Chapter 19

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Without thinking through my next move, I make my way to the infuriatingly handsome son of the devil. I swing my arms that are still gripping onto the lamp, ready to whack him so hard that he goes falling back to hell where he came from, because all he's ever done is cause chaos in my life. Sending everything up in flames. Corrupting my past and imposing on my future that I had planned to live without ever having to see him again. He dodges the lamp by ducking and I throw another swing. This time I lose my grip on the lamp and it goes flying across the room. A smirk draws on his face, showing he's enjoying my futile attempts to harm him.

Not ready to back down, I lift my hand ready to give him one hell of a slap through his perfectly defined face, but he sees it coming as he moves his head back. My hand just missing his face. Dammit! I push my hands against his body, trying my best to take out some of my pent-up anger. I didn't make much of an impact even though I was trying really hard at my attempt. Wow, I should really hit the gym more often. My inner voice chastises and I inwardly role my eyes at the stupid thought popping up at a moment like this.

My hands start to shake, but I continue pushing at him as I say, "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" My voice starting to shake along with my hands. The fight I had in me a few minutes ago, slowly leaving my body. The question not only refers to him disappearing on me years ago, but also the past two weeks. He remains silent, allowing me an outlet through my outbursts, but if he only knew the hundred different ways I would like to strangle and kill him right now.

"I've been calling you nonstop for two damn weeks and you didn't think to answer even once." Tears start to burn at the back of my eyes, but I try my best to keep them from falling. I've been crying way too much lately and I'm not a cry baby. I refuse to be one because of this asshole. "My mind was all over the fucking place! At first, I thought something happened to you, then I though you disappeared just like, like..." The tears finally break free, but I somewhat keep them back from running like a waterfall. Christian, my torment. Somewhere since I started yelling and pushing at him, he had grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him. I realize that I'm still wrapped in only a towel, but I can't find it in me to care. Every emotion that coursed through my body the past two weeks decapitated by his simple gesture. It felt like a mountain has lifted from my shoulders, but it hasn't. I'm sure as hell not letting him off the hook because of my stupid emotions.

"I'm sorry, Leah. I wish I could tell you where I was sooner, but I had to sort it out before worrying you about it." His gentle voice fills the space. I look up at him. His eyes full of remorse. "You could've told me. I wouldn't have broken into a thousand pieces like glass. I would've helped you or at least be able to tell you that this is what Sarah does. She up and leaves like every day is a damn vacation!" I throw my hands in the air, pulling myself away from his hold. He only allows enough space for me to look up at him though, his hands still on my waist. For the first time, since I can remember, Christian breaks eye contact with me and it suddenly has me on edge. All my nerves, settling back in. "Christian." I deadpan. "I'm a grown woman. I could've and would've been able to handle it, but you chose not to tell me like I didn't deserve to know!" I yell at him.

"Leah, let's sit." He tries, placing his hand on my lower back and leading me to the living room couch, but I swat his hand away from touching me. I'm capable of walking without him leading me to the damn couch. I chant in my head. Once I take a seat, he placed himself next to me, his body heat radiating off of him in waves. He takes a deep breath. "I probably should have. No, not probably, I definitely should've told you about Sarah." He simply agrees with me. That throws me a little off balance, because when has Christian Armani ever just agreed without any argument. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for making all these fucking mistakes." He says, his head now hanging low in his hands as his elbows rest on his knees. For the first time since he invaded my apartment like he has every right to, I finally look at him. Like actually, look at him.

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