Chapter 63

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Hunter's POV

It's Liddy's birthday and I'm surprising her by flying back to Nashville for a few hours to help her celebrate with her family. She and Harper have been here for a couple of days visiting with Liz and her parents who flew in yesterday, from Virginia. I'm looking forward to meeting them. Especially her dad, I have a very important question to ask him.

As I pull into her sister's drive my heart starts to race. I've missed Liddy and Harper so much. It's only been 2 days but it feels like 2 weeks. The bus has been so quiet without their laughter. God, I can't wait to hug them both.

Before I knock on the front door, I check to see if I have the smaller of Liddy's presents in my coat pocket. I smile when I feel the tiny box that I picked up at my favorite Nashville Jeweler, on my way here. I had it custom made just for her. I hope she likes. The larger gift I left in the car. I want to give that to her when we are alone.

I can hear voices inside as I raise my hand to knock. Within seconds Joe answers the door. "Hunter, so glad you could make it. Lid is going to be so surprised." He says softly. "Come in."

"So no one let it slip that I was coming?" I whisper.

"Liz almost did, but she was able to recover, so Liddy has no idea."

I smile. I wonder what she will do when she sees me. "Oh good. Where is she, now?"

"She's in the living room talking with Phil, Jan and your parents."

When I step into the entryway I can hear her laughing and my heart skips a beat. I follow Joe down the hallway and stand at the opening to the living room. She and Harper are sitting in a chair with their backs to me. Even without seeing Harper's face I can tell she's tired by the way she's snuggled into Lid's lap, with her head on Liddy's shoulder.

My parents are sitting on a love seat facing the doorway so they notice me first. I motion for them to be quiet and they acknowledge they understand by smiling and nodding their heads, ever so slightly.

I quietly sneak towards the chair that my two favorite girls are sitting in. When I'm close enough I slip my hands over Liddy's eyes. "Guess who?" I whisper into her left ear.

She immediately grabs my hands and pulls them away. "Hunter!" She shrieks before standing with Harper still wrapped in her arms.

"Surprise." I say as I walk to the front of the chair so I can give them a hug.

"Daddy!" My sweet little girl yells.

"How's my punkin girl?"

"Good." She says while holding her arms out. "It's Lid's birfday."

"I know." I say before taking her from Liddy and settling her into the crook of my left arm. Then I grab Lid's hand with my right and bend down to kiss her soft lips. "I've missed you both so much." I whisper.

She blushes. "I've missed you, too." What are you doing here?"

I laugh. "I came to celebrate your birthday with you."

"But I thought Betsy had you scheduled for some interview you couldn't miss."

"We rescheduled it for early this morning." I say as I pull her close so I can wrap my arm around her waist.

We continue to kiss and catch up for a few minutes before we hear a man clear his throat. When we look up Liddy's parents are standing in front of us.

"Oh Hunter, this is my dad, Phil and my step mom, Jan."

"Nice to finally meet you." I say while extending my hand.

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