Chapter 12

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We're back on the road, well on our way to Christian's cabin. Thankfully, the car ride over was quiet. Quiet, yet peaceful. Logan and I both welcomed it since we knew the next few weeks or months - who knows – is going to be crazy busy. Mine, because I have to do this stupid cabin for Christian and Logan...well, just because he works for Christian's security company and I'm pretty sure he is extra hard on Logan since he knows we went out for dinner – which was not a date.

"Thank you for the ride." I say with a smile as I grab my bag from the back of the car. "It's my job, but you're welcome." Logan says, very on edge for a reason I don't have the strength to wonder about right now. He shuts the door and walks around to stand in front of me. Before he can say anything, I throw my arms around his well- defined shoulders, just to ground myself before walking into the chaos that awaits inside that cabin. A low growl fills the quiet atmosphere around Logan and I. I drop my arms and roll my eyes before turning to face Christian. "Did you turn into a werewolf while we were gone?" Leaving it be as the rhetorical question it is, I brush past Christian, making sure to bump his shoulder on my way in. He lets me get away with it, which is one win I will cherish until my next...and next, because I'm planning on making a lot of those around this asshole.

Walking into the cabin, I place my bag on the wooden floor, only now coming to terms with the fact that there is literally no furniture what so ever. Where the hell are we going to sleep?! After a few minutes, I finally hear the doors of the car close, the rumble of the engine and tyres screech as it drives off, leaving only Christian and I. God give me strength.

I turn to face the devastatingly handsome man that entered the cabin. He looks pissed. At what or whom...I don't know, but I don't care. He needs to grow up and learn to control his damn moods. "Where the hell are we going to sleep?" I break the silence, seeing as he sure ain't doing it and is only standing there with his ball shaped fists. "Do you think you're funny?" He asks in a low voice and I'm sure there's some warning of threat sprinkled in there somewhere, but loving the fact that I don't give a shit, I reply, "I do like to give myself the credit I'm due." I say as I pick up my bag to go who – knows- where. "But that wasn't what I asked so either you tell- "

"Don't you ever dare do that to me again, especially not in front of an employee of mine." He says each word slower and lower than the previous as he stalks towards me like a lion stalks his prey. "I didn't do anything, Mr. Armani." I say, looking him straight in his eyes. I will not cower away from this man anymore. "Cut the crap Leah." I jump at his voice that is louder than it has been this entire time. I silently curse myself for reacting like that, but I straighten my back and square my shoulders. "What crap? Mr. Armani is what Miss Von Ashberg call you, isn't it? So why am I to 'cut the crap'?" I air quote.

"I'm so tired of playing your little game, Leah." Christian says, his voice sounding tired. I am too. I want to crawl into bed and get this project over and done with. Maybe, I would have "cut the crap" earlier if he hadn't pull that little stunt earlier as soon as we were surrounded by other people. "Oh, you're tired?" I ask before quickly continuing, "Because the damn game only started, Christian." Now I was the one stalking closer towards him with our bodies mere inches from each other. He doesn't say anything. Why isn't he saying anything? I turn to walk away to god knows where when I realize I have more to say.

"Do you know when this game will be over, Christian?" My voice started to rise, anger starting to find its way through. "When you finally man the fuck up about the shit you've put me through. When you finally just tell me why you left and why you made me feel like I wasn't even worth a simple goodbye." The anger became so overwhelming that tears started to roll down my face and before I could hide them, they were there on full display for a man who does not deserve even one of them. "I can't do this. I can't be here and work on this project for you when there's so much history, especially knowing you have no intention of ever explaining why you did what you did." I turn to walk away when what he says next has me stopping in my tracks so fast I'm surprised there isn't any skid marks on the wooden floors.

"I bought this cabin for you."

Surely, I didn't hear him correctly? I'm probably dreaming or maybe I hit my head in my apartment somewhere and I'm passed out on pain killers. "What?" my voice a ghost, barely making its way through.

"You heard me, Leah." He says as he take my hand and I pull mine from his, not ready to feel that zap of electricity between us right now. "I heard you alright." I say as I march toward him and start pushing him by his shoulders. "What the fuck, Christian!" I yell as I'm now hitting him, but he barely moves an inch at the impact. "You can't say something like that!" I continue the abuse. I know I shouldn't be hitting him and to be fair it isn't even hard because my blows get weaker as the tears come flowing down my face causing shivers to follow. "You can't just walk away and four years later buy me a fucking cabin! Are you insane? Who the hell does that?"

"I do." He deadpans. That's all. That's all he gives me as an explanation and I stop. I stop and stand still, thinking my next move through, because right now...I want to burn this place to the damn ground. "That's it? You're not going to care to explain any further?" I ask, feeling on the brink of insanity. "Fuck you, Christian. I don't want it." I say as I grab my bag, again, and march off. 

Hi everyone! 

I know it's been a while since I've last updated, but I will be posting more often now that life has settled down a bit. 

This is a short chapter, but I will be posting 2 chapters tomorrow!

Thank you to all my readers and the knew ones joining

All my love, Charne💕

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