her wanting to wish me sweet dreams. Harper is such a special little girl. I had so much fun visiting with her today. I can't believe how lucky I am that you picked me to be her nanny. Now, I can continue to spend time with her each day. I have so many things I want to show and teach her, with your permission of course."

"I'm pretty sure I will be fine with most everything you suggest, but I would appreciate you checking in with me before hand. ....So when are you available to start? The tour begins in 8 days and I have tons to do at the studio and meetings etc to attend. I could use your help, BUT if you can't start until the first day of the tour that's fine. My parents will help out with Harper."

"The tour starts in 8 days?" I can hear panic in her voice. "I thought it was 2 weeks away, but that's fine. I think I can get most or my personal stuff taken care of before we have to leave. Would you mind if I start the day after tomorrow?"

"Not at all. I realize this is short notice for you."

"Thank you for being so understanding. I have a feeling I am really going to enjoy having you for a boss... Well, I should let you go. I'm sure you need to get up early with Harper. But I have one more question before I hang up."

"Okay, ask away."

"Are there any tips to touring life I need to know about?"

I can't help but chuckle. " Yes, there are several and I will fill you in on most of them later. The most important thing you should know right now, is to bring LOTS of clothes. Finding opportunities to do laundry is difficult."

"Well, that's music to my ear's, pun intended." She giggles. "I love clothes so any excuse to buy more and I am all over it. She giggles again. "Good Night Hunter. Please, give Harper a hug for me in the morning."

"I most certainly will. Bye Liddy, Sweet Dreams."


It's going to her a busy weekend for me, so I decided to post Chapter 12 early. Hope you are enjoying the story. Please vote and leave me comments.

Thanks for reading!

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