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"Don't forget that we have our field trip in two days and there will be an assignment on it!" Announced our art teacher during the last five minutes of class.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and when I turned my head to the right, I was startled when I was face to face with Seungmin.

I jolted my face away from him and could feel my face grow warm in embarrassment. "Yes?"

"Where are we going for the field trip?"

"Oh, we're going to an art museum that's nearby. Then we need to write about something from there that caught our attention."

"Ahh, well that should be fun. Well, not the writing part but getting out of school will be," he laughed.

"I hope it's something you can enjoy before you leave."

"Maybe I should send a request to stay here longer, especially since I have you here," he winked as he tilted his head and leaned on my shoulder.

I shook my head and lightly pushed his head away from me in a playful manner. "Very funny. There's no way someone would do that."

"I would."

The change in his tone was clear and evident to my ears, but I didn't know how else to react in this moment and responded with, "If you say so."

He pouted and poked my cheek with his finger. "Do you want to hang out later?"

"You mean during lunch?" I asked for clarification.

"No, I meant after school."

"Uh," I trailed off and he noticed the uncertainty in my eyes as my eyes shifted elsewhere.

It's only been the third day since I have met him, but I wasn't sure about hanging out with him alone.

"You don't have to say yes, but if you do, then we can hang out somewhere you feel safe and comfortable."

"Thank you, I'll let you know."

~Lunch Time~

"Be honest, it looks awful doesn't it?" I held up my paper mache face mask to Yeonjun and (F/n) who were trying to find the right words as they gazed at it with a brow raised.

"That's because it's on you," snorted Seungmin with an evil laugh escaping his lips.

"Pfft," Yeonjun turned his head to the side and spit his water out before bursting into a fit of laughter. (F/n)'s mouth formed into an 'O' shape but placed her hand over her mouth and silently watched my reaction.

"Savage Seungmin in the building," cackled Yeonjun as he wiped away the tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"Aren't you a charmer." I narrowed my eyes at Seungmin and smacked his arm.

"Thank you," he cheekily grinned.

His savageness was a new side of him that has been unveiled and I can only imagine how savage he truly is back home with his friends.

"Yours wasn't any better than mine. Yours looks like a child did it," I shot back.

"Because I am a child," he stuck his tongue out. "You're old. I expected better art from you."

"I'm only eighteen!"

"And I'm seventeen. How does it feel to be old?"

"Yeah (Y/n), how does it feel to be the old one in the group," snickered Yeonjun and I ended up throwing my paper mache mask at him.

"Hey! Why are you throwing it at me? He started it!" He protested and felt baffled as he pointed a finger at Seungmin.

"Because you're joining his side! And (F/n) is also eighteen!"

"But you're older than me by two months," she responded as she continued to eat her lunch in peace without trying to get dragged into being roasted.

The two boys laughed and continued to tease me as I placed my hand over my face and let my hands slowly run down my face as they continued to test my patience the remainder of our lunch time as we exchanged harmless jokes and insults.

'These two boys will be the death of me this week.'

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