Angel Heart

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Cas had began to reach his locker while passing through the sea of students out there, he was able to avoid Alastair and the others

'At least Dean wasn't one of the others' Castiel had just thought to himself.

He opened his locker and he got his stuff for the next class, History. He was carrying a few book and his project that he had been working on for weeks.

He looked at his back and there he saw Dean Winchester at his locker which was at the other side of the hallway. He was just glancing at him as Dean shifted his head around and Castiel thought that he had notice him staring at Dean so he looked away as he swore he saw a grin form up Dean's face if he ever saw him staring at him.

He closed his locker as he tried to balance everything in his hands. His hands were shaking a bit considering the thought of Dean.

Dean got his football put of his locker and watched as Charlie passed down the hallway. He had been waiting for her to pass by so he could get a chance to throw a football at her.

"Think fast Charlie." He said while throwing the football at her direction.

Surprisingly, Charlie caught the football and as soon as she caught it she looked around as she saw Castiel carrying lots of stuff as she had a devilish grin and look back at Dean.

"Think fast Dean." She said while she threw the football at Castiel's direction.

Castiel hadn't notice the football being thrown at his direction because he was busy balancing his stuff with both hands.

As soon as Charlie threw the ball, Dean was focused too much and the ball and jumped to catch it.

He caught it...but he landed in Castiel.

Castiel dropped all his books and-

"No! My project!" Castiel said to the broke project he had been working in for weeks.

"Shit! I'm so sorry Cas." Dean said as Castiel was searching the floor for his glasses like a blind man.

Cas stopped. . .'Cas' he thought to himself 'It had been a while since I heard that name.' He began to think as Dean got his glasses and put his hand Cas's jaw and pulled his face towards him as he slid Cas's glasses back to his face.

Cas could see it clearly now. He saw and realized it was Dean. His cheeks turned pink as they looked at each other, time started moving slower.

They were just staring at each other...

Cas sat on the floor staring at him for about 23 seconds as the bell suddenly rung and everyone panicked into class which of course, broke the both of them out of their trance.

Dean got Cas's books and stood up, holding all the books with one hand and the other offering help for Cas to stand up.

Charlie walked away saying to herself "My work here is done."

Cas took his hand and quickly stood up, getting his broken project which he landed on.

"Hey, let me help you with your stuff you like?" Dean asked Cas

"Nah, it's okay." Cas said while readjusting his glasses and fixing his trenchcoat.

"Please, let me Cas. . .for all those times." He said

Cas stood frozen for a few seconds, having a flashback of everything between them before and his heart broke remembering the day he left him.

"Sure " Cas looked down, not knowing how to react at all.

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