Time After Time

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Gabe pulled over in front of the school building as he looked at Cas, signaling him that it's time to go down

"Hey, do you think it's possible?" Cas asked Gabe.

"Possible for what Cassie?" Gabe raised his eyebrow as a sudden silence filled the car.

"You know. . .for me. . .to not. . . go to school. That sorta thing?" Cas looked at Gabe

"Cassie," Gabe patted Cas's shoulder "You'll do fine."

"Easy for you to say, you were popular when you were in highschool." Cas's tone sounded that he would do anything not to go to school today.

"C'mon Cassie. . .be positive." Gabe smiled.

"But-" Cas was cut off by Gabe.

"No buts. . .you would go to school today like you are supposed to."

"I mean, I'll get bullied again. I'll be the football team's favorite nerd to push over. I don't wanna be like that." Cas complained to Gabe as he frowned.

"You'll do fine, mom's with you isn't she?" Gabe reassured Cas.

"Through that trenchcoat." Gabe added.

"Fine." Cas rolled his eyes over at the door.

Castiel Jimmy Novak, 17 years old kid who is a nerd and a senior. He wore glasses and a trenchcoat and had a stubble. And that trenchcoat came from his mom. . .or at least he found it. Cas never met his mom and the only thing he have left of her is that trenchcoat and he'd wear it every single day to school as reminder that she's with him so he could get through the day and he'd wear it until the day he finally meets her. Although his other brothers never speak of her, it's better if Cas didn't bring her up.

Gabriel Loki Novak, 18 years old. . .turning 19 actually in a few months. He just graduated high school a fee months ago. He was what you'd call a "Trickster" he lives to play pranks and games. But don't worry, he's a smartass so don't worry about his grades. He was wildly popular, sometimes there were some pranks gone wrong and he was sent to the principal's office a couple of times and got scolded but he graduated with high grades since he was a smartass after all right? Then after graduation, he simply took a break before he goes to college or apply for a job. He was Castiel's brother.

Gabe chuckled "I was about to ask you to tell me who was beating you up but I almost forgot that society doesn't do that nowadays right?"

"Yeah," Cas laughed "Only bitches do that." Cas added.

The both of them bursts into laughter as Cas missed the good times where the both of them could just laugh like nothing happened between them and their family.

Then a sudden silence filled between the both of them

"Castiel Jimmy Novak, under no circumstances you will skip or not attend classes in any such way, am I clear?" Gabe bluntly told Cas.

"Gabriel Loki Novak, you have no such any power over me." Cas opened the door as he was about to go out.

Gabe suddenly tugged his arm which made him fall back to the car seat "I do have power over you," the mood suddenly became tense "And you will go attend your classes like you're supposed to."

"Chill man, I was just kidding." Cas shook Gabe's grip as he was went our of the car and closed the door.

"Stay safe Cassie." Gabe rolled down his window.

Cas gave him a thumbs up and a smile and started walking away.

"I love you Cassie!" Gabe shouts like a fangirl who saw her favorite band.

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