Chapter 34

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Hunter's POV

I can't help but smile. Liddy is so adorable right now. I wouldn't call her drunk, but she's had enough champagne that I can see a difference in her. She's far more relaxed than she was at the beginning of dinner, that's for sure.

"Would you like some dessert? "

"I'm full, but if you want to order something, please do."

As much as I want this night to go on forever, I really should take her home, before the full effects of the alcohol kicks in. I'm pretty sure she would rather be in her apartment than this restaurant, when it does. "I'm all set. I'll just go pay the bill and we can leave."

"Okay, I'll be right here waiting." She says a bit louder than usual.

I return a few minutes later and Liddy is sitting at the table quietly looking at her phone. "Are you ready to go?"

"Sure." She says as she starts to stand then quickly sits back down. "Okay, I'm pretty sure I drank too much champagne. Would you mind helping me out to your car, so I don't make a fool of myself and embarrass you in the process? "

I just chuckle. She is precious. "I absolutely don't mind. Here hold on to my arm." I say as I offer her my elbow to lean on, as she stands."

"Thank you." She says while looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Would you mind getting my wrap for me?

As I reach down and grab it from her seat, she turns her body so I can place it over her shoulders. When my fingers come in contact with her one bare shoulder I have to bite my lip. Her skin is so soft, like the petal of a delicate flower and her perfume is a mixture of woodsy and light floral scents, which are driving me wild. All I want to do is place a long line of kisses from the top of her shoulder, to the sensitive spot right below her ear.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Liddy's breath catch and I see her shiver. Wow, my touch has that kind of effect on her. Realizing that fact makes me smile from ear to ear.

Once I know she has her purse, I slip my arm around to the middle of her lower back and let it rest there. As I escort her out of the restaurant, I realize I love the feeling of her body tucked so close to mine. It just feels right.

When we finally reach my car. I reluctantly remove my hand and help her into the passenger seat. I then walk around to the driver's side and slide in. By the time I have my seatbelt fastened Liddy has turned the radio on and is singing to Jason Aldean's newest single. She really has a very nice voice.

After listening to her for a few seconds, I decide I am in no hurry to head home. So instead of starting the engine, I turn and just watch as Liddy sways and sings to the music. She is having so much fun I can't help but grin. I remove my phone from my inner jacket pocket and take a short video of her just being her adorable self, totally carefree. This is a moment I don't ever want to forget.

Within a few minutes she notices that I am watching her. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She says as she angles her face away from me. I can tell she's blushing.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Hunter, seriously? I can't sing to save my soul, that's why I NEVER let anyone listen to me sing. I can't believe you of all people, just heard me." She groans and covers her face. "I am so embarrassed. It's that champagne I drank. It's causing me to let my guard down. God, this is NOT good."

I can't help but chuckle as I hear her mumble beneath her hands. "Who told you, you can't sing? I actually think you are very good."

"No one had to tell me. I know I am horrible." She says again while still hiding her face.

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