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~ Yeonjun ~

I sighed in defeat when (Y/n) never returned any of my calls or texts after half an hour has passed. I resorted to calling (F/n) who picked up after the third ring.

(F/n) : "Hey! What's up?"

Y : "Can I ask you something?"

(F/n) : "Is it about (Y/n)?"

Y : "Yes...," I awkwardly trailed off and cleared my throat. "Is she with you? I called her but she didn't answer."

(F/n) : "She didn't tell you? She's hanging out with Seungmin."

Y : "What?! Where?"

'Did she forget about me?'

(F/n) : "It's called the Garden of Eden. It looks like a really nice place to go. Wait...were you planning on asking her out?"

Y : "I was thinking of bringing it up..."

(F/n) : "Well I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I think Seungmin is going to ask her out."

My mouth remained agape and my blood ran cold for a second as I processed what she just said. I plopped myself down on my bed as the room became deadly silent and it was something (F/n) could hear on the other end as she carefully tried to form her next few words.

Y : "Thanks for letting me know."

That was the last thing I said before I hung up on her and blankly stared at the wall. I scoffed at the thought of him asking her out and remained eerily silent in my room with a few thoughts running through my head.

"I need to go," I muttered as I got up and dashed out of the house and to my car. I started inputting the directions to the place and revved out of the driveway with an urgency to see her.

'If it wasn't for him, you would have never died!'

~Back to (Y/n) ~

A gentle hand lightly shook my shoulder making me stir awake from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open, but I closed them from the blinding sunlight. I moved my head and opened my eyes once more and saw Seungmin warmly staring at me.

"We're here sleepyhead."

"What time is it?" I groggily asked as I rubbed my eyes. I was about to reach for my phone until Seungmin informed me of the time within a split second.

My eyes wandered to the window and the small parking lot we were in. I remained seated in the car with Seungmin for another minute until I opened the door and stepped out.

I turned around and reached for my bag, but he stopped me by snatching it in his hand first and said, "I don't think you'll need it and I can hang onto your phone for you so you won't lose it."

"I can carry my phone in my pocket, don't worry."

"Try to catch me first!" He slammed his door shut and sprinted off towards an old cobblestone path.

"Hey!" I called out and quickly shut the door before running after him.

While he was running, he quickly deleted the notifications from my home screen and sighed in relief when my phone did not have a password. His fingers deleted Yeonjun's calls from my log and clicked on the unread messages. His fingers swiftly pressed down on the messages and deleted the recent ones that were received almost an hour ago.

A satisfied smirk appeared on his lips now that the evidence was gone and he started to slow his pace, but felt a hand roughly smack his back once he turned off my phone.

"What were you trying to do with my phone?" I asked as I snatched it out of his hand and unlocked my phone by swiping it up and search for something he could have tampered with.

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