After School Special

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Cas was dropped off by Gabe in front of the entrance of the school building.

Gabe rolled down his window and Cas stood in front of the door.

"Bye Cassie." Gabe said.

"You'll be fine right? You would get home in one piece?" Gabe added.


"Listen, there's a handkerchief on the right pocket of your coat, just in case you might get sweaty if your nervous to ask your crush for a dance."

"Really?" Cas checked his pocket and found a plain white handkerchief.

"And on your left pocket there's some mints if ever you're gonna talk to that someone special, or make out just in case." Gabe said to Cas.

"Gabe, seriously?" Cas seemed a bit annoyed that his brother cares too much.

"And in your wallet I put a piece of of plastic there just in case you rock it out tonight and you're gonna get wet and dirty." Gabe whispered to Cas

"You put a condom in my wallet???" Cas seemed a lot surprised.

"How do you do that? My wallet was with me the whole day." Cas wondered.

"Ha! That's what you think. I'm called " The Trickster" for a reason you know. Just a bit of misdirection my Cassie." Gabe's eyebrows moved up and down.

"Yeah, sure Gabe." Cas wasn't entirely listening as he was struggling with his tie.

"That is not cool Cassie. All men should know how to tie their tie." Gabe looked at Cas's blue tie.

"Shut up Gabe, I know how to do it." Cas gave an annoyed look.

"Ya sure?" He asked.

"Yes Gabe, now go home, eat candy or watch porn or something. Like what you always do." Cas said.

"Sure thing Cassie." Gabe winked

"Bye, have gun." He said as he rolled up his window and left

Cas was still fixing his suit, this was the first time that he didn't wear his trenchcoat and he was surprised himself.

Everything was fine until-

"Ugh, I can't tie my tie!" Cas exclaimed to himself.

Cas held the blue tie on his hand and started walking, finding a friend to help him tie his tie.

Embarrassing as it seems he walked around a bit to see if he had some friends who can help him

'I have those? Friends?' Cas thought to himself

'Ouch man, why you gotta be so mean to yourself' Cas started talking to himself.

As Cas looked up and saw Dean sitting on a bench. He was leaning back as sit there nonchalantly.

Cas blushed.

'He looks so cute when he wears a suit.' Cas thought to himself.

As Dean turned his head and saw Cas.

Dean was frowning but when he saw Cas, a smile lit up on his face as he stood up and approached Cas.

"Hi Cas."

Dean was really surprised hut he didn't show it, Cas didn't wear his trenchcoat for once.

Cas stood there in awe as he looked at Dean in his suit.

"Cas! You there?" Dean held Cas's jaw with both hands and shook it a bit to get his attention.

"Huh?" Cas snapped back to reality.

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