Chapter 8

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I couldn't help myself. I had to take over Leah's security. I had to be the one to handle her safety, because I am not putting it into the hands of one of my employees even if they were fucking fantastic at their jobs. Why wouldn't they be. I interviewed and trained most of them. I knew it was a mistake, that I was digging my own hole, because since the cameras had been installed in her apartment, I had to check in on her way more often than necessary. 

Only the one facing the front door. I'm not a stalker. I'm merely checking on a client's safety. But, when I saw Logan at her front door, I immediately got in my car. If she wanted to play this game, then I'll play, but then we'll play by my rules and that will be anytime of the fucking day I damn well please. "I asked you a question. What do you want?" She repeated herself, but I heard her the first time. I just got distracted by her in that oversized t-shirt, wishing I could rip it off from her. He saw her like this and it infuriated me. "Fine, if you don't want anything and my life is not in danger, then you can go." She started to close the door on me again, but just like the first time she tried to shut it in my face, I pushed it back open. 

"You will not be going out with Logan." I commanded and I was serious. That earned me a scoff, like she couldn't believe I was telling her what to do, but she better believe it because I am. "That is not for you to decide, Mr. Armani. You are merely there to watch out for my safety and were you listening in on our conversation?" Obviously, I was. There's a reason why I had a security system with sound installed in her apartment. "Well, you wouldn't have the time to go out with him anyway." And I will make sure of that. "Yeah?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips. Damn, I could devour her right here, right now if I wanted to and I really wanted to. "And why is that, because as far as I am concerned, I will go out with him every single day of the week, because that will be my decision. I decide who gets to come in and out of my life!" The latter part of her sentence, struck a nerve. A small part off it because of the way her voice cracked, the bigger part because she didn't even have the slightest idea why I did what I did. 

"So, get out. Now!" Her voice rose with each word. My next actions were on impulse and I had obviously not thought it through. "What is wrong with you?" She asked, trying to release some pressure off her throat where I held her. "You don't know why, Leah." And I couldn't tell her. Not now. "Of course, I don't, because you never gave me an explanation. You didn't even say goodbye." 

I know I've hurt her, I've always knew it, but I never understood. Now, I can see the hurt and the years of pain, in her eyes. Those were my eyes and I'll make sure they belong to me again. "I couldn't." I said in all honesty. She scoffed and I tightened my grip only slightly. "I like seeing how strong you've become." I liked seeing her strong. I always knew she had it in her. 

"Fuck you, Christian." She hissed at me. "Gladly, where would you like to fuck me, Leah?" I whispered into her ear and I could feel the shiver that went through her body as it reacted to my words. I know she would just love to kill me right know and I really want to see her try. "You are unbelievable. You don't even fuck blondes! Those were your words, isn't that true it Mr. Armani?" Oh, so we're back to our little game I see. "I will bend and break all of my rules for you." 

Not wanting to hear whatever accusations she wanted to throw my way this timw, and I know for a fact she had a few lined up in that pretty head of hers, I stepped closer to her body, still holding her life in my hands. "You won't have time for anything, anyway, because you'll be too busy designing and decorating my new penthouse." Her eyes drew wide and I remember the first time we slept together that she had exactly that expression on her face. My dick jumped to attention at the memory and I wish I could take her right here, right now. 

"I most certainly will not." She said, but I could see the spark in her eyes. This is what she wants. To do something she loves and is passionate about. Just because I haven't seen or spoken to her in four years, doesn't mean I haven't been checking in on what she was doing, where she was and who she was with. "Yes, you will, because you and I both know you can't say no to a design project. Not to mention the headlines your Interior Design company would make by designing Christian Armani's new penthouse." I knew I sounded like an egotistic ass, but I'd do just about anything to be as close to her as possible, even if it means playing this card. 

As she was about to answer, her bedroom door went open and Sarah came out. "Miss Whitlock, you didn't mention you had company, my apologies." I said, but I didn't let go of her. "Oh, cut the crap Christian. I would highly recommend you let go of my friend if you would like to keep your balls intact." Sarah snapped. She hasn't changed a bit, unlike a certain somebody. "Oh, I will let her go. As soon as she agrees to do my penthouse." Sarah's mouth flew open and Leah rolled her eyes. One day, I will fuck that attitude out of her. Unfortunately, today will not be that day. 

"Are you kidding? Leah, you have to say yes!" Sarah basically screeched. "No, I won't take this job." Still as stubborn as always. Leah knows damn well I won't walk away here tonight before she has agreed to my offer. "Leah, are you insane? This is a huge opportunity for you...your company!" See, her friend understood. I could see the fight in Leah dying down and after a very intense minute, she finally said, "Fine." Just like that with her clipped tone, but I was taking that answer because I knew I wasn't going to get anything else from her right now. I let go of her and it almost felt cold being away from her body, from her. "Good, I'll send you the address and time we will be meeting at for our first consultation."

"But you don't even have my number!" She shouted down the hallway as I was heading out. "Don't worry, I've got it." Was all I said as I turned the corner. This was only one victory of many to come. 

Damn, Christian is really getting all up in Leah's business, but I'm totally here for it!😁

Thanks for reading. Next Chapter will be posted soon.💕

All my love, Charne x

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