Goodbye Stranger

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-Freshmen Year-

Castiel's P.O.V.

I lost something...

I know it, I lost something at that moment but I just couldn't put my finger on it though.

Was it that insignificant that the fact that I couldn't remember what it was at least or was it that important that it made me stop and contemplate on what I think I had just lost.


"Goodbye." The first word that comes into my head.

Did I really thought to say goodbye? Why did I do it. . .and to who?

Why do people say goodbye? Goodbyes aren't always good right? So when?

When do we say goodbye first? When we leave people, right?. . .the people we love.

But. . .if I love someone, why would I have to let them go? Why do you have to. . .sacrifice or so they say? Is it because you know you'd see them again? What if I won't... Would I still say goodbye?

"Goodbye." That word continued lingering through my mind again.

Why do we say goodbye then?

"What do I love?" I whispered to myself knowing that whatever I did, I had to let go.

And in that instant, I snapped back to reality, Dean was walking away.

The bell had just rung

"Dean!" I tugged Dean's arm while he was walking away.

Dean stops walking away as he turns around.

"What do you want Cas?" Dean sounds annoyed and irritated.

"Just stop okay?" I just want to fix

"Stop what!?" Dean answered back.

"With everything!" I exclaimed as I tried to make him realize.

"Oh! Here we go again with your drama!" Dean loudly complained. hurt by that, but I just can't tell him exactly how I feel right?

"Would you just tell me?" I demanded Dean to just tell me.

Dean turns away and starts walking at a slow phase.

"Tell you what!?" Dean rolls his eyes to me

I forcefully tugged Dean's arm, stopping Dean as I didn't let go of the grip on Dean's arm.

"What can I do?" I was trying... I gave a desperate look to Dean hoping that he could fix it in any way the he could.

"To do what!?"Dean looked like he was trying to pretend to know now what was going between the two of us.

"To fix it!" I was annoyed that Dean's acting like he didn't even care.

My hope to fix everything was going down. I knew inside of me that everything was already broken beyond repair but I couldn't leave something that I loved so much.

To me, Dean was a person, he was a best friend, a brother. He was...maybe something more than that, Dean was a reason.

A reason to be to rebel, a reason to try, a reason to love again, a reason to be happy...a reason to live.

"Maybe...You just can't." Dean looks down saying it softly.

And in that instant, I felt his heart broke—shattered could be the right word. Tears started to form in my eyes, I didn't want to break down in front of Dean.

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