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~The Next Day~

"Good morning!" Cheerfully said Seungmin when he saw me walking towards my seat.

"Good morning?" I hesitantly greeted him as I raised a brow at the sudden change in behavior that I noticed since yesterday.

He didn't talk to me yesterday after art class despite us having one more class together later that day. He was quiet and calm at first, but now he's like a whole other person.

I slid into my seat and grabbed the things I needed from inside my backpack.

"(Y/n)," I heard Seungmin say and I turned around and asked, "Yes?"

He held his phone out to me and on the screen, I could see the search bar on Instagram and when I lifted my head, his head was turned away from me with his hand rubbing his neck. "In case I need help with something, I have a way to message you."

It was clear that he was embarrassed and I wanted to laugh under my breath, but I stopped myself and grabbed ahold of his phone and typed in my username and clicked the follow button.

I handed it back to him and pulled my phone out to accept his request and follow him back. I slowly skimmed at his posts which included pictures of food, nature or places he has visited and he did the same, but I had very little posts compared to him until he landed on a picture of me.

"You look really pretty here." He turned his phone around and I knew which picture it was because it was the only photo of myself on there.

"My friend Yeonjun took that picture of me. It came out really good and he insisted that I post it. He's this one." I pulled up a picture of Yeonjun, (f/n), and I and zoomed in on Yeonjun and showed Seungmin.

Seungmin stared at him for a few seconds but his eyes started to slowly narrow and an unreadable expression appeared on his face.

I pulled my phone away and commented, "You might have seen him around already, but you'll get to meet him later."

"Yeah and you'll get to see how he's head over heels for (Y/n)," added in (f/n) and snickered when I smacked her shoulder.

"I can't wait," he said with a strained smile.

~Four Hours Later~

"Isn't he acting a bit weird? He's sticking to me like some sort of lost puppy," I mumbled under my breath as I recalled how Seungmin remained glued to my side all day whenever he saw me during our passing period.

"Maybe he feels safe and comfortable with you? He doesn't really know anyone here after all," responded my friend as we walked on over to the quad area where Seungmin and Yeonjun would meet us.

"I don't think I'm use to anyone else sticking by my side that much besides you and Yeonjun."

"I think you're going to miss him bugging you after he's gone," she joked as she lightly nudged me with her elbow and I did the same to her.

Up ahead, we saw Seungmin waiting for us with his eyes roaming around while he took small steps to the left and right every now and then, but stopped when he took notice of us coming his way.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed with a bright beaming smile that captivated the attention of those around him. I waved at him as I returned the smile and he immediately took his place by my side.

"Let's go, I'm starving."

"Let me text Yeonjun." I pulled out my phone and saw a text from him on my screen that I read to myself before putting it back in my pocket. "Yeonjun texted saying we can go on ahead and he'll meet us there soon."

Seungmin cheered and lightly pulled on my hand as he quickly dragged me to the cafeteria before the line grew too long.

We waited in line for a few minutes and when we got our food, we sat down at a round table that has not been occupied yet and set our things down.

(F/n) sat to my right and Seungmin sat on my left side with each one of us eating what we had chosen which was either a slice of pizza or a sandwich.

"Yo." Yeonjun appeared with his food and eyed the two that were sitting beside me with his eyes moving to Seungmin and blankly stared at him for a few seconds.

Seungmin scowled at the gaze he was receiving from him, but masked the budding rage that was growing inside him as he internally wanted to strangle him. 'Even in this life, you're involved with her. Can't you go away and leave us alone?'

"Yeonjun, right?" Asked Seungmin.

"Yes." Yeonjun plopped himself down across from me with a pout on his lips. "I wanted to sit with you."

"You sit with me everyday."

"It's only one day Yeonjun, calm down," chuckled my friend but Yeonjun rolled his eyes and took a bite of his slice of pizza.

"You hurt me," he pretended to have a wounded heart, but I scoffed at him, "Just eat your pizza. You'll feel better."

The next thirty minutes of lunch went by in the blink of an eye and we had five minutes left to get to class.

"Can you walk me to my next class?" Seungmin gazed at me with his soft brown eyes that resembled those of a puppy.

"Why?" I quizzically asked. "I thought you said you knew where it was at."

"I already forgot the way there," he laughed with a shy smile on his lips and he clasped his hands together with pleading round eyes.

'He really does look like a puppy.'

I sighed and nodded my head but urged him to quickly grab his things that way I would not be late.

"I'll see you in a few minutes," I said to Yeonjun as I walked off with Seungmin and lead him on over to the classrooms that were on the far back of campus.

"Are you like this with everyone and your friends back home?" I blurted out of the blue as I quickly peered at him from the corner of my eye to gauge a reaction.

"No, just you," he sweetly smiled and lightly bumped me with his hip and a lingering urge to lean his head on top of mine.

"Why?" Now this made me even more curious.

"Because I know you're someone who I can trust," he confidently remarked.

"Even though we just met yesterday?"

"Well...that's what you think," he laughed and winked at me before dashing inside the classroom feeling a warmth spread throughout his chest.

I stood there for a second until I shook my head and turned on my heel and rushed on over to my class with one thought crossing my mind.

'He's odd.'

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