Chapter 3

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Sept 9, 2018

Hunter's POV

Today's my 27th birthday. I am not really in the mood to celebrate, but my mom  insists that Harper and I come over for a cook out and cake. So I finish up in my home studio around 3 pm. Grab a quick shower, throw some product in my hair and dress in a white short sleeve polo shirt, dark blue jeans and white converse sneakers.

When I hear Harper moving around in her crib, I go to her room to find her sitting up talking to her favorite toy, Jazzy. A little stuffed pony my parents gave her last Christmas. She is so precious. I have to pause for a moment and thank the lord for my beautiful daughter, before I walk over to see her.

 "Hey, sleepy head, are you ready to take a bath then go over to see Grammy and Grampy?"

She smiles and shakes her little head, yes. I pick her up and I take her to the bathroom and start running the water. Once the temperature is perfect, I begin giving her a bath, all the while trying to avoid getting wet. When we are done I dry her off and we head back to her room to pick out her outfit.

"What do you want to wear today? How about some cute leggings and the top with the monkey on it?" I ask. Harper shakes her head and firmly says "No." She immediately points to a pink, knee length dress, with large white and blue flowers on it. I just laugh. She is so predictable. The shoes she wants to wear are blue with glitter on them, of course. God, I just love this child to pieces.

I quickly brush her hair. Throw the bag with all her baby essentials over my left shoulder and place Harper on my right hip. As I am heading out the door, I turn and see Cole looking at us.

"Be a good boy. We shouldn't be gone long. I will feed you when we get back." I then headed out to the car. Once Harper is all buckled in her car seat, I start the car and head towards my parent's house.

Leo's POV

"Leo, the band and their families are in the back yard. Would you go out and ask them to start quieting down because Hunter and Harper should be here any minute?" Lynette asks as she pours ranch dressing over a large mixed green salad.

"Absolutely! Do you need me to carry anything out with me?" 

"I think I am fine." She answers with a smile.

The back yard is set up with tables, chairs and lots of balloons. A 'Happy Birthday, Hunter' banner is hanging on the fence. The grill is all fired up waiting for Lynette's famous ribs. The band and their wives or girlfriends are scattered around the lawn chatting away, while their children are running around playing tag. Andy and Melissa are talking with Steve, his girlfriend Jessie and a blonde I have never met before.

As I whistle to get everyone's attention, I wonder if the guys are trying to play matchmaker with Hunter and the pretty blonde. I need to remember to ask Lynette if she knows anything about it, when I go back inside.

"Hey, y'all. Hunter and Harper will be here very soon. So it's time to settle down and get ready to shout "surprise " when he walks out here. I then turn and head back inside to see if my beautiful wife needs any last minute help.

"Here, let me carry that, Honey." I say as I take the pan of ribs from her hands.

"Thanks! It was heavier than I thought."  She says while picking up the large tossed salad she was making earlier. "Is everyone ready for the birthday boy to arrive?" 

"Yes, they are." I nod. "So, I noticed that Steve and Jessica brought a friend with them. Do you happen to know anything about that?"

"Oh, that is Kelly, Jessica's cousin. Isn't she pretty? She seems really nice. I got a few minutes to chat with her when they first arrived. I'm hoping that she and Hunter hit it off." She winks.

"Lynette, was this your idea?"

"Maybe just a little." She says with a grin. "Steve asked me the other day when we were planning this party, if I thought Hunter was ready to start dating again. I said, YES. It's been over a year since Renee moved out. The divorce was finalized 6 months ago. It's time that Hunter starts to date again. He has too much love in his heart. He needs to find someone special to share it with."

"I hope you're right. " I whisper as Hunter and Harper come walking in the front door.


Hunter's POV

As Harper and I walk into my mom and dad's house, I notice them in what appears to be a deep discussion. When they see me, they pull apart and my dad says something under his breath. I wonder what that's about?

"Harper sweetie, come give Grammy and Grampy a hug." My mom says with excitement in her voice. She really does adore my baby girl. So does my dad. Harper is so lucky to have them in her life.

I put Harper down. She squeals and immediately runs over to my mom, who just manages to put the salad on the counter, before Harper launches herself into her arms.  I can't help but smile.

"Hunter, will you grab that salad for me and bring it out back?" My mom asks while pushing open the back door, with Harps still in her arms.

"Sure thing, mom" I follow her and my dad out into the back yard. Just when my feet hit the grass I look up and see the band and their families wearing party hats. Then I hear everyone scream, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Hunter."

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