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track four: i will dare

track four: i will dare

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MONDAY MORNING and somewhat bright and early, Marty began the familiar route to school. Nerves still sat with him since his outing to town this last weekend that he hoped would subside if he told somebody about it, anybody really. The first of his friends he would see was Lee, having only managed to wake up today on sheer luck alone by the way she looked. Still dressed in the plaid pajama pants and a hoodie she slept in she groaned upon seeing Marty's overly eager expression. "I'm not in the mood McFly—"

"I met Needles sister."

Proving to be as much of a jolt as a cup of coffee would've given her she properly fixed herself up to give her attention to him willingly. "I'm listening."

As this was going on, at the opposite end of town was the girl in question who was sleeping happily content in bed. Having forgotten to change the batteries on her analog, her alarm didn't ring in time to have her begin to get ready. Unluckily for her her brother had gotten up and noticed her not awake now and he stood by the doorway amused, planning how exactly to wake her up. Opting with the fog horn he had stashed and successfully found, Needles placed it near her ear and pressed down to have the noise echo.

Jolting awake and falling off the bed in her sheets, Roxanne groaned and only became more annoyed when seeing the smug look on her brother's face. "We're late for school, dummy," He told her, setting the culprit aside onto her bedside table.

Not believing this and thinking he was only acting like a prick, she grabbed her clock to see for herself the blank, dead screen staring back at her. "Shit!"

Only laughing as she attempted to rush around her room and try to manage an outfit out of whatever semi-dirty clothes were currently on the floor he hit the door before walking out. "Guess I'll see you there, eventually." Before he could get far Roxanne was shoving her way past him with her bag of make-up to get to the bathroom. Dumping the products onto the counter she noticed the eyeliner pencil barely manageable and not having enough time to sharpen it was forced to smudge whatever she could under her water line as well as by the edges of her lashes.

Needles hadn't paid mind to his sister and only continued out the door of the house towards the school on his own. That is until a couple minutes through his ride came the young girl skating past him. Turning back to her brother she flipped the bird with a smile and continued in a rush. The bell had already rung by the time the two got there which meant they were late regardless of trying to be or not.

Taking her usual route to grab her things from her locker first before heading to class, her brother kept a short distance near her. Seeing this she looked around the empty halls and back to him annoyed. "I told you to leave me alone at school."

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