Chapter 14

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Chaotic. That's the first word that comes to mind when I think about the past week. This cabin project Chistian threw on my plate so suddenly really is becoming a challenge. Not because I can't handle a design project, but because I'm trying to get it done as soon as possible so I can get the hell away from that man. He drives me absolutely crazy!

After our "Christmas bed" night and moment of peace, I haven't really seen him since. He's been busy with work and although he's in the cabin taking meetings and working on his laptop, he's mostly keeping to himself and out of my way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, but I would just like some answers. At this point my mind has concocted up at least a dozen different scenarios of his big "reason" as to why he left.

I still remember that day. The chaos, pain, shock and then heartache. All those feelings and emotions should be illegal to feel all at once or even at all. I wonder if he knows? Is that why he left? I still remember the sirens, the voices screaming and shouting...

"Is my daughter going to be okay?!"

"Who did this to her?!"

"You have to help her! She's..."

My painful flashback is interrupted by the bedroom door being abruptly opened and turn my gaze from the window to the person who enters my temporary bedroom. A suited up, Greek god package stands in the doorway with a sluggish smile and I can't help the smile that takes over my face. I stand and walk over to Logan. "Hi there, stranger." I greet him as I throw my arms around his neck, enjoying the way he snakes his hands around my middle, a little too much. "Hi, Leah." He breathes into my neck and a tingle runs down my spine. My body's reaction takes me by surprise and I suddenly drop my arms from his neck as if it were on fire, but he keeps his hands placed on my hips, not allowing me to take the massive step back I actually want to.

I know I said I had to move on from my past, my past including certain people literally in the next room, but my feelings towards Logan are so confusing. One moment I can't see myself overstepping the friendzone with him, but then there are moments like these where my body is totally betraying my mind. "What are you doing here?" I ask curiously. When he simply raises his eyebrow in question I continue, "I haven't seen you since you dropped me off, bag in hand."

"Yeah,'s not exactly as if my boss is my number one fan at the moment and he has made sure to keep my schedule full and busy, far away from this design" Logan's expression looks pained. "You can call him Christian around me you know? He's a pain in the ass, yes, but don't give him more power over your life than needed." A small smile draws over his face, but his eyes seem distant. I wonder why? I've never seen his eyes this dull, without their usual sparkle.

"Leah, there's something I've got to tell you..." My eyes fixed on his, I wait for him to continue, "Sarah and I went for coffee in the week." I'm shocked, but I'm not surprised. When we went to my apartment to pack my clothes for this unplanned non – vacation, I could sense something was going on between the two of them or at the very least that they have a natural pull towards one another. Does it bother me? In a way, yes, but not as much as I'd expected it would. It would be unfair of me to stand between their happiness, especially when I know I won't be able to give my all to Logan and he deserves somebody that can love him wholeheartedly.

"It's not like that," he continues, probably reading into my shocked expression. "She called and asked if she could talk to me about something she had on her mind. At first, I was surprised she would want to talk to me since we barely know each other, but she sounded desperate. She said she really needed to talk to somebody, said she couldn't keep "it" to herself anymore, because it feels like she "might drown" if she couldn't talk to somebody about what she knows." His voice breaks with his last word. Worry and panic starts to creep up in my insides and my anxiety kicks in. What could Sarah possibly know that she would want to discuss with Logan?

The sound of somebody clearing their throat fills the silence and it brings my focus back to the presence, away from my brewing anxiety. With Logan's broad shoulders blocking my view, I can't see him, but by the way the hairs at the back of neck rise and the way my heartrate picks up I just know it's him. "What do you want, Christian?" I ask without making an attempt to move out of Logan's embrace. His hands are still on my hips and I just know it's pissing Christian off. Good. He pisses me off way more than I do him. A growl escapes him and my body reacts in a way it's not supposed to towards him.

"You may leave." Christian's voice fills the room. The warning in his voice evident. There is no space for negotiating. Logan should leave. That's what he's trying to achieve, but I am not having it. "We're in the middle of a conversation so you may leave." I say back with as much venom in my voice as I could manage at this point. My entire body is shaking and in this moment I'm not sure if it's it because of my rising anxiety or my anticipation of what Christian might do to me for defying him, in front of one of his employees no less. Logan drops his hands from my hips, where they have been placed for the duration of our conversation, and my body feels cold. "Logan, you don't have to leave. We were in the middle of a conversation like two normal people. Don't let this cold- hearted -ass control your life like this!" My voice started to rise without me realizing it.

"This cold – hearted – ass is still his boss and need I remind you he is standing in my cabin so I have a say in who gets to stay and who goes. He goes!" Christian's cold voice draws closer as he makes his way around Logan and steps between the two of us. A person shouldn't be allowed to look that damn good in sweatpants and a black t- shirt. Suddenly the room feels really hot and ten times smaller. There's not enough space in this room for both of us to be in it together never mind all three of us.

He doesn't even look at Logan, no. Our eyes are having the staring contest of the decade. "Fine." I huff, being the first to break eye contact, but only to look over to Logan and say, "Coffee. We'll go for coffee tomorrow. Somewhere that is not Christian's cabin." I roll my eyes at the latter part of my sentence. Before Logan can agree to the plans, Mr. Asshole interrupts, "You're working on the cabin tomorrow."

"I am, yes, but I am also entitled to a break. I'll go then." The smile that slips on, is far from sweet. "I need to discuss some things about the project with you during that time." He tries again. "That sure defeats the purpose of a break, Christian, but fine. Logan, we're going to have dinner tomorrow night where we'll continue this conversation that was so rudely interrupted." I don't give Christian any time to react as I walk past him, bumping his shoulder on the way to walk Logan out. 

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry for not updating in a while. Busy is an understatement, but here' s another chapter for you! More chapters coming soon.🌹

Thank you for reading and please remember to vote!

All my love, Charne 💕

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