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~ Past Life ~

Today will be my last day here and I will soon need to have my luggage loaded onto the carriage.

Tomorrow I will become a wife and the Crown Princess of another kingdom, but the thought of becoming bounded to someone who I held no affection for and the responsibilities that would come with my position made me extremely anxious.

I'm frightened about these changes in my life especially since I'm someone who doesn't like change.

I sat alone in my field of lavender flowers as I watched the sun slowly descending and basking the sky in orange hues. This place is my solace where I can escape from the world, but my world and everything I've known was crumbling before my eyes. My breathing felt constricted as I was plagued with suffocating thoughts that left me with uncertainty, but what hurt me the most was the thought of losing Seungmin.

How would I handle losing someone so precious to me?

"You came here without me," whined Seungmin who made his appearance from behind and walked on over to where I was seated. He crouched down next to me and tilted his face to get a view of the face he adored so dearly, but his smile dropped when he saw my gloomy and dreadful expression.

"Is it because of the wedding? Or is there something else on your mind?" He asked.

"I don't think I can do this," I muttered and turned to him and grasped his hand. "I'll give up my title if it means I can be with you!"

Seungmin's eyes widened and the air around him turned heavy as he placed his hands on the side of my shoulders. "You do realize what you're saying, right?"

I nodded my head and firmly said, "Let's run away."

The unwavering determination in my eyes never faltered as he searched my eyes and found no hint of a lie.

"B-But how? Where would we go?"

"One of the neighboring princesses owes me a favor, so we can try going with her. But by the time we get there, news might reach her about the runaway princess and her knight."

"How do we know she won't turn us in or reveal where we're staying? How can she be trusted?"

"I had a hand in helping her meet her fiancé. If she's even the slightest bit grateful for that, then she will be on our side."

"Are you really okay with leaving everything behind... all because of me?"

"Yes. How can I pretend to love him when you'll be standing right there? How can I provide him an heir when you're the one I envisioned my future with?" I desperately shouted without knowing that someone was secretly eavesdropping on our conversation in my garden.

"(Y/n)!" I heard a enraged voice and when I snapped my head to the right, I saw Yeonjun storming through the arched trellis and into my sacred field with two of his knights marching behind him.

'He isn't suppose to be here. He was never suppose to come for me.'

"What is the meaning of this, Yeonjun?! Who allowed you in here?!" I shouted as I rose from the ground with Seungmin stepping in front of me as he drew his sword.

"You have insulted and betrayed my family and I! How could you fall for your knight when you are engaged to me?!" He seethed as he narrowed his sharp eyes at the two of us.

"I never wanted to marry you!" I protested. "I started this relationship long before I was forced into this marriage with you!"

"Now I understand why you wanted him to come," he scoffed as realization struck him. "You were going to keep him around to continue this silly relationship. I'm assuming this is another reason why you don't allow anyone into this "sacred" place of yours, but there's nothing sacred about a place where you were deflowered."

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