Chapter 6

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"Thank you so much for doing this, Logan." I thanked him with a hug. "Of course, it's no problem. Plus, it is kind of in my job description." He joked. I know installing security cameras for clients is a part of his job, but he really went out of his way to get it done for me as quickly as possible. "So, Leah..." he started, sounding nervous. "So, Logan..." I repeated with the same tone he used and that earned me a chuckle and I could see some of that nervousness disappear. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me to din-" A deep growl followed by an all too familiar voice interrupted Logan. "Mr. Smith, don't you have a job to get back to?" Almost instantly the colour drained from Logan's face. "Of course, sir. I'll get back to it then. Ms. Whitlock, my job here is done. Feel free to call if there's any problems." 

"Thatwon't be necessary, Mr. Smith, I'll handle all Ms. Whitlock's security queriesfrom here on out." And with that Logan left my apartment with only a nod of hishead in greeting, which left me with this asshole. "What was that all about?" Ihad to control my temper, because right now it felt like I wanted to doanything and everything to physically hurt Christian. "What ever do you meanMs. Whitlock?" He acted al innocent. I really couldn't believe what was happening. Ifeel like pulling my hair out of frustration. How dare he just show up and pretend likenothing is wrong. "Okay, you know what?" I started, rubbing my temples to keep calmbefore I continued and he seemed way too pleased with how I was reacting to hismere presence. "The security system is installed so you can get out now." Ididn't care for sugar coating anything with this asshole. So close. Hewas so close to being out of my apartment so I could slam the door behind him or in his face, whichever he preferred, but with me short on his heels, he turned to face me, our bodies mere inches fromone another. "I do have one question though." He said with that damn smirk onhis face and I noticed that same little dimple I used to love. Some things really doesn't change and one of those things is thisdamn prick in front of me. Biting back the bitterness I asked, "And what evercould it be, Mr. Armani?" I continued the charade. Supposedly he doesn'tremember me so I'm just keeping up with the game.

"Whyis it you seem so familiar to me?" He said, tracing his finger from my jaw ,slowly down to my neck. I really wish my body wouldn't betray me like this. Itried to convince myself the shivers he sent down my spine wasn't me missinghis touch, rather loathing it. Remembering I have a game to play, I lean incloser to him as I play with his suit button in a seductive manner. "I don't know,maybe I'm just one of many girls you've slept with and never called back." Hissmirk turned into a full- on smile, but there was no emotion behind it. I knewit because I could see it in his eyes. "Believe me, I would know if I've sleptwith you." He bit back and I would be lying if I said that didn't hurt. I knewthis was a game, but even though, it still hit deep. "Oh yeah?" I started unbuttoninghis shirt. "Well then it must be because you tried to sleep with me, but I deniedyou the absolute pleasure." I saw his jaw clenching as I continued unbuttoning his shirtslowly. 

"No one denies me anything, Ms. Whitlock." He said with what must have been a shit load of restraint because his jaw was working overtime for what ever reason. "No?" I asked with the most seductive look I could manage right now. "That must be why I seem familiar? I must have been the first to do so."

"You were the first of something alright." He said barely as a whisper, but I heard it loud and clear, my eyes shooting up to him. I could feel the hurt working its way up. Even playing this game breaks every piece of my heart all over again, but not ready to be the first one to end this stupid game I say. "What was that, Mr. Armani? I didn't quite hear you."

With that, he took a hold of my hands as it was moving towards unbuttoning his trousers, all for the sake of the game of course. "I said, you would have been a first if I ever slept with blondes, but lucky for you, I'm into brunettes." Glass, I heard it. The complete shattering of glass sounded through my ears. Rest assure, it was only my heart. He only sleeps with brunettes? What does that even mean? Did he hate me so much that he couldn't even sleep with somebody that has the same colour hair as I do. What am I thinking? I rip my hand from his touch, because suddenly I didn't have to convince myself that I loathed his touch. "Get out." I said, even I could hear the warning in my voice. He stood there, not moving a muscle. "I swear to you and all that is holy if you don't get out right now Christian, I wi-"

"You will what?" He moved closer to me and I instinctively took a step back. That helped broaden his devilish smile. "Tell me, Leah, what will you do?" An audible gulp left me and before I knew it, my back hit the wall. I didn't even realize we were still moving until now. "You ready to end this game, Leah?" He said as he stared into my eyes. I had to look away because my eyes always gave away how I felt and I will not allow him the pleasure of seeing just how much he broke me. I didn't know whether to feel relieved that the whole 'Is that you, Leah?' situation was him being in shock like I was or that he was playing this game, knowing damn well who I was and pretending that he didn't up and leave without a damn reason or so much as an explanation.

"What ever do you mean, Mr. Armani?" I threw his words back at him and he clenched his jaw. Why is that so damn attractive when it shouldn't be right now. "Okay." He said as he stepped away, putting some space between us. "Fine, we'll play this game, but just know one thing..."

"Yeah, what is that?" I challenged him. "I always win." This egotistic asshole! 

"Correction, you used to win, but I promise you, you'll lose." He laughed almost manically. "Anyone to back up that statement, Ms. Whitlock?"

"Oh, I promise you'll lose even if I have to die making it happen!" It was like lightning. I swear whiplash took over the way Christian pushed me against the wall with his hand around my neck, squeezing hard enough for me to feel, but not hard enough to do any damage as he said, "No one, not even you will play with your life, not even to prove a damn point, because then I'll gladly fucking lose." Shock took over every inch of my body at his statement, but doesn't he see? He already left me on the edge, one more push from him and I'll fall so far and hard, I might as well be a goner. 

Well that was quite and interesting conversation between these two. What do you guys think? Sorry for the wait on a new chapter, but here it is and the next one is already in the drafts!

All my love, Charne x


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