Chapter 107

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Liddy's POV

Since speaking with Hunter and hearing that all Renee wanted was to apology and wish us well, I feel like I can finally breath. I know Hunter loves me so I really wasn't worry about him changing his mind. I was more concerned that Renee might try something during the ceremony. Now that I know she won't I can relax and enjoy every minute of my wedding day.

"Are you about ready?" Jan asks as we both look at my reflection in the full length mirror.

I shake my head then nervously smooth the fabric on my gorgeous white wedding dress. The lace which overlays several layers of tulle skirting is stunning. I just love it. It's adorned with hundreds of small pearls and sequins that highlight a gorgeous floral and leaf pattern. The bodice is sweetheart shaped and covered in the same delicate lace as the rest of the gown. The fact that it is sleeveless shows off my toned arms and shoulders.

The earrings and necklace Jan let me borrow, sparkle when the light hits them and compliment the style of my dress perfectly. They along with the fingerless white satin gloves I'm wearing which stop just above my elbows add to the 'Cinderella Ballgown' feeling I was shooting for.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Liz insists and the rest of my bridal party agrees, each nodding their head and smiling excitedly.

"Thanks guys." I blush. "Do you think Hunter will like it?"

"Yes." Again, everyone replies in unison, causing me to laugh.

"If he doesn't then he doesn't deserve to marry you." My dad jests from the further side of the room.

"Aw daddy." I exclaim before running over to kiss him on the cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you to." He whispers fighting back tears.

"Okay, ladies let's go stand in the hallway and give Phillip and Liddy a few minutes alone." Jan suggests.

I smile and hug her close. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She beams. " You're so beautiful. Hunter may just choose to skip the reception."

I feel my cheeks start to turn red. "I highly doubt that."

"You never know." She smirks.

"I love you, Jan."

"I love you, too, Honey. " She says before turning to pat my dad gently on the shoulder.

He reaches for her hand and squeezes it briefly, assuring her in that split second that he's fine. "We'll be out in just a minute."

"Okay." She smiles then quietly closing the door behind her.

When I look at my dad he is fidgeting nervously with his black tie, in the mirror.

"It's perfect. Leave it alone." I insist and playfully swat at his hands.

"Okay. Okay!" He grins then takes both of my hands in his. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became serious. "You look absolutely stunning, Lindsay. I wish your mom could be here to see you."

"I do, too."

He sighs and pauses for a moment. "I'm not sure if I ever told you this before, but when your mother discovered she was pregnant with you, she felt instantly that you were a girl. Even though I thought you might be a boy, she was certain that I was wrong. She would talk to you constantly. She'd read your stories and tell you how beautiful you were going to be."

"Really? I never knew she did that."

"Oh she did." He states, looking nostalgically, off into the distance. "The day the ultra sound confirmed she was right, she beamed and insisted that we pick your name right off. She didn't want to keep calling you baby girl every time she talked to you."

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