Chapter 18

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I've been up most of the night trying to sort through my thoughts. I wish there was a way to categorize everything that has happened so far, into separate boxes and handle it from there, but that's impossible because everything that has happened is intertwined so deeply with our past that I can't focus on just one thing. I don't really know when the right time will be for Christian and I to have a proper conversation about what I've learned, but that day is not today. There is still so much of this entire situation that doesn't make sense to me.

Why would he leave if he was in an accident?

Was somebody after him? Trying to hurt him?

Did he leave because of me?

I sit up straight in my bed where I've been twisting and turning all night. I scan my eyes over my room. It looks like a hurricane came stumbling through. My duffel bag with clothes and other necessities remains unpacked, well kind of. If everything laying around on the floor around the bag counts as it not being unpacked, then yeah. I should probably go take a shower, I try to convince myself, but who am I kidding? I feel so depressed and utterly exhausted right now that I can't manage to function like a normal human being. I sink back under the blankets when a loud sound vibrates through my apartment with the front door ending up slammed shut. If I weren't certain of who it was invading my home like a thief in the night, I would have panicked but I know it's only...

"Leah!" My name reverberates though my ears. My best friend – well that title is up for debate – enters my room and launches herself at me. I don't get a word in as she lays splayed on top of me and hold me in her arms. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you when I left for a mini vacation. I just had to get my head straight and deal with years of guilt of not telling you the truth." She all but rambles on. "Sarah, I can't breathe." I state, slightly pushing her to fall down on my bed next to me instead of being on top of me. I sit up and look at her. She almost looks as out of place as I do. Almost. She's in sweatpants with an oversized hoodie, which for Sarah is a no go when she steps outside of her place or mine. 

I don't reply to what she just said, trying to figure out what I'm feeling towards my life long friend. Am I mad that she hadn't even once tried to tell me about what she knew, even after years have passed? Yes. Yes, I am. Do I blame her for keeping her word when Christian basically begged her to? Not entirely. Sarah is loyal to a fault. She's good at keeping promises and it takes a hell of a lot before she breaks to the point of spilling all the secrets she knows about people. I think Christian's return probably had an impact on her too, considering she told Logan – of all people – about what she knew. I wish she had come to me directly as I am her best friend and the person it involves, but with the cabin project and Christian being hell bound about keeping me there until it was complete, made it difficult for us to keep up over the weeks.

"Please say something." Sarah's apologetic voice brings me back from my thoughts. "I wish I had told you sooner. That you wouldn't have had to wonder all these years, but I made a promise and I couldn't..." She takes a deep breath in and out. I place my hand on her shoulder trying to calm her shaking body. "I know you're committed to keeping promises you make to people. It's what makes you such an amazing person. I just think that in this could have mentioned something, anything. It's been years and if Christian wanted to reach out to me and explain what had happened, he wouldn't have waited four years. And let's be honest, I don't think he would've even called if we hadn't run into each other at the restaurant." She listens silently as I explain.

"You're right. I should've told you sooner, but once I saw you finally getting yourself back together, trying to move on, I didn't want you to fall back into that dark hole you were in for all those months." I wipe a lone tear that escape her beautiful eyes and offer her my silent understanding. I should be furious. I should tell her that a best friend doesn't keep something like that hidden for so long, but I'm not. Besides, I'm so tired of feeling betrayed and abandoned that I don't even feel the need to address those emotions, because they'll always be there. The damage had been done.

"Are you going to talk to him?" She whispers softly and I almost miss her question. I contemplate my answer since I can't run away from the inevitable so I reply, "I have to. I need to for myself." She nods her head in understanding and the look in her eyes reassures me that she'll be supporting me throughout the way. Now it's my turn to inhale and exhale, trying to get myself together. "I'm going to take a shower and then try to muster the strength to clean up this hurricane of a room." I say as I gesture around my space. She laughs and it brings a small smile to my face. "I'll start on your room, go take a shower. We both know you'll only fold one piece of clothing then resign for the day." She waves me off and I make my way to the shower.

I take my time cleaning myself up as I welcome the warm water. Once I'm done, I return to a sparkly clean room. How the hell did she manage to work so fast. I have been in the shower for a while so I guess she had some time. I glance around the room not seeing her in here and I make my way over to my dresser. Wrapped in my fluffy towel, I look for something comfortable to wear. A slight movement by my bedroom door makes me pause and I walk to see if it's Sarah.

Surely, she hasn't gotten taller since I've last seen her, and the shadow I saw was definitely much broader and taller than her. I swiftly look around my room to see if there's anything I can use as a weapon. Not seeing anything useful, I quickly move around my bed to unplug and grab my bedside lamp. I swing the lamp over my shoulder, ready to whack the intruder once I walk out my bedroom door. I slowly make my way over, knees wobbling like jelly on a plate. Taking a deep breath in, I close my eyes and quickly fling myself out my bedroom door as I swing the lamp at the thin air. Opening my eyes, I see nobody in front of me. Where the hell is that son of a–

"A lamp, really?" The deep voice filters through the open space and I think I almost faint. I stay rooted, my back at the all too familiar voice. He's not right behind me, but it feels like he is towering over me with his all-consuming presence, stealing all the air from the room. "Did you really think a lamp would protect you if someone were actually to manage to break in?" His calm voice is polar opposite to the anger rising from deep in my bones. "Not that they would even manage to get that far when AS is watching over you. When I'm watching over you." His voice gets closer and I lose the last bit of restraint I've managed to hold on to over the years. 

Hi everyone

It's been a while, I know. Forgive me for taking so long to update, but life has been crazy.

Anyways, we're back and thank you for your support on 'Back to Strangers.' Remember to leave your thoughts about the chapter and please vote.

All my love, Charne💕

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