Chapter 20

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"How am I going to do this?" I say, pacing my living room mercilessly. "I told him we'll be playing by my rules, but I don't even know what that means. I just wanted it to sound like a threat until he decided to call my bluff." I sigh, plopping down on my couch next to Sarah.

"Well, let me just say how proud I am of you for not letting that dick have his way without you even trying to fight back." I give her a side eye, because that's not helping, besides, she's the one that left me alone with him. Then she continues, "Don't look at me like that. Anyway...we'll help you brainstorm. I've got some wicked ideas on how to make his life a living hell, and guess what?" She pauses for effect. "What?" I say rather annoyed. Not at her, but this situation. "He can't and won't do shit about it, because that man is so utterly whipped by you, that he will let you ruin his Mustang GT with a baseball bat, car keys and set it on fire afterward, all while watching. Then he'll reward the fuck out of you because he would be proud."

I ponder what she'd said for a minute and that might actually work. "That's a great idea, Sarah!" I jump up in victory. Her face pales a little, probably rethinking her words and then Logan – whom I totally forgot was also here – says, "Please don't tell me you're actually thinking about doing what this woman just said." I stay silent, because I actually am. "Who the hell is 'this woman'? I have a name you twat!" Sarah exclaims, but Logan doesn't pay her any attention. Instead, he continues, "No. No. No. If you want to do that, at least brainwash me first so he can't torture me for knowing about your plans."

"Oh, calm down. That will be only one of the many ways I'll make him suffer for everything." A sadistic smile pulls over my face, because suddenly a fleet of ideas fills my head and I need to start writing it down, because this is going to be so good. A stunned Sarah and a terrified Logan stares at each other and then simultaneously says, "We're in."

"I didn't ask, but good to know you've got my back. I will need your help with a few of my plans though so I'll call the both of you for a meeting to discuss it soon." I point at the both of them. It's time I let a certain someone know who's holding all the cards.


"What the hell happened here?" The view that meets me raises my blood pressure sky high. The cabin that I worked so hard on is utterly destroyed. Wrecked. Ruined. A busted front door greets me, broken glassware scattered all over the place and everything that he could throw or smash, is!

He doesn't answer me and simply shrugs, whilst looking over the mess he made. Probably pleased with his masterpiece. "Why did you do this? I worked so hard on this." I say, clenching my teeth. I need to keep myself calm, otherwise I'll kill him right here and now. "And now you'll work hard to redo it. The way I told you to do it the first time." He winks at me and walk deeper into the mess of a cabin. Then, he shoves some broken pieces of glass off of the couch and gestures for me to sit. I look at him as if he is joking, because I don't want splinters in my ass. He's not having it so he pulls me onto his lap. I try to wiggle myself off him, but he pins me down with his hands on my waist. "Keep doing that and I'll have no choice but to fuck you right here between the broken glass. Then you'll have to worry about more than splinters in that perky ass of yours." He whispers into my ear, his breath tickling my skin as shivers run down my body at his promise. I'm tempted to test if he'll make good on his threat, but that's not why we are here today.

"Fine." I huff, pulling out my iPad. I need to take pictures of the cabin again to restart the damn project. I've still got the original ones, but since I've had some new adjustments made, walls painted and furniture installed, new pictures are required for me to see what I would want to keep and what I want to change. "You know, I could've returned some of those things and use the money for new ones." I state dryly. "You've got my entire bank account at your disposal. I'm not going to miss the money lost." He says indifferently. "I could've donated them to people who would have use for them and can't afford it otherwise." I try again, knowing the attempts are futile. The damage is already done.

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