Chapter 6

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Several days later

Hunter's POV

It's a beautiful Friday in Nashville. It's also the day that my mom and I plan to interview the top two candidates for Harper's new nanny position. I was awake most of the night praying that we would like at least one of them and that whom ever we pick would accept the job. I realize traveling around the country in a bus, watching a musician's daughter is not everybody's idea of a dream job. It certainly makes it difficult to have any kind of personal life, especially a love life. I learned that the hard way.

While I'm sitting in my kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee, waiting for my mom to show up, my phone chimes. I look down and see a text from Kelly

K: Good Luck today. I hope your search for the perfect nanny goes well!

H: Aww, Thanks. It's really sweet of you to remember.

K: Just trying to be a good friend. If you have time later and want to talk, call me.

H: I will if I can. If not I will call you tomorrow.

Since my birthday party, just over a week ago, Kelly and I have gotten together a few times. I like her. She's really easy to talk to and appears to be comfortable with the fact that I want to take things slow. With the tour starting next week, I don't know how much we'll be able to see each other. I know I'll try my best, but only time will tell if it's enough.

When Harper and I hear a car pull into the drive, her face lights up. She toddles over to the door and excitedly starts jumping up and down, in her bright yellow dress with pink stripes. "Gammy here, Gammy here!"

Once my baby girl has gotten her "Gammy Fix", I grab her diaper bag and my mom carries her outside and buckles her into her car seat. I then drive the three of us to the studio where Uncle Matt and the rest of the guys from the band will watch Harper.


Lynette's POV

As we are sitting at Starbucks, waiting for our first candidate to show up, I notice that Hunter is nervous. I can tell because he keeps running his hands through his hair, something he has done ever since he was little. The first person we will be interviewing is Bonnie McPhee. She attended Berry College in Georgia then moved to the Nashville area about 5 years ago. She has excellent references and is the older of the two ladies we will be talking to.

While I sit and drink my Vanilla Chi I see a women around the age of 30, with short reddish colored hair, walk inside and immediately start scanning the room. I wonder if this is Bonnie. When she notices Hunter and I she smiles briefly then heads straight for our table.

"Hello, my name is Bonnie McPhee." She says while holding her hand out so we may shake it.

"Nice to meet you, please have a seat. " I hear Hunter say. "Would you like something to drink, before we get started?"

"No, I am fine, thanks. I'm not much of a coffee drinker." I can't help but giggle. Does she have any idea she is talking to the Coffee King?

Once the interview is over Hunter and I compare notes.

"She has a lot of great qualities." I say before taking a bit of my cheese danish. "She's confident, approachable and appears to be very competent. What did you think, son?"

Hunter is quiet for a few seconds, before answering. I can tell something's bothering him. "She was very nice, personable and very knowledgeable on what to do in case of a child emergency. Her references are superb. There's just something that didn't feel right. I am not sure she's a good match."

It's obvious he's frustrated. He keeps rubbing the back of his neck. "Hunter, it's okay. We have one more person to interview today. If that doesn't work out, then we'll keep looking until we find the perfect nanny for Harper. Don't worry."


Hunter's POV

I know my mom is right. I shouldn't worry. But I can't help it. This nanny will be spending a lot of time with Harper. She needs to be extra special. Hopefully, our next candidate, Lindsay Deans who has a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Development from Vanderbilt University will be the one.

When I see a petite woman in her mid to late 20's, with golden brown hair and a beautiful smile open the door, my heart stops for second. I can't help but stare as she walks directly to the counter and places an order. She's stunning in a black and white maxi dress with a cardigan and 3 inch sandals. Even with the added height of her shoes she still doesn't appear to be much over 5 feet tall. Once she has her drink she takes a sip and begins to look around the room. When she recognizes me, she smiles brightly then walks towards our table.

As she approaches I realize my palms are sweaty so I quickly wipe them on my pants before standing up and holding out my hand. "Lindsay Deans?" I ask.

"Yes, but please call me Liddy." She says as she shakes my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

I instantly feel a jolt of electricity as soon as our hands meet. I reluctantly let go, but discover I can't take my eyes off of her. There is something so familiar about her face. 'Have I seen her in the audience at one of my concerts or maybe at a CHE?' Why can't I figure it out?'

Thank goodness my mom introduces herself and starts the interview, since I can't seem to concentrate. After a few minutes, with no luck remembering where I have seen her before, I force myself to join in the interview. I ask her a few professionally appropriate questions such as how long were you last employed and NOT the personal question I wanted to ask which is 'would you like to go to dinner with me?'

Every time she answers either me or my mother she smiles so brightly. Her face lights up. I swear her sable brown eyes with flecks of green have the power to hypnotize and her laugh sounds like angels singing.

As we near the end of her interview, I realize I am running out of time. I have to ask her one more question. I can't help myself. "Excuse me, I know this may sound weird, but have we met before? You look so familiar. Have you ever been in the front row at one of my concerts? Or attended a meet and greet?"

She looks down at her lap for a minute and when she finally looks up her cheeks are pink. "I have seen you at a few different St Jude's fundraisers. Maybe you recognize me from one of those? I do know for certain that we have never spoken directly until today."

"So you are a St Jude supporter?" I ask, hoping I don't sound too surprised.

"Yes, I am. Ever since my nephew was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma several years ago I have been a strong supporter of that charity. That hospital and the staff that works there are amazing. They helped save his life."

"I am very happy to hear that they were able to help your nephew. I hope he continues to stay well." I say, while finding myself looking yet again into her beautiful eyes.

"Well, it's getting late. We should probably let Liddy go for now, don't you think Hunter? My mom mutters as she nudges me, trying to break me from the trance I am in.

" Ah yes, yes we should. It was a pleasure meeting you, Liddy. My mother and I have a few things to discuss. One of us will contact you either later tonight or early tomorrow." She nods politely as I walk her to the door. "Thank you again, for helping me remember where I have seen you before. It would have driven me crazy if you hadn't.

"You are very welcome. I'm just a bit shocked that you would remember me when there were hundreds of people at those fundraisers." She smiles at me one last time then turns and walks out the door.

'Who could forget someone as stunning as you?'

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