About A Boy

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Since the day the both of them realized that they were classmates, not that much happened between the two of them.

Two months later Castiel spent his days getting bullied by the football team but the main stars were Alastair, Tom, Brady and Gadreel.

He was sometimes shoved in his locker, sometimes they dunk his head on the toilet... at least they picked the clean toilets, they sometimes get his homework so they could copy but they'd never return it, sometimes he tried just a bit to stand up for himself but it always end up with him on the floor with his broken glasses. It would seem like these sadistic people are never contented aren't they?

Although the bullying and his homework stolen, Castiel always managed to answer it again before the teacher comes in. He already memorized his homework because he knew it was going to be stolen by Al and the others.

Every time he goes to class if he wasn't classmates with Anna on that period he'd sit to the next closest friend he has, Charlie.

But this time, the talk was different

"You got Alastair-ed again haven't you?" Charlie asks

"Yeah, does it seem obvious?" Castiel asks sarcastically as he laughs.

Castiel's shirt looked like it was almost close to breaking but his trenchcoat is always unscathed.

"You were thinking of Dean protecting you while Alastair punches you in the gut, weren't you." She asks again

"Yeah- I mean no." Castiel tries to hide his feelings

"So you do like him?" She starts to get suspicious

"Yeah and so? It's not like he's gonna like me back is there?" Castiel began to raise his voice

"I'm sorry, I'm the reason why the two of you fell apart."

"It's okay, maybe things were just meant to."

---Meanwhile with Dean---

Dean spent his first two months with some football training, he always saw Castiel in the hallway when he goes to class, he saw him getting bullied by Alastair but he doesn't look at him but he really wanted to help but...so much things had changed since they last talked and he feared that Castiel would just push him away like what I did.

Every time he got to class feeling sorry for Castiel, he always sat next to Charlie hut if Charlie wasn't there, he'd sit beside Benny but Charlie's in this period so...he was late...as always.

"Hey, did you see Castiel getting beaten up in the hallways a while ago?" Asked Charlie

"Yeah and so what?" Dean sounded grumpy.

"Wow, looks like someone got off at the wrong side of the bed. What's with you?"

"I dunno, I just feel like..."

"You wanted to be his knight in shining armor?" Charlie finished his sentence

"Yes! But..." Dean drifted off

"You're afraid aren't you?" Charlie finished his sentence once again.

"Yeah, I'm afraid of getting rejected. I'm afraid that no matter how much girls I date or the number of one-night stands I have, I'd never ever get over Castiel."

"So you do like him?" She asked

"I guess so. . .yeah."

And there Charlie knew that the two boys deserve a second chance so she decided to at least try to put them together.

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