Chapter 13

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This entire day is just way too long. So much has happened in only a few hours, it feels like my head can explode. Leah is pissed at me and I'm pretty sure Charlotte Von Ashberg is pissed at herself after I shot down, yet again, another attempt from her to get into my pants. I knew Leah would hear about our little encounter earlier this afternoon and I also knew that it would look like something it's not. A romantic encounter – which it definitely was not.

I always knew Leah was a strong and independent woman, but seeing her stand her ground is such a fucking turn on. I know this situation is not ideal and that I shouldn't want to fuck her against the wall, but fortunately that's all I want to do right now. Well, that and hold her until I can absorb all her pain and make it all mine. I didn't want to admit that I bought this cabin for her until after the project was complete and she had designed it like she wanted it, but in the moment, I couldn't think of anything else to make her stay. I'm just not in the right headspace to talk about our past and the reason I had to leave. Yet, she's walking out on me either way.

"Leah, wait!" I run after her. Mad at myself for even letting her get as far as she did. She's almost at the main road, but luckily I've got some speed on my side. "No Christian. You've had plenty of time to explain many things and now you want to drop a bomb like this on me!" She yells not even turning around to face me. "Look," I begin, choosing my words carefully, "I know I've fucked up A LOT and I've got explaining to do, but I just..." I trail off and she fills the silence. "Just what, Christian? Use your words because I'm tired of filing in the blanks and I'm tired of hearing that I should 'give you another chance' from Sarah!"

My eyes draw wide, shock and a sprinkle of fear spreading through my veins. "Sarah? What did she say? Did she say anything to you about why I left?" I ask, my words coming out fast, my shaky breath betraying my fear. "What is she supposed to say? Or no, what is she supposed to not say, Christian?" It doesn't sound like Sarah has mentioned anything about the night 'it' all went down. I really hope she had kept her promise that she wouldn't mention anything until I'm ready. "Leah." I say, my voice tired. I'm tired. "It's getting late and we still have to drive to the other cabin. Can we please talk about this another time?" I ask and she taps her foot against the hard ground, clearly trying to make a decision that will decide how the next few weeks is going to play out. 

"Fine." She deadpans, but with Leah it's never that simple so she lays down her ground rules. "One month. I'll need one month for this project and you have one month throughout which I want to hear the entire fucking reason why you had to up and leave without a single explanation or so much as a goodbye." Sighing defeated, I agree to her terms with a simple nod of my head. Grabbing her duffle bag I ask, "Why'd you pack so light?" She pulls her shoulders together. "I didn't think I'd make it one night here. Clearly, I was almost right." I chuckle, "Almost?"

"Well, I'm going with you, aren't I?" She says, playfully bumping my shoulder and I welcomed the lighter mood. "I guess you are."

We made it to the second cabin that I rented for the time being. It's quite a distance from the one I purchased for Leah. It's feels cozier once I get the fireplace started and Leah settles in with her laptop, an Ipad and notebook on the couch. "What are you doing?" I ask as I get up from the ground where I placed myself in front of the fireplace like a little kid on Christmas eve. "Working. Isn't it obvious?" She waves her hand around her working essentials. I raise an eyebrow and make my way over to her. 

I take her laptop from where it was placed on her lap and place it on the round wooden coffee table in front of her. I take her Ipad from her hands and place it on the same table. Next, I grab her by the waist and throw her over my shoulder as I walk her over to the couch opposite the one she was sitting on and throw her on it. "Relax. The day was long, a lot happened and I want you to relax for the rest of the night." She opens her mouth to protest, but I seal my lips over hers before she can utter a single syllable. I can feel her resistance building and I grab her face in my hands as I gently work my way into her mouth. I could feel as her body started to relax beneath my touch and she finally welcomes the kiss. Slowly, our tongues begin to tangle with one another, mine fighting for dominance in her mouth. Lips as soft and sweet like hers should be illegle. I could get addicted to this shit. Actually, scratch that, I already am. Have been for years now. I've missed this. Us.

I gently pull away so I can look into her eyes. I want her to see that I'm sorry and the promise that I will explain everything to her when the time is right. When I am ready. "Time to make a Christmas bed." I say and she giggles like a teenager. Just like she used to do when we made a Christmas bed in front of the fireplace at her childhood home. This brings back a lot of memories and I just hope we're moving two steps forward and not two steps back. 

Hi everyone!

Another Chapter as promised. We're slowly but surely getting to the point where Christian and Leah will short out their issues...or are we?😏

Please vote & comment your thoughts. I really enjoy reading your comments, plus it motivates me!

All my love, Charne💕 

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