Chapter 61

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Hunter's POV

After thanking Ryan a hundred times, I'm finally able to pull Liddy away. "Are you ready to go home?" God I love the sound of that, because with Liddy there that is exactly what it will be.

"I'd like to say goodbye to Liz and Joe, first, if you don't mind. Why don't you go grab your car and I'll meet you out front in about 10-15 minutes?"

"Okay, but are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I would love it, but I know Liz. She's going to ask all kinds of personal questions about us that I am sure will embarrass you. So I really think you'll be more comfortable waiting for me in the car."

"Yeah, you are probably right." I say as I kiss her luscious lips. "But I'm going to miss you. So promise me you won't be long."

She giggles and kisses my cheek. "I won't. I'll be so fast you'll never know I was gone."

"Oh trust me, I'll notice." I say as I slowly release her hand and watch her walk away. "Hey, Lid."

She turns to look at me. "Yes?"

"I love you."

Her face becomes an adorable shade of pink. "I love you, too."

Once she is safely with her sister on the opposite side if the room, I grab my car keys from my pocket and head for the lobby. As I start to open the door to step outside, I feel a hand on my arm. I look over to find Kelly standing there glaring at me.

"We need to talk." She says angrily.

"You are right, we do."  Even though this isn't the best time, I would rather just get it over with. "Grab your coat and meet me outside."

I choose to wait on a granite bench, near the entrance to the hotel. It's out of the way, enough so hopefully people won't overhear Kelly and I arguing, but still in view of the door so I can watch for Liddy just incase she exits while we are still "talking".

When I see Kelly storming out of the hotel towards me, my blood boils. I can't believe everything she did to keep Lid and I apart. She was way out of line and I'm looking forward to telling her.

The closer she gets, the easier it is to see that's she's fuming. Her brows are pulled down, her lips are tightly closed and her eyes have an icily stare to them.

"So have a seat." I say sternly. "We have a lot to discuss."

"You are right we do and I want to go first!" She says as she sits next to me. "How could you do this? How could you pick her? Liddy doesn't know how to make you happy, not like me. I love you. She's just using you. She..."

"Enough! Stop saying you love me and can make me happy because you can't. You are a selfish; scheming, hateful person who thinks it's okay to lie to someone for months on end and then tries to justify her actions by saying it's for Love. I don't think you even know what the word means." I say while fiddling with my cufflinks.


"No buts. Liddy makes me incredibly happy. She doesn't lie to me or to other people. She doesn't make up crazy stories and try to convince others she's pregnant, when she really isn't."

Kelly begins to cry. "But Hunter, I know I could make you happy if she wasn't around."

"So is that why you told her you were pregnant with my child. You were hoping she would leave?"

"Yes, I did and I was right. She would have left you because she doesn't love you like I do. I would have stayed and fought for us, instead she was looking for another job, planning to just walk away."

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