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(1244 Words)

(Third person)

Wylan couldn't believe he was here, in a classroom full of kids his age. He hated how everyone looked at him like they've never seen a new student before.

"Wylan," his new teacher says to him with a smile "you can make your way to your seat"

He stood there not knowing where to go. Looking around to find somewhere, anywhere to sit. Saints this is embarrassing, he thought. He couldn't just stand there, he looked like an idiot. Everyone was staring at him and not looking away.

So much was going through Wylan's head. Where do I sit? What do I do? Is everyone talking about me already? Why did my father do this to me? Why can't I just go sit down? Do something.

All those thoughts went away as he felt his teacher's hand on his shoulder.

"You can go sit next to Jesper," he said quietly as he pointed at a boy with dark skin, Black hair, and some nice gray eyes- why does he keep looking at me? Wylan thought.

"Over there, ok?" Wylan nodded shyly with a small smile "Ok, I am Mr. Loudon, Wylan. Nice to meet you and if you ever need anything, I'm always here" The redhead just did another nod and went to take his seat next to the boy. what was his name again?

(Wylan's Pov)

I sat quietly, minding my business, but I had this weird feeling in my stomach that someone was looking at me. I turned my head to find the boy next to me staring.

"Uhm. Hello," I said with a smile.

"Are you really Jan Van Eck's kid?" the boy asked with such disbelief in his tone of voice "Yes I am Jan Van Eck's... Son."

The boy's jaw dropped at my statement. What was his deal? I was feeling quite uncomfortable at the moment but tried to hide it. Didn't want him to feel bad or something far worse.

"Sorry for how I approached, but you're just not what I thought you'd be"

What did he think I'd be? like my father maybe.

"Oh, what did you think I'd be like?" I asked, "I expected tall, scary... blonde" This boy was something else. Blonde? I can't imagine myself with blonde hair in my entire life. I'm just grateful that I didn't get much of my father's features.

"You know you're describing my father right now" I reply with a slight chuckle. "I can reassure you; I am nothing like him."

The boy didn't respond but smiled to himself while looking at the floor.

Shortly after he raised his head, and opened his mouth, getting ready to say something. But Mr. Loudon stopped him before he could say anything. Making him face the front.

"Mr. Fahey, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mr. Loudon questioned the Zemeni boy beside me, while everyone starts whispering things to each other, Saints "No" he answered without hesitation, and attitude.

"Please pay attention you two" Mr. Loudon sighed, before turning back to the chalkboard.

Did I just get in trouble on my first day?

I grabbed a book and a pencil from my bag laying on the ground. I searched around the class to see what everyone was doing. Some were whispering like little girls in the corner of my eyes, while others were doing the work.

I looked at the chalkboard with so much confusion on my face. It seemed as if the words on the board were just floating away, and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to think or assume what Mr. Loudon was writing but I couldn't.

Looking back down at my empty book, I started to draw things. Anything. Smiley faces Hearts, flowers, and a house. Just something to keep me alive before I die of boredom in this class. As I was drawing in my book. I saw a white folded paper being passed to me, by the boy seated next to me.

I grabbed it gently and opened it to see words that I couldn't read. But there were numbers under them too. with a smiley face.

I looked up at the boy and smiled. I started writing on the same piece of paper and passes it to him.

(Jesper's Pov)

Yes, I gave the boy my number. Why not? I mean he was a cool guy and I think the crows will love him. Besides the fact that his dad is the scary principal. Like that matters.

As I was up in my thoughts, I saw the boy pass me back the note. I quickly snatched it off him and opened it to see his number with a little cute smiley face ":)"


(After class Jesper's Pov)

The class was over, and the boy had already left. For some reason, I felt a bit disappointed. And just when I thought my day could get any worse. Mr. Loudon asked me to stay back while everyone else got to leave. Saints, I need to stop getting my hopes up.

I sat down on a chair that was in front of my teacher's brown, wooden desk with some instruments in their case, like a trumpet on the floor beside the desk.

Mr. Loudon took a seat in front of me on the other side of his desk and gave me a small smile. I gave a smile back but, I was terrified.

"Jesper", He said with both his arm folded. here we go. The end of my career. Goodbye cruel world. Goodbye- "I see you are aware of our new student, Wylan" Oh, so this is what this was about.

"Yes, I am," I say "Where is this... going?" It was silent for quite a while. It started to scare me. The long period of silents scared me. It felt like my teacher filled the room with ice and snow while I was blinking.

"How would you feel to have a roommate?" A what? "I'm sorry, I thought you said Roommate" I was too shocked to say anything else. A roommate. Not that it was a bad thing, but this was new. Very new.

"I did, Jesper," Saints, save me, please. "I want you to take care of Wylan while he is here at Ketterdam Highschool."

"And I can do that but, why does he have to be my roommate?"

Not that I didn't like the boy. I did, but I couldn't understand why Mr. Loudon choose me to take care of this kid. We just met and now we have to be sharing dorms. What's next? Sharing beds?

"Jesper, Wylan has been having a hard time at home lately, I was lucky enough to get his father to allow him to have a dorm" So Jan Van Eck was a strict parent. I mean he always had this look in his eye that would make you think he'd kill you and not get caught. The guy was a menace. Surely.

"Sir, that isn't what I meant. What I meant was, why me? out of all students? me?" The silents kicked back in once I opened my mouth. why does this always happen when I try to talk to my favorite teacher?

"You have good potential and I think that's what Wylan needs right now."

What do I say? I don't want to say yes, but I don't want to feel bad afterward when I see the poor guy getting pushed around by bigger kids. But if I say yes, it will be like babysitting a fragile, little kitten in a jungle full of predators.

I guess I'm going to have to say...


Find out next time ON ready steady WIGGLES 🥰Bye Bye >:P

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