Chapter 10

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For years I've been dreaming about this moment. How it will feel when I get to taste her again. Of course, this was unexpected, but who were we kidding? It would have happened sooner or later. Looks like the universe chose sooner rather than later.

At first my entire body stilled when Leah's lips came crashing onto mine, but it didn't last long until I grabbed her face in my hands as I fought for dominance in her mouth. The groan that escaped from her throat went straight through my body like electrical shock waves and settled in my groin. I'm so hard, if we continue like this, I won't be able to keep myself from pushing into her right here against the wall where I've got her pushed up against. My hand finds its way into her hair, angling her head at the perfect angle for me to trace open mouthed kisses down her neck, my other hand gripping her waist and pulling her even closer to my body. I move my hips for her to feel how hard I am for her and that that hasn't changed over the years. A lustful moan falls from her mouth and I make my way back to capture the sound in mine when our lips meet once again. 

This time, I can feel her hesitance, how she's putting up her walls again. I don't like it, not one bit, but I get that she needs time. I'm also not a very patient man, so that little fact will be fucking hard for me to accept. Trying to keep this moment afloat for as long as possible, I grip her throat, resting my thumb on her pulse. Just when I thought I couldn't get any fucking harder, my cock painfully throbs against my zipper, begging for me to set him free. Feeling her pulse against my thumb, knowing at this moment her life rest in my hands, I couldn't help but say, "You feel this Leah? Me controlling when you get to breath?" She locks her hooded eyes filled with lust on mine and she nods her head once. Tightening my grip slightly I add, "I'm the only person who gets to hold your life in my hands." She doesn't move or nod or say anything, she just stares at me and I just know she's got a million things running through that pretty head of hers right now.

A knock on the open front door has her head flying to see who it is and right now I feel like firing my damn employee for more than one reason. One, he interrupted a moment between Leah and I. Two – "Logan, what are you doing here?" Leah asks, sounding very much out of breath, but the slight pitch in her voice has me knowing she's trying to cover up how she feels. Hungry. Very much in the mood. I didn't even realize that I have let go of her and I hate that Logan got to hear her voice like that right now. "I'm here with the team. Chr- I mean, Mr. Armani asked us to meet him here." Before she can utter a reply, I lace my voice with so much authority any man would shiver from fear. "You can wait outside. Miss Whitlock and I have a few final things to discuss." Her head whips around to look at me and I could see in her eyes, she already put her guard back up. Fuck! Just when we were getting somewhere. Logan simply nods, because it wasn't a question, but an order and Leah huffs as she grabs her bag from the floor because there isn't any furniture yet. 

"I have a few things to grab from my apartment, Mr. Armani."  She says in a clipped tone. "I'll drive you." I offer, but she simply holds her hand up indicating for me not to come closer. All I want to do is be close to her all the damn time. "I'll get a cab or whatever, but you're not coming with me. I'll be back tomorrow morning." She says and I could hear her voice crack a little bit and my heart went along with it. "Where are you going to get a cab in the middle of the woods, Leah?" I go in to grab her hand, I'm desperate to feel her touch, any touch, but she takes a step backwards. "It's Miss Whitlock and only Miss Whitlock from now on." The pain and hurt in her eyes are undeniable. I did that, I put it there. 

Feeling like somebody knocked all the air out of my lungs, I indicate for one of my employees to come in. "Miss Whitlock, Ryan will accompany you to your apartment and back to get some belongings, but I expect you back here tonight." I say, my tone laced with as much authority as it was when Logan interrupted us. "That's not necessary, I'll –" She starts. "It wasn't a question, Miss Whitlock." Anger. I could see as it took over in her eyes. "Fine, but I want Logan accompanying me. That's the only way I will accept this offer." As I was about to object she continues, "It's that or I walk and I have no damn problem with doing that." The nerve of this woman. No person that is sane would ever dare speak to me like she just did, yet she's the only person that I would allow to get away with it...for now, because the way I would like to punish her, is not PG13 and not we're not quite there yet.

"Logan!" I yell for him to get in here. He already knows what's going on because him along with the rest of my men were dead quiet, listening in on the entire shit show going on in the cabin. "You know what to do. I want her back here in no longer than two hours." I give him a look that assures him all hell would break loose if he disobeys. He nods. On his way out, Leah turns to follow. I only now realize how messy her hair looks from the way I gripped it during our encounter. My cock reacts to the memory. Not now big guy. I grab her elbow on her way out, "Don't be long." Is all I say and that earns me the most wicked smirk I have seen from her. "That depends..." She trails off. "On what?" I say, silently cursing myself for giving into her game. "How long Logan and I will be busy." 

Hi everyone! 

It's been a while, I know, but I've got a few more chapters coming within the next two days so keep an eye out for that! 

Also, what do we think about this little encounter? 😏

[All editing will be done once the story is completed]

Thank you so much for reading! 

Lots of love, Charne x

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