❃ Alternate Ending ❃

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~Years Later~

"Reverse the moon and sun. Turn back time and unravel the moment where it all began once again and sealed their fate."


Seungmin and I were sitting on a blanket that we had laid out on the grass as we watched our two year old daughter play with her toys right in front of us outside our yard.

I leaned my head on Seungmin's shoulder with our hands intertwined as we smiled at the sight of our daughter giggling as she entertained herself.

"She really does have your features. I'm happy about that," I lightly laughed as I lifted my head and sent a smile at Seungmin.

"I think I would have preferred her looking more like you. I'm decent looking," he responded and I stared at him baffled.

"Lies. You're handsome and I remind you of that many times."

A sudden gust of wind sent a shiver down my spine and the once clear and warm sky that basked us in sunlight turned cloudy with thunder rumbling in the air.

"That's weird," I commented and I jumped in fright when a bolt of lightning crashed down a short distance away from the three of us.

I picked up our daughter while Seungmin gathered our things as we prepared to head inside immediately.

The clouds disappeared in a second with the sun and moon appearing and disappearing in the sky as the wind harshly blew against our skin.

"Mom," whimpered my daughter and when I gazed down at her, her figure shrunk until nothing but dust remained in my hands and I trembled as she disintegrated before my very eyes.

"My baby..."

Seungmin stared in horror right beside me and an anguished cry escaped my lips as I could not comprehend what had just occurred.

The roaring wind pushed Seungmin and I, but we desperately held onto each other's hands as the wind fought to tear us apart.

"What's happening?" I muttered through gritted teeth as I dug my nails into his skin.

"Whatever happens, I'll find you, okay?"

I nodded my head with a tear drop coming out as our intertwined hands were slipping with each passing second until his fingers grazed mine and we were pulled apart as he called out my name.

The memories we had created these past few years were coming undone and erased themselves from my mind before I was roughly thrown on the ground.

I aimlessly stared at the sky with heavy eyes and could feel my body ache all over. I glanced down and was horrified when I saw my body coated in blood.

I glanced around and saw two others lying on the ground and my heart shattered when I saw Seungmin right beside and I remembered that he had given up his life for me when I saw Yeonjun sprawled on the ground from afar.

I lightly chuckled and cursed this life and the fate that had befallen us as I slowly closed my eyes.

"Do you wish to save him?" I heard a voice speak and when I opened my eyes, I saw a woman dressed in dark clothing as she hid her sinister smile behind her hand.

"Yes," I said without hesitation as I stared at her with dull (e/c) eyes.

"I can save him, but you will have to give something up."

"Anything," I mumbled as I yearned to see his smile once more.

She smiled and crouched down as she played with a strand of my hair. "In exchange for saving him, you will have to give up your memories. All of your memories from the past and present."

I stayed quiet for a moment as I contemplated the idea.

'I won't be able to remember him at all? Then how...'

The thought of not remembering him frightened me, but I would rather have him live and I would gladly risk it all for him.

"I accept," I answered and I could feel her hand linger above my forehead as a bright light glowed from her hand and entered my head.

The light was warm for a second until it grew warmer and burned and I cried out in pain as the memories of him and everything that I once knew about him vanished.

"It's time for you to return," she whispered and I could feel a pair of large warm and gentle hands cup my cheeks.

"(Y/n)," someone desperately called out my name.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a black haired boy staring at me with tears streaming down his face.

'Why is he crying?'

'What am I even doing here?'

I averted my eyes from his and gazed elsewhere and saw an endless field of lavender flowers that did not help jog my memory nor did I have a connection to.

I turned my attention back to the boy before me who appeared relieved as he dove right in and embraced me, but I placed my hands on his arms and gently pushed him back as I stared at him with uncertainty clouding my eyes.

"Who... are you?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and I watched as his lip curved upward as he spoke, "What are you talking about? It's me, Seungmin. Who else would I be? Stop playing around."

My (e/c) eyes remained blank as I stared at him with a brow raised and his smile faltered when he searched my eyes that were now void of affection and warmth.

He always liked that he could see the way I felt about him through my eyes and the emotions I held in them, but now he couldn't see it.

"It's me. Please tell me your lying," he whispered and his heart started to shatter when I did not respond to him and held the same expression.

"Do you... really not remember me?" He choked back his tears as a crestfallen expression appeared on his face as he clutched my shoulders.

I shook my head and muttered, "I don't know who you are. You're starting to freak me out a little."

I squirmed away from his warm touch and sat upright as I tried to remember why I came here in the first place and why this person was here, but I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried.

'Is he... really someone I know?' I asked myself as a wave of uncertainty washed over me as I noticed the dry blood that stained our clothes until I turned to stare at the flowers underneath me with a chill running down my spine.

'Why are we covered in blood?'

Seungmin broke down when he came to the realization that I had saved him and it was the only explanation as to why I could not remember him, but it deeply hurt his heart knowing that I did not know who he was.

"You may not remember me, but I swear I'll make you fall for me again," he confidently stated as he held my hand.

And from that day on, he was determined to make me remember once again by starting anew with me

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