Chapter 3: Manado Chujin

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Manado wakes up to a start from a strange dream he had. As he looks around, he realizes that he is no longer in the town of Z'unkahran, but what appears to be the interior of a tent. He then turns his attention to the doorway. What he sees is that the location appears to be some kind of jungle and there were other tents scattered around the area so Manado figured he was at some kind of camp. Guarding the tent he was in were two Tarkatans wearing bladed armour and had their arm blades unsheathed. Manado then begins to realize what happened.

"Mileena..." Manado whispers.

This word brought the attention of the Tarkatans. Seeing that he was awake, they ran off, obviously to inform Mileena. Manado then tries to stand up from the chair he was in but couldn't move because of the shackles that were bound to his arms.

After about a moment, Mileena arrives along with Rain and Tanya, and of course the two Tarkatans that informed her.

"Ah, Manado, we meet again." Mileena says.

"What do you want from me Mileena?!" Manado asks with frustration.

"Straight to business I see. Well since you won't be going anywhere anytime soon, I feel that I should tell you." Mileena says.

Unknown to them, Manado, with his arms chained behind his back, is silently trying to break free of the chains.

"As I recall, you made a promise to me." Mileena says.

"Right... the promise." Manado says, remembering the day they first met.

"Yes... the promise that you would help me whenever I needed it. "Mileena recalls.

"What about it?" Manado asks.

Mileena then started to get agitated.

"You promised me that you would aid me! And you will make good on it!" Mileena yells.

This startles Manado a little bit but she eventually calms down.

"So you will help me regain Outworld's throne." Mileena demands.

"And if I refuse to aid you?" Manado asks.

"If you don't help me, well things will get...messy." Mileena says as she then takes off her mask, revealing her Tarkatan teeth.

"Well Mileena, Here's my answer." Manado says before he then rips off the shackles from his arms.

"You just couldn't cooperate with me can you? Restrain him!" Mileena orders.

Rain, Tanya and the Tarkatans charge into the tent but Manado learns from the last battle and manages to slip from their grasp and flees from the tent.

"Find him!" Mileena orders.

Manado runs for a short while before deciding to hide behind one of the tents. He peaks behind him to see what was happening and sees Mileena and several Tarkatans with her.

"He couldn't have gone far. Search the camp!" Mileena orders and then the group disperses.

"This woman is crazy. Why do I make so many promises?" Manado wonders to himself.

Seeing that the coast was clear, Manado pops out of his hiding spot but then comes face to face with someone he hasn't seen before.

It was what appeared to be female. But had the features of what Reptile has. Green Reptilian skin, claws on the fingers and toes, and snake-like eyes but this woman's eyes were completely white. The Reptilian woman was wearing a traditional Outworld uniform but was dark green in color and she was holding what appeared to be a large sword. This was the Zetarren named Khameleon.

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